Can Dogs Eat Kiwi?

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As a dog owner, you are probably wondering if it is safe for your pup to eat kiwi. Kiwi can provide additional vitamins and minerals to your dog’s diet, but there are a few things that you must keep in mind. Keep reading this article to learn more about the benefits of feeding kiwi to dogs and whether or not there are any risks involved with this fruit.

As a dog owner, you are probably wondering if you can feed your dog with kiwi. This little fruit can provide additional vitamins and minerals to your dog’s diet, such as vitamin K, vitamin E, folate, and potassium.

Kiwi is sometimes called the “Chinese Gooseberry” and is available all year round. An interesting fact is that kiwi has more potassium than a banana and more vitamin C than an orange. However, even without kiwis, dogs are able to make their own vitamin C.

Although some people claim that this fruit tastes pretty tart, kiwi has a variety of health benefits, and it is an excellent healthy snack.

But, can dogs have kiwi safely?

Let’s find out together; we have the answer to your question.

Is Kiwi Good For Dogs?

It is evident that kiwi is somewhat small in size, but you should never give your puppy a whole kiwi fruit!

Smaller breeds, like the Havanese, are not able to get a whole kiwi fruit into their mouths, while larger breeds, like the Golden Retriever, can potentially devour it in just a bite.

To avoid hazardous situations, like lodging the fruit in the dog’s throat and additionally blocking the airways, you should cut the kiwi fruit into small pieces or slices, so the dogs eat kiwi properly.

Every time you introduce your puppy to anything new besides the dog food, try to start off gradually and observe how your dog reacts. It is plain and straightforward that some puppies just won’t tolerate human food. Your dog might look starving, but still, most dogs cannot digest the snacks we share with them.

The kiwi skin is tough, and in conjunction with the flesh, they contain a high level of insoluble fiber, also known as “roughage”. Insoluble fiber stimulates the dog’s digestive system and enables a quick passage of the food. Although, a high amount of fiber can also have a negative impact, such as stomach upset or a bad case of diarrhea.

Yes, the kiwi skin has many nutritional benefits, but it is best to remove it before your dog eats this delicious snack.

Can dogs eat kiwi? Yes, dogs can eat kiwi, but remember that dogs and humans do not have the same nutritional benefits. As an occasional treat, kiwi fruit is excellent for dogs, but canines will not benefit as much as humans from this healthy treat.

The kiwi fruit is not a substitute for food that is more nutritious for puppies. As per usual, it is best to consult your vet before you give your four-legged furry friend anything new.

3 Benefits From Eating Kiwi

Dogs enjoy eating this fruit as a treat, and these are the potential nutritional benefits:

Consider these nutritional benefits your dog can gain from occasionally enjoying kiwi as a treat:

  1. Antioxidants: Kiwi fruit contains high levels of folate, lutein, and beta carotene. With these antioxidants, dog cells are protected from free radicals, and their immune system is boosted in order to fight infections.
  2. Essential nutrients: This fruit’s nutrients are beneficial to both dogs and humans. Essential vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin K, and vitamin C can lead to healthier skin and healthier circulatory and immune systems. Additionally, potassium and calcium in kiwi fruit can maintain dog’s bone strength and improve muscle growth.
  3. Fiber: In comparison to other fruits, kiwi fruit has a high fiber content that can improve your dog’s digestive system. But on the other side, this can also be a concern because too much fiber can cause an upset stomach. Kiwi also contains a digestive enzyme, actinidin, that helps dogs to break down nutrients and proteins in the regular dog food or kibble.

Potential Health Concerns For Dogs Eating Kiwi Fruit

The inside of the kiwi fruit is safe for dogs. However, you should avoid feeding your dog with the whole fruit, including the kiwi skin. The kiwi skin is not toxic but is tough for chewing, and there is a choking risk for small dogs.

Potentially, it could block the dog’s digestive tract and cause several health issues. Removing the tough skin can lower the chances of upset stomach in dogs.

Smaller breeds like Chihuahua are not able to get the whole kiwi fruit into their mouths, while larger breeds can devour it in just one bite. Therefore, to prevent from choking risk, cut the fruit into one bite-sized pieces.

Consult with your vet immediately if your dogs eat kiwi and experience the following signs:

  • Vomiting
  • Lack of appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Painful or distended belly

Moderation is the key to every food type. Yes, dogs eat kiwi, and it is considered as a safe snack. However, feeding your dog kiwi fruit in large quantities can lead to stomach upset.

Treats are part of many dog’s diets, and dogs adore them. But be careful! If your dog is prone to joint issues, canine obesity can worsen this issue.

Is Kiwi Bad For Dogs?

There is nothing particularly bad in eating kiwi fruit; it does not contain anything harmful or toxic. Like any other new food, slowly introduce kiwi fruit to your dog and check if it shows any intolerance, allergic reaction, or choking hazard.

