Can Dogs Eat Cantaloupe?

Cantaloupe is a variety of muskmelon grown in almost all parts of the world, especially in the Middle East and China. This fruit is also called differently in various countries. In New Zealand and Australia, it is known as rockmelon, while in South Africa, they refer to it as sanspek or sweet melon.

Whether you want to eat this fruit for breakfast, enjoy it as a dessert or side dish, or munch it for snacks, this sweet and tender fruit is always perfect. This orange summer fruit belongs to the same family as gourds, squashes, pumpkins, and cucumbers. 

Keep yourself refreshed with this juicy fruit at any time of the year, especially on a hot summer. Like honeydew melon and watermelon, cantaloupes contain much water and nutrients beneficial to your health.

Knowing its health benefits, you might think that sharing cantaloupe with your beloved pet is alright for them to get the same pack of nutrients too. Can dogs have cantaloupe? Is it okay to give your pooch some too?

Will cantaloupe hurt dogs?

While humans enjoy the sweet taste of cantaloupes, it might be tempting to give it to your dog as well. The answer to this question is no but remember, anything in excess can cause potential harm to your dogs. Their stomachs can only handle human food if given in moderation.

It is part of your responsibility as dog owners to know what food you can give your dogs and the allowable amount for them to intake. You do not want to feed your dog anything that can make them feel sick, do you?

You must note that you must have ready info on what to do should your dog manifests some reaction after consuming cantaloupes or any food. You need to have your vet’s emergency number on record and the basic knowledge of first aid treatments.

What are the wonderful health benefits of cantaloupe?

Loving pet owners would always make sure their dogs get enough nourishment. So, as you enjoy the taste of luscious fresh fruits on your tables, you also think of sharing those with your beloved pets.

Since melons belong to the superfood category, you might wonder if cantaloupes belong to that category also. Here is a piece of great news for you because the answer is yes! As mentioned earlier, cantaloupes are related to honeydews and watermelons.

Packed with all the minerals, vitamins, and necessary antioxidants, cantaloupes are what your dogs need. This superfood is not just tasty, but its high water content will also keep your dog hydrated on hot summer days.

Here are some of the health benefits your dog will reap when you add cantaloupes to their diet:

1. Vitamin A

Cantaloupes are full of Vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene). This helps boost your dog’s immune system. Vitamin A, as we all know, is vital for eye health. As beta-carotene is not produced naturally by dogs in their body processes, the need to incorporate foods containing this is important.

As beta-carotene has proven to be a great immune system stimulator, even improving the first and second line of defense, breeders have found an excellent source of this vitamin.

This wonder fruit knocks other yellow-orange fruits out of the list of beta-carotene-rich sources. In other words, it has higher amounts of beta-carotene than your favorite mangoes, peaches, grapefruits, oranges, and the like. According to nutritionists, the beta-carotene content in cantaloupes is equal to that in carrots.

2. Vitamin C

A known antioxidant, Vitamin C, protects the cells from being altered and destroyed. It also helps sick and stressed (physically and emotionally) dogs.

Ample amounts of Vitamin C in their bodies help combat viral diseases. In the production of collagen, Vitamin C plays a vital role. It slows down spinal disorders, hip dysplasia, and degenerative joint disease. Vitamin C also helps combat cancer and diabetes.

3. Vitamin K

This fat-soluble vitamin helps in regulating your dog’s blood function. Dogs that are deficient in Vitamin K have blood clotting and coagulation problems. 

4. Potassium

A vital mineral to your dog’s health, this essential electrolyte mineral supports heart and kidney function. Aside from that, potassium also helps in maintaining healthy bone density. Add to that muscle development as well as the regulation of fluid levels.

Potassium-deficient dogs are lethargic at most times. They exhibit poor appetites. When the potassium concentration in the blood falls below the normal range, the condition is known as hypokalemia.   

5. High water content

Almost 90 percent of a cantaloupe fruit is water. Feeding cantaloupe to your dog will prevent your dog from being dehydrated. Keeping your dog hydrated aids the heart in its blood pumping function.

Water also supports good digestion and helps in cleansing the body from toxins. It helps in maintaining healthy blood pressure and kidneys. Proper hydration will save your dogs from having kidney stones.  

6. Magnesium

Magnesium is among the nutrients necessary for energy production at the cellular level. Each time there is a production and transfer of energy, magnesium is required. Examples of these activities are muscle movement, the beating of the heart, or even the act of thinking.

