Why Some People Say I Hate Dogs

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It’s true. Some people hate dogs. And it’s not just because they’re allergic to the fur or because they had a bad experience with a dog as a child. For some people, dogs just rub them the wrong way.

They don’t like the way they smell or how they shed all over the place. They think dogs are too high-maintenance, and they would much prefer a low-key pet and easy to take care of.

Some people even think that dogs are dangerous and that they’re always getting into fights with other animals or biting people. Whatever the reason, a small minority of people actively despise mutts, and probably hate cats too. And that’s okay! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Here are a few common things dog haters have in common:

Dogs are Everywhere

It’s hard to go anywhere these days without seeing dogs running around. They’re in stores, restaurants, walking down the street…you name it. In the last two decades, dogs achieved dominion in urban America. And for some people, this is a big problem. They hate dogs because they are seemingly everywhere they go. It can be annoying, especially if you’re not a fan of furry creatures.

The Way a Dog Hater Looks at it

“I’m one of those human adults who really doesn’t love dogs, and the main reason is that they’re everywhere. It seems like every time I turn around, there’s a dog in my personal space, and I’m just not a big fan of that.

I don’t like the way they smell, I don’t like the way they shed, and I definitely don’t like the way they slobber all over everything. And, to top it all off, they always seem to be barking at me for no reason.

Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like dogs are always causing problems. They poop in public places, jump on people, and steal food off of tables. In my opinion, the world would be a much better place without dogs.”

Walking in the Park With Your Dog

Walking your dog in the park is a great way to get some fresh air and exercise. It’s also a great opportunity to bond with your pet. You can chat with your dog and learn more about their personality as you walk.

You might even make some new friends, both two-legged and four-legged. While there are some things to be aware of—such as other dogs who might not be as friendly—walking in the park is generally a safe and enjoyable activity for both you and your furry companion. So grab a leash and enjoy spending time outdoors with your best friend.

The Way a Dog Hater Would Think

“I don’t like dogs. Dogs are dirty, they smell bad, and they’re always trying to jump on me. I especially hate it when I’m walking in the park, and some big dog comes running over and starts sniffing my crotch.

I mean, what’s up with that? And then the owner is all like, “Oh, he’s just being friendly!” No, he’s not. He’s being a dirty dog, and I don’t want him anywhere near me. What if the dog bites me? So yeah, I don’t like dogs. And that’s just the way it is. Besides, isn’t that why they invented something called a dog park? “

Everyone Wants to Share Pics of Their Dogs

There’s no denying that dog pictures are some of the most popular images on social media. And it’s not hard to see why. Dogs are adorable, and they offer us a valuable opportunity to show off our own personal sense of style.

But beyond that, dogs also provide us with a unique glimpse into other people’s lives. By sharing photos of our dogs, we can connect with others who share our love of animals and get a glimpse into their daily lives. Dog pictures also give us a chance to show off our creative side.

Through the Lens of a Person Who Hates Dogs

“Dogs, man. Why can’t dog people just leave me alone about dogs? I mean, I’m not a big fan, okay? But for some reason, every time I log onto Facebook, there’s at least one person who feels the need to show me a picture of their damn dog.

And not even a good picture, half the time it’s just a blurry close-up of the stupid dog’s face. And what am I supposed to do with that? “Oh, look at that cute little doggy! Awww!” No. Just no. I don’t care how cute your dog is.

I don’t want to see it. So please, for the love of all that is holy, stop shoving pictures of your two dogs in my face. I’m begging you.”

Dog Owners Want You to Pet Their Dog

Have you ever been out for a walk when a friendly dog owner asks if you want to pet their dog? Chances are, you’ve experienced this more than once. And there’s a reason for it – dog owners love it when strangers pet their dogs.

It’s a sign of affection and appreciation for their furry friend. And it makes the dog feel good too. So next time you’re out for a walk, and you see a dog, go ahead and pet it. The owner will be sure to appreciate it.

What a Dog Hater Thinks About it

“I don’t know why people want me to pet their dogs. I really don’t like dogs. I think they’re dirty and smelly, and I don’t like how they look at me. I once had a bad experience with a dog when I was a kid, and ever since then, I just can’t stand them.

But for some reason, people seem to think that I’m some sort of dog person. So they’ll say things like, “Oh, you just haven’t met the right dog yet!” or “Dogs are so sweet and innocent!”

As if that’s going to change my mind. Trust me, I’ve met plenty of dogs, and I still hate them. So please, don’t ask me to pet your dog. It’s just not going to happen.”

A Dog Makes a House Smell Lived In

Any dog owner knows that having a pet comes with some trade-offs. One of those trade-offs is that your house will smell like a dog. Even the cleanest, well-groomed dog is going to have some kind of doggy odor.

And if you have more than one dog or a particularly stinky breed, that odor can be even more noticeable. Some people might find it off-putting, but it’s just a fact of life for most dog owners. In fact, many people actually prefer the smell of a “lived-in” house to a sterile one.

And although it might not be everyone’s cup of tea, there’s nothing wrong with that. To each their own!

Through the Nose of a Dog Hater

“I hate dogs in the house! I think they make the house smell doggy and gross. I don’t like it when they shed all over the place and shed hair on everything. And I definitely don’t like it when they jump up on me and try to lick my face.

But I understand that some people are dog lovers, and they can’t imagine life without a furry friend by their side. And that’s fine. To each their own.

But if you’re going to have a dog in the house, please be considerate of those of us who don’t share your love of these smelly, shedding, slobbering creatures. We’d appreciate it if you would keep them out of our way and make sure they’re well-groomed, so they don’t make the whole house smell like a kennel. I hate that dog smell! Thanks!”

When a Dog Dies in the Movies

It’s a classic plotline: the beloved family dog dies, and everyone is left devastated. From Old Yeller to Marley & Me, dogs have been stirring up our emotions on the big screen for years. But why do we react so strongly to the death of a fictional dog?

Part of it may be because we see ourselves in the characters’ emotional bond with their pet. Dogs are such an important part of our lives that it’s only natural that we would feel distraught when their onscreen counterparts meet an untimely end. But there’s more to it than that.

Dogs represent innocence and purity, and their deaths can serve as a reminder of our own mortality. Losing a dog is always hard, but it can be especially tragic when we see it happen on the big screen.

What a Dog Hater Feels

“I’m not a big fan of dogs, so I’m usually not too broken up when one dies in a movie. In fact, there are really only two perfectly acceptable instances where I can remember feeling any sort of emotion over a canine death on film.

The first time was during Old Yeller, which is probably the most tragic dog death in movie history. I was young at the time, and it wasn’t until years later that I realized how manipulative that film was.

The second instance was during Marley & Me, which is actually a pretty decent film despite the fact that it features the death of a dog. Even though I hate dogs, I have to admit that it was pretty sad to see Marley go.”


There’s no denying that some people really enjoy hating dogs. They think they’re dirty, smelly, and just plain annoying. And no matter what you do, you can’t seem to change their mind. But there may still be a little hope for them.

Maybe they had a bad experience with a dog in the past, or perhaps they just don’t like any animal in general. Either way, there’s a chance that they could come around if they gave dogs a chance.

The key is not to push too hard. Just let them know that you’re there if they ever want to talk about it or give dogs a try. In the meantime, try to show them how great dogs can be by being a responsible pet owner yourself. Who knows, they might just come around eventually!

Related topic: Why does my dog eat my underwear?

*photo by greenair – depositphotos