The Most Common Causes of a Dog Paw Infection

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The windows to the soul are the eyes, but the dog’s paws are the windows to his general well-being. The paw pad is a preeminent place that reveals many health problems to you, and especially your vet. 

The paw pad is designed to stay durable, hardy, and withstand plenty of physical activity on different surfaces. They assist in traction, balance and have the role of shock absorbers for the bones and joints. Although, even minor cuts and abrasions on the dog’s paw can cause irritations and infections, allergies, cysts, cracked paws, or nail issues. These inflammations cause pododermatitis that can get quite painful and not comfortable for your puppy. 

As a pet parent, the last thing you want to see is your four-legged furry friend in pain. Therefore, observe the way your dog walks, jumps, or runs in order to detect the dog’s paw infection early and prevent it from getting worse. 

After discussing with many veterinarians, we revealed the most common dog paw infections.  

Unhealthy Dog Paws: Signs of Dog Paw Infection

There are several signs of dog paw problems that you should not ignore, such as:

  • Bleeding
  • Foul smell coming from paw
  • Cysts and growths
  • Refusal to walk or bear weight on paw(s)
  • Loose flaps of skin on paw pads
  • Dry/cracked pads
  • Cracked and torn nails
  • Cuts, abrasions, and tears
  • Ulcers with scabbing and blisters
  • Hair loss
  • Lesions and discharge
  • Red and inflamed paws
  • Licking and chewing the affected paw(s)
  • Lameness or limping

What is Pododermatitis?

When your dog has inflamed, red, and destroyed paws, it means it has Pododermatitis. One or more dogs’ paws can be affected, and this is a common skin infection and inflammation on the paw pads. This disease has an affinity to the nail folds, nails, paw pads, or the interdigital space(between the paw pads and the dog’s toes). 

There are several predisposed breeds to this condition, such as: 

  • Basset Hounds
  • Bull Terriers
  • Boxers
  • German Shepherds
  • German Short-Haired Pointers
  • English Bulldogs
  • Dachshunds
  • Weimaraners
  • Mastiffs
  • Labrador Retrievers
  • Irish Setters
  • Great Danes
  • Golden Retrievers.

What Are The Most Common Causes and Signs of Pododermatitis?


One of the most common causes of dog paw infection are allergies, which occur more in younger puppies(from 6 months to 3 years). Just like people, dogs can suffer from many allergies. If your puppy is getting itchy, especially in the paw area, excessively licking, or chewing them, can be an early sign of a dogs paw pads infection. Other signs can be chronic ear and skin infections or issues with the anal glands. 

Veterinarians say that allergies can lead to secondary bacterial infections, both bacterial and fungal. 

Dust, pollen, and food hypersensitivity are the most common triggers for an allergic reaction in dogs. The following allergic conditions can also cause dog paw infection: 

  • Atopic dermatitis(eczema)
  • Contact dermatitis
  • Food allergies
  • Seasonal allergies
  • Flea allergy dermatitis.

Bacterial and Fungal Infections

Bacterial Infection

Bacterias and fungus normally live on the paw pads, but sometimes they can outgrow and cause infections. They can also be secondary infections due to allergies, and they are the most common cause of infection. 

Some of the signs are licking and chewing the paws, itching, swelling, redness, drainage, and sometimes even brown discoloration of the dog’s nails. The most affected is the skin between the toes and other skin folds. 

Fungal Infection

Like bacteria, yeast is also normally living on your dog’s paws, and yeast can as well multiply and cause some paw problems. The signs are very similar, and excessive licking is the most common sign. Itching, discharge, and licking are other relevant symptoms of a yeast infection.

Veterinarians from many vet clinics say that these infections are closely related to atopic dermatitis or food hypersensitivity.

Ringworm, a yeast that can be transmitted from other animals, plants, or the environment, can very often cause dog paw infection. Firstly, it has to be diagnosed by a veterinarian, and then it should be treated accordingly. Early detection of these paw problems is needed for this condition because it is highly contagious and can even be spread to humans. 

Nail issues

  • Long Toenails: When it comes to long toenails, there are many negative consequences for your puppy. They can cause pain, therefore, difficulty in walking and high pressure on the joints. It can also cause fractured or torn nails. 
  • Ingrown Nails: Not properly trimmed nails can eventually become painful ingrown toenails. This condition seriously affects your puppy and can become highly painful. Sometimes the only solution can be surgical resection.
  • Torn Nails: Fractured and torn nail can be caused by many reasons, such as not careful walking, jumping, or long toenails. Sudden limping and bleeding are the most common signs.

