Dog Panting: The Reason Behind It

There is nothing wrong with a panting dog walking on a sunny afternoon. When you engage a dog in any exciting activity, you should expect such a pup to pant. But it becomes a concern when panting is heavy or uncalled for. 

This article addresses the common causes of abnormal panting in dogs. However, paying attention to your puppy is not negotiable. Dogs are fun-loving and happy pets to be with. 

According to the CDC, the presence of a canine can reduce stress for the owner, increase their fitness, and make them more fulfilled. In other words, if you own a dog, do all you can to protect its general well-being.

What Is Panting In Dogs?

A canine does puff and blows with its mouth open and its tongue protruding as it breathes from its mouth. Dog panting can help regulate oxygen in its bloodstream. This is because, unlike humans, dogs do not have sweat glands. Therefore, panting serves as an effective means of normalizing their body temperature when the environment is hot.

When a canine is panting, it may mean two things. First, it is a way for a dog cool, maintain temperature, and keep the body temperature down, which may have increased due to engaging in physical activity. Secondly, the canine may be puffing and blowing as a coping mechanism for pain. 

Why Do Dogs Pant?

Excitement, anxiety, stress, anticipation, and hot weather are some of the circumstances that make a pup pant. In other words, panting is reactional. It does not always mean the dog is happy or healthy. Likewise, it does not always mean that the dog is sad or unhealthy.

Dog pants are either a positive or negative reaction.

Positive Reactions

Healthy canine pants when they are happy. In situations where they are looking forward to a treat, a walk, or being engaged in a fun activity, a pup will pant. Some of the positive reasons for panting are;


Anticipation of something exciting or excitement in itself can make a dog pant. Unfortunately, this is rampant, mainly among younger puppies. 

Heavy Exercise

After a long walk or an engagement in any physical activity, you will most likely notice that your pup is panting. It is a way to regulate oxygen in the body.  


Steroids such as prednisone are certain types of medication given to sick dogs. When your canine is on such medication, you can expect some heavy panting at night or whenever they are resting.

Negative Reaction

Not all panting dogs are happy. In the case of excessive or heavy panting, you should look closely at the pup. Some of the reasons why your dog may be panting are;


This is what happens when you expose a canine to a high temperature. The weather is too hot for the pup, making them pant heavily.

Cushing’s Syndrome

This is a health condition known as hyperadrenocorticism. Cushing’s disease happens when there is too much cortisol in a pup. This will make the canine constantly thirst and later on becomes obese. Obesity causes excessive panting in dogs. 

Respiratory Disorders

Abnormal panting can be first traced to an inability to breathe correctly. Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS) and Laryngeal paralysis are some respiratory diseases that can affect a dog. The breathing difficulty caused by these diseases makes infected dogs pant heavily.

BOAS is common in canine breeds with flat faces or small noses, like the french bulldog. At the same time, older dogs or dog breeds like Labrador Retrievers, Irish Setters, Great Danes, etc., are prone to laryngeal paralysis.

Injury And Pain

One of the signs of pain is a heavy panting, followed by whining or any other sound. Panting becomes your dog’s coping mechanism for managing pain or injury.

How To Identify An Unusual Panting?

Dogs pