How To Keep Dog Off Couch: Here Is The Key

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Dogs are man’s best friends, but It’s understandable for dog owners to restrict their dogs off the couch for several reasons. Canines can stain the couch and other furniture at home and this adds extra chores to your schedule and of course, more budget goes for the repairs. 

Keeping dogs off the couch doesn’t mean you necessarily love them less, it’s the only possible way you can save yourself future expenses on repairs or cleaning. 

Initially, you might not consider this to be a major problem until you check how frequent it becomes and how much you spend on repairs and chores, this may be your only alternative. 

So, In this article, we’ll look at some of the possible ways we can keep your dog off the couch.

How To Prevent Your Dog From Getting On The Couch

#1. Training 

Pet parents should Start early and stay consistent with their dog’s training. This way, they’ll learn easier and adapt to the training faster than older dogs. Dog parents should ensure they use the proper techniques to keep their dogs off the couch. 

Even if this isn’t the case for you– your canines are all older puppies, you can still train them to stay off the couch or furniture only if it’ll take relatively longer for them to adjust to that change.

However, training many canines may be a disadvantage because that’ll require twice the stress. But it’s better done than not done considering the inconveniences it’ll bring if left unchecked. 

Training your canines gives them the right mindset to distinguish what’s good and what’s not. Hence, Training should come primarily before other techniques follow

#2. Get Your Dogs Their Own Bed And Couch

Canines are mostly friendly and they tend to sit or lie with you wherever you are. Sometimes, when you’re watching a movie with your family members on the couch, your dog might want to take part in that close company and tend to jump onto the sofa.

Most times, in their bid to sit by you, they squeeze themselves on the couch cushions. The effective way to treat this is to buy your dog his own couch or dog bed. This way, he won’t feel left out. 

#3. Block Access From The Room 

You can either close the room entirely to block access or install a baby gate. This will limit access to the sofa greatly. You can also consider getting the sofa defender.

The couch defender is perfect when you are going to be gone for a long period of time because it prevents your dog from accessing your couch in any way.

Its design has a rectangular shape that will cover the entire length of your couch. 

When it is not in use, the Couch Defender folds down into a compact size for simple storage.

Remove all points of access so that they are unable to enter the room containing the furnishings. This is one of the methods to have your couch dog-free. 

#4. Teach Your Dogs Commands 

It is often helpful to back up the commands “off” and “go to your bed” with hand gestures that clearly demonstrate what you are asking your dogs to do. You can do this  

by pointing in the direction that you want your dog to go. 

Also, do not forget to give your pets a delectable treat as a reward each time they behave appropriately. They will quickly learn to associate going to their bed as an action that results in receiving a delectable bite, and before you know it, they will forget all about the couch and focus on the rewards.

How Do I Keep My Dog Away From The Furniture?

#1. Avoid Aversive Techniques 

There are instances when things such as scat mats, which produce a vibration, unpleasant flipside car mats, or even a distractingly loud noise are recommended as a way to keep your dog off the furniture.

Aversive tools like this one, however, should not be necessary if you employ the training and management strategies that were outlined earlier in this paragraph.

The use of vibrations and shocks presents a challenge in that they could wind up being counterproductive and could lead to even more challenging issues. 

Some dogs find aversive to be terrifying, and this can lead to them developing a phobia of furniture as well as noises that are sudden or loud. Hence, professionals do not recommend it. 

#2. Do Not Let Your Dog Hop Up On The Dinner Table 

Even though it would be cute to see your dog “stand” at the kitchen counter and appear like he is cooking, you do not want your dog to have the idea that they can help themselves to a plate of meat. 

Sometimes, you see them hopping on the dinner table, inasmuch as this is a delightful scenery to watch, it is counterproductive in the part that since they realize it made you happy, they’re bound to repeat it. 

#3. Reward Your Dog For Staying Off The Furniture

Be sure to show your best friend plenty of appreciation for their cooperation by giving them large rewards for their good behavior if they manage to stay off the furniture.

This could be in the form of your dog’s favorite toy or a bone placed on his bedding, treats for listening, or even just some fun with you.

This way, they’ll have their attention focused on the treats and rewards and consequently keep off the couch.

What Can I Put On My Couch To Keep My Dog Off 

#1. X-Mat Pet Training Mat

You can mount this gadget on your furniture however you desire. This will deter your dog from sitting down on your furniture because of the small pointed nubs that are embedded in it. It is available in a variety of sizes, so you may choose the one that best suits your needs.

#2. Couch defenders

Couch defenders act as physical barriers to keep your pets off the couch. It’s ideal for use because you can fold and store it easily. Couch defenders are rectangular; this way, it covers the entire length of your couch. It also comes in various sizes and colors; so, you’re absolutely covered! 

#3. PetSafe Scat Mat

This amazing gadget will deter your dog from climbing the couch by releasing a little electric shock. Inasmuch as this may sound painful, you have nothing to worry about. It is built in such a way that It delivers an electric current little enough to make your dog uncomfortable each time it jumps onto the couch. 

#4. Sofa Scram Sonic Dog & Cat Repellent Mat

In case Petsafe Scat Mat wasn’t enough option for you considering how it works, here’s a comfy alternative for you. This fascinating device emits about 95 decibels of sound when it detects your pets on your couch. It emits a loud irritating song loud enough to disturb and get your dog uncomfortable. Ultimately makes them get off the couch and keeps them off consequently. 

#5. Baby Gates 

These could come in handy especially when you’re not around. Baby gates come in several sizes and colors this way, you confine your dogs effectively to a particular space. 

How Do I Keep My Dog Off My Couch When I’m Not Home

Here are some ways you can keep your dogs off the couch when you’re not home. 

#1. Pull the couches up so that they are vertical, place empty laundry baskets on the cushions, or stack books along the edge of the couch to deter your dog from jumping up on the furniture.

#2. You should confine him to a crate or another room, and you should provide him with a dog bed or a blanket so that he can have a relaxing and comfortable good rest.

#3. You can also use the baby gates so they’re confined to a particular space. Thereby making the furniture inaccessible to your dog.

Does Foil Keep Dogs Off Furniture? 

Absolutely yes! Aluminum foil is commonly used and it makes a scary and irritating sound that keeps your dog off your couch. However, most sources do not recommend its use because they conclude that these management techniques instill fear into your dogs whilst correcting them.

They may develop unwarranted anxieties or behavior problems that are far more difficult to deal with than simply being kept off of the furniture.

How Do I Stop My Dog From Putting His Paws On The Table

Dogs are fond of putting their paws on tables and kitchen counters for fun or to grab a bite of food debris. Here are some effective ways to keep them off;

#1. Never store food on the counters in your home. If your dog does not locate any food on the counter after jumping up, then he will not be rewarded for his counter-surfing behavior.

#2. When you finish eating or cooking, make sure to give the countertops a thorough cleaning so that there are no tasty crumbs left behind for the dog to lick. 

#3. Place a dog treat in front of his muzzle whenever he approaches the table in an attempt to reach the food on it. When you get his attention, use the treat as a lure to get him down off the counter and onto the floor, and then tell the pup, “Off.”

Why Do Dogs Like To Climb On Furniture? 

Surprisingly, your dogs climb onto the furniture because it’s comfortable. It gives a comfy feel. It may also be because you’re there, to simply keep you company and spend quality time with you.



By now, it’s crystal clear how to keep your dogs off the couch and other furniture even when you’re not home. 

These techniques are highly recommended and effective to cover a number of your personal preferences. However, amidst the gadgets to keep your canine companions off the couch, training is essential and should be primary. 

*photo by Vadymvdrobot – depositphotos