Can Dogs Eat Nectarines? Find Out Here

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When summer arrives, one of the most popular products in grocery shops is delectable fruits like nectarines. Of course, we all know how delicious, tasty, and juicy fruit they are.

Furthermore, they are available from May through October. But what about our pets? Can dogs, however, consume nectarines? Yes, but only in moderation, so keep reading to learn more if you want to share with your dog.

What Exactly Are Nectarines?

Nectarines are peach mutants with silky skin. They appear identical, with the only discernible difference being that the nectarine has smooth skin rather than fuzzy skin. Genetically, the two fruits are nearly similar, with only one gene mutation separating them.

Nectarines, like peaches, have white or yellow flesh and similar sugar levels. However, white nectarines taste sweeter than yellow nectarines because they have less acid. Therefore, white nectarines are less tasty than yellow nectarines, but if you want your fruit sweet, go for the white kinds.

Can Dogs Eat Nectarines?

In small doses, nectarines are safe for dogs.

Despite the risks, it’s extremely unlikely that your dog will become cyanide poisoned due to eating a single pit. A more pressing concern is that ingesting the stone will result in a blockage.

Therefore, if you want to share the fruit with your dog, remove the pits and avoid the pips, seeds, and stones, as these can all contain dangerous and toxic chemicals to your dog.

However, despite the high vitamin content and gut-friendly fiber, allowing your dog to eat too much fresh nectarine will likely cause stomach upset.

Certain human foods can cause negative reactions in dogs, so always check with your veterinarian before adding these foods to your pet’s diet.

How to Feed Nectarines to Your Dog

Here are a couple of things about feeding your dog with nectarines.

  • Check your dog’s stomach: Start with a small amount at a time, just as you would with any new fruit for your pet. You can gauge how their body reacts to the fruit by gradually introducing it to them.
  • Wash all of your fresh fruit: Before preparing the juicy fruit for your dog, rinse it to remove pesticides and preservatives. Give your dog only ripe, fresh fruit, and keep an eye out for decay, which can be dangerous to his health. Remove any rotten components.
  • Consider the size of your dog: Once you’ve determined that your dog enjoys nectarines and can digest them easily, cut them into pieces that are appropriate for their size.
  • Mix the fruit into their dog food or serve it as a treat: Feed nectarines to your pet like treats. They’ll get the vitamins, minerals, and fiber they need without getting too much bad stuff.

What Are Nectarines’ Health Benefits?

Nectarines are a refreshing summer treat that is also good for your pet’s health. Magnesium, potassium, vitamin A and C, and dietary fiber are all found in nectarines. So let’s talk about how nectarines can benefit our canine companions’ health. (*)

Vitamin A Helps Dogs Keep Their Eyesight Healthy

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble nutrient that has the following health benefits for your four-legged friends:

  • Good eyesight
  • Proper cell function 
  • Healthy immune function
  • Fetal development
  • Overall growth 

Feel free to feed your pets a small amount of nectarines to get some of this beneficial vitamin A.

Vitamin C Aids in The Prevention of Aging And Inflammation in Dogs

Vitamin C is an important antioxidant essential for your dog’s health. It searches for and destroys harmful free radicals that cause cognitive aging. However, many argue that supplementing your dog with vitamin C is unnecessary because their livers can produce it. (*)

Magnesium Boosts Dogs Energy Level

Magnesium is a macromineral that aids in energy transfer and functions at the cellular level. It promotes energy production, allowing your four-legged pets to stretch and flex their muscles with ease while maintaining a regular and stable heart rate or heartbeat and healthy brain function.

When dogs eat magnesium-rich foods, such as nectarines, they gain the following health benefits:

  • Normal nerve function
  • Healthy immune system
  • Strong bones
  • Maintain blood glucose levels
  • Protein production
  • Energy production

Dietary Fiber Helps Dogs’ Digestive Systems Stay Healthy

Our canine companions, like humans, require fiber. Fiber is a complex carb that ferments in the large intestine of dogs, taking longer for them to digest than simple carbs.

Eating fiber-rich foods, such as nectarines, can help dogs lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.

Concerns About Feeding Nectarines to Dogs

Before feeding nectarines to your dog, there are a few things to consider:

Choking Hazard Exist in Nectarine Pits

The pit or stone endangers your dog’s health. Nectarine pits are hazardous because they can choke your dog or cause a blockage in its digestive system. Pits also contain trace amounts of cyanide, making small dogs sick or killing them.

If you suspect your dog has consumed a nectarine or peach pit or a pit from another stone fruit such as plums or apricots, look for signs of cyanide poisoning such as drooling, vomiting, or dilated pupils.

Rotten Fruit Poisons Dogs

Fresh nectarines should always be fed to your dog. From stomach problems to mycotoxin poisoning, which is toxicity caused by mold that grows on fruits and other foods, rotting fruit poses several health risks. In addition, decomposing fruit produces ethanol, which is toxic to dogs and necessitates immediate medical attention. Ataxia, loss of muscle control, and repeated vomiting are symptoms of both toxicities.

High Sugar Content

A diet high in sugar might induce stomach distress and dental damage in your dog. Sugar is also harmful to dogs who suffer from obesity or diabetes. Avoid feeding your dog canned fruits because the syrup in the can contains excessive sugar.

Why You Should Remove The Pit

Never give your dog the pit if you provide them with nectarine. There are numerous dangers associated with pitted fruits. Among the most common are as follows:

Teeth Damage

Nectarines have hard pits that can cause tooth damage. As a result, if your dog eats it, it may harm its teeth. In addition, if the fracture reaches the dog’s gum line, the entire tooth must be extracted to avoid jawbone disease and infection.

Esophageal Damage

The pit of a nectarine has rough edges that can harm your dog’s esophagus. The lining of a dog’s esophagus is extremely delicate and can be eroded by chemicals or physical trauma. This can lead to esophagitis or an ulcer. 


If a nectarine pit gets into a dog’s stomach or intestines, it can become stuck and cause an obstruction, which often necessitates surgery. Abdominal pain, a lack of or decreased appetite, diarrhea, and vomiting are symptoms of this type of obstruction.

Poisoning by Cyanide

This poison is found in the center of most stone fruits. It won’t be released until the pit has been chewed and the broken pieces consumed. The toxicity of cyanide is often fatal quickly. If there’s only a little bit in the system, a dog might be salivating, breathing with difficulty, rapidly becoming paralyzed, or having seizures.

Moldy Pits

Some molds are harmless to your dog, while others can make them sick. This can include an upset stomach, liver failure, seizures, and tremors. Even if the nectarine is still fresh, the pit may have mold. That’s why you should cut the nectarine in half and only feed the fruit to the dog.

Why Avoid Canned Nectarines

Because canned fruits are extremely sweet and contain too much sugar, you should avoid them. The preservatives provide sweetness. If you’re giving your dog nectarines, make sure they’re fresh.

Canned nectarines contain artificial sugars, preservatives, and flavor enhancers, which can cause diabetes, vomiting, and diarrhea in your dog.



To summarize, dogs can consume nectarines. 

Nectarines will keep your dog healthy and energetic for a long time. This delicious fruit also helps to maintain bone health and vision.

Nectarines will delight your furry friend; make sure you give her the right amount. However, please don’t overdo it, or it will have stomach problems.

 Also, when feeding stone fruits like nectarines to your dog, be extra cautious. The pit or stone seriously harms dogs. So, before you provide your puppy with some nectarines, make sure you’re completely prepared.

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*photo by sbolotova – depositphotos