Magnesium also supports the breakdown of fatty acids and proteins. It also aids your dog in bone and ligament maintenance. Whenever magnesium falls below normal levels, your dog may be suffering from a condition called hypomagnesemia. 

7. Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

Vitamin B3 helps your dog in boosting his mental capacity. Having an alert brain and quick recall is required when training your dogs.

Niacin is also responsible for maintaining a healthy digestive tract in dogs. It controls the production of bile and stomach acids, which, in turn, helps in food digestion and the destruction of harmful bacteria in your dog’s digestive system.

If you have heard of “black tongue”, this canine disease which can affect both puppies and adult dogs, refers to chronic niacin deficiency. In humans, it is comparable to pellagra. This disease can lead to weight loss, bloody diarrhea, anorexia, and can even cause your pet’s life. 

8. Manganese

Although your dog’s body needs this trace mineral or micromineral in small amounts, it helps your dog’s overall mental wellness by preventing oxidation. In oxidation, free radicals are released, damaging DNA, proteins, and cells in your dog’s brain and body, which can lead to memory disorders or dementia.

Manganese also contributes to the maintenance of your dog’s bony structure, including the ligaments and cartilage. It assists the liver and kidneys making sure it operates at an optimal level.

Aside from energy production and the conversion of food into fatty acids, manganese also metabolizes carbohydrates and proteins.

9. Vitamin B9 (Folate)

Vitamin B9 or folic acid (in its natural state as when it is present in foods) is necessary for cell division as well as tissue growth, healthy cell function, immune function, and normal blood formation. It is a very good combatant against some cancers and memory loss associated with aging.

Folate is a water-soluble B-vitamin. Folate deficient dogs often experience a decrease in platelet production, making them prone to bleeding, anemia, and manifest behavioral changes like irritability and depression.  

10. Dietary Fiber

The health benefits that your dogs receive from consuming fiber-rich cantaloupe go beyond protection against constipation. For those dogs on a diet, it will make them feel fuller longer, thereby helping them lose weight.

Diabetic dogs also can benefit from consuming fiber-rich foods. If your dog is not suffering from diabetes, fiber can help prevent this disease and reduce your dog’s risk of heart disease.

11. Low in Calories

A puppy or a mature dog will gain more benefits from eating cantaloupe. Aside from the vitamins and minerals, it is also low in caloric content. Cantaloupe can be an ideal choice as a snack, especially on hot summer days. You can also give this as a healthy treat or refreshing reward.

12. Antioxidants

Dogs need antioxidants as much as humans do to prevent cell damage. Beta-carotene (which helps convert to Vitamin A), zeaxanthin, lutein, selenium, choline, and even Vitamin C. All these antioxidants are present in cantaloupe and fight free radicals, which cause oxidation and damage to the cells in the brain and body. 

Potential risks when feeding cantaloupe to dogs

While eating cantaloupe may not hurt your dog, there are associated risks when given incorrectly, and this is true when feeding them rind and seeds. Both cantaloupe rinds and seeds may cause gastrointestinal upset and can also be a potential choking hazard.

Can cantaloupe cause diarrhea in dogs?

Gastrointestinal obstruction can happen when your dog ingests seeds. This means that those cantaloupe rinds and seeds may cause blockage in their digestive tract.

As mentioned, allowing your dogs to eat seeds and rinds can cause gastrointestinal upset, which can lead to diarrhea and vomiting.

To avoid these, give your dog bite-size pieces only. Small dogs should be given the size they can take, and bigger dogs should also be given what would fit their mouths.

How much cantaloupe can I give my dog?

So long as it does not take more than 10% of your dog’s diet, it is alright to give cantaloupe for snacks. You would not want to feed them cantaloupe alone for the entire day or one straight week. If your dogs can speak, they would probably protest.  Giving your dog also too many treats is not recommended.

When giving your dog this refreshing and tasty snack, try to be creative. You can serve this alone or mix it with other allowable fruits. You can also turn them into yummy pops or even ice cream with no unnatural and harmful additives.

Dogs will surely love to munch on a cold treat. Teething puppies can enjoy some frozen delights. So long as it does not harm your dog, go and give them the best they deserve.

Now, let us answer the primary question: “Can a dog eat cantaloupe? Or, “Is it good to feed your dog this healthy and delicious fruit?” The answer is a big, fat yes. If prepared carefully and given in moderation, this will never cause any harm to your dog.

Remember, always keep a watchful eye on your dog when consuming it. Making sure your fur baby gets all the nutrients and other associated benefits is one thing, and ensuring their safety is another.

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