Do not underestimate these conditions because they can get quite serious.

Burns and Blisters

You can’t walk barefoot outside because it is too hot? Well, it is too hot for your dog, as well. If you can’t hold the bottom of your bare hand on the pavement, it may be better to stay home. 

This serious health issue can cause swollen, blistered, or red paw pads. 

Another similar condition is frostbite, which can be classified as a cold burn. It would help if you were careful with cold pavements the same way as you are careful with the hot ones. 

Dry and Cracked Paw Pads

Although pet’s paw pads are designed to be hardy and rough, puppies can get sensitive when it comes to hot or cold pavements, chemicals, and rough surfaces. Additional licking can cause cracked and dry paw pads and can lead to severe dog paw infection. 



If your puppy is not properly protected from parasites, you will usually find ticks between dog’s toes, which lead to pain, infection, and many paw problems. For a successful removal, the head of the tick must become detached along with the body. 

They should be only removed with tweezers or special tick removal tools. If you don’t have these tools, you should visit a vet clinic. 


The frustrating Demodex Canis can cause hair loss and scaling on the dog’s paws. This mite causes Demodicosis in dogs, normally lives on the skin, and additionally causes hair loss, swelling, and scaling on the pup’s paws.

Cuts and abrasions

Dog paw infection can occur from sudden cuts, lacerations, or abrasions. Dogs enjoy playing everywhere on different surfaces; therefore, keep an eye on sharp objects like rocks and broken glass on the ground.

Hairy Feet

Not regular groomings and lots of hair on the dog’s feet can make it impossible to detect some painful conditions. Tiny pimples on the dog’s feet may be the first sign; then, they can lead to furunculosis, abscess and tissue damage. 


As we mentioned above, many dogs are predisposed to a dog paw infection, also known as pododermatitis. Little puppies would get this condition from their parents if they had an underlying genetic health condition. 

Hormonal Disorders

Hormonal disbalance can often lead to developing pododermatitis. It occurs very rarely, and some of the hormonal disorders are:

  • Addison’s Disease
  • Cushing’s Disease
  • Hypoestrogenism
  • Hypothyroidism

Aside from hormonal imbalance, some immune-mediated diseases and cancerous tumors(mostly malignant) can also induce inflammation in your dog’s pads. 

Cysts and Growths

Cyst and growths are easily recognizable, and if you notice them, immediately call your vet. 

What is the Prevention and Treatment for a Dog Paw Infection?

Prevention is the best medicine. Although it sounds cliche, it is entirely accurate. There are several steps to prevent a dog paw infection:

Give your dog a pedicure: Keep the dog’s nails short because many bacteria and parasites can latch and cause infections. This procedure can get quite stressful for them, but you should teach them from a very young age that it is a procedure that has to be done. It would help if you were careful; not all breeds require often trimming. 

Always check the weather conditions: Sometimes, you can even get them booties for the winter to keep their paws healthy and protected. Consult with your vet for specific dog paw moisturizers to prevent them from drying. 

Do regular paw check-ups!

The treatment for pododermatitis will depend on the actual cause. Firstly, your vet will first have to determine the underlying condition so that they can recommend the right treatment plan for your dog.

Before moving to any medication(systematic or topical), take your puppy to a doctor and get a specific diagnosis. Then, your veterinarian will develop a treatment plan.

When the cause of the dog paw infection is an allergy or immune-mediated cause, the condition will not be cured. The only thing to do is take symptomatic therapy and minimize the clinical signs.

Topical therapy is the most used therapy for skin-related issues. Shampoo washes, foot soaks, or wipes are used for secondary infections. Other medications used for dog paw infections are anti-fungals, oral antibiotics, immune-modulating drugs, and corticosteroids.

As a responsible pet owner, you should always have a first aid kit for emergency situations such as accidental paw injuries. 


Dog Paw Infection Summary

Seeing your dog in pain is never fun. But, there are some thing that we, as dog owners cannot control. Never ignore and underestimate the possible symptoms because early detection is half of the job done. 


*photo by FantastycznaPasja – depositphotos