There are some pros and cons to feeding your pup kiwi. But in general, kiwis are reasonably healthy natural treats that are safe for dogs.

Kiwi fruit is about 80% water, natural sugar, vitamins, and minerals. All in all, this is an excellent snack for your pet’s diet.

3 Possible Health Risks That Kiwis Pose for Dogs

Just chopping the kiwi into small pieces and limiting the servings does not automatically make kiwi safe for dogs. If your dog is allergic to kiwi or consumes too many calories, several health issues may arise.

It is a relatively safe fruit for dogs to eat. However, these are the three most common risks of eating kiwi:

  • Choking: There is a choking risk with kiwi to small dogs with narrow throats. Therefore, make sure you cut the kiwi into small bite pieces before feeding your puppy. Dogs with sensitive stomachs will have easier digestion with smaller portions.
  • Constipation: Eating too much kiwi skin can cause constipation and intestinal blockage in dogs. This is extremely uncomfortable for your puppy, and it is making the passing of the solid waste difficult. If the blockage is left untreated, it can lead to constipation of the colon, as well as megacolon(a dilation of the colon).
  • Obesity: Kiwi contains an excessive amount of sugar and calories that can lead to obesity or increased weight gain. This will lead to lower quality of life and potential mobility issues due to the excess fat on your dog’s hips or joints.

Try to Select A Ripe Kiwi for Your Puppy

Dogs will eat kiwi fruit no matter the shape or color. But, as a responsible pet parent, make sure you pick the best, ripe kiwi fruit. The ripe kiwi fruit should be brown, firm, and fuzzy and have no dark spots, bruises, wrinkles, or mold. If the kiwi has some of these, it is not good for eating, and it is probably overripe.

How to Serve Kiwi to Your Dog 

There isn’t any special recipe. You just wash and scrub the outer surface, as with all fruit. Remove the skin and slice the kiwi fruit into small, one bite-sized pieces, depending on your dog’s needs.

In order to stay on the safe side, feed your dog kiwi fruit as a special treat and not as part of their regular diet.

You could also combine it with a healthy frozen fruit or some frozen kiwi to help your dog stay cool on a hot day.

Can dogs eat kiwi skin and kiwi seeds?

It is quite strange, but believe it or not, kiwi skin is edible for humans and dogs as well. Because of its fuzzy texture and quite tough-to-break consistency, your puppy might not find it very appetizing, and additionally, it could irritate their gut.

You would usually toss the kiwi skin in the trash, but there are a few health benefits of the skin. Compared to the fruit’s flesh alone, the skin contains insoluble fiber, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, and folate. However, most dogs and humans are not huge fans of the kiwi’s skin.

The tiny minuscule calcium oxalate crystals on the skin can cause irritation when ingested, and you or your furry friend might experience an itchy mouth after consuming it.

So, let’s resume a few things about serving your dog kiwi fruit. Kiwi fruit should be given as a rare treat, cut into small pieces, and removed skin and kiwi seeds. If your puppy seems fine after eating it, feel free to feed them some more.

Can Dogs Be Allergic To Kiwi?

Dogs are not necessarily allergic to kiwi, and generally, it is safe for dogs. Allergies may occur to any animal. However, this condition is individual, and each dog has its own tastes and sensitivities.

One of the possible side effects after dogs eat kiwi is irritation of the dog’s mouth. Swelling and itchiness may also occur after eating kiwi skin, and it could be mistaken for an allergy. Some dogs may end up itchy, while some dogs don’t seem to react at all.

Therefore, just feed your dog with kiwi fruit flesh to stay on the safe side.

Tips For Feeding Your Dog Kiwi or Any Other Human Foods

Follow these tips any time you choose to feed kiwi or any other human food to your dog:

  • Introduce small amounts. This will allow your pet’s gastrointestinal system to gradually adapt to new ingredients and nutrients. Sometimes dogs eat uncontrollably, so you should regulate it with small portions because drastic changes to your dog’s diet can shock their system and damage their digestive tract. Keep in mind that kiwi seeds and kiwi skin can be toxic to dogs if they ingest them in large amounts.
  • Monitor your dog for an allergic reaction. Just like us, dogs can be prone to some allergies. It is manifested with swelling, difficulty breathing, or gastrointestinal issues. If your dog shows any of these signs after consuming kiwi, contact your vet, and also refrain from giving your dog any related fruits, such as avocados, bananas, or watermelons.
  • Watch for signs of stomach or constipation. Diarrhea, vomiting, and loss of appetite are some of the possible symptoms. These symptoms usually go away after a while; however, they can persist for more than two days. In each case, seek for professional help as soon as possible.



Yes, dogs can eat kiwi, but it does not automatically make kiwi safe for dogs. Tons of veggies and fruits are acceptable for dogs to eat, but before making any decision consult with your vet. However, introduce your pup slowly to any other new food and see if there are some unwanted side effects. And remember, everything that is given in normal ranges is safe for both humans and dogs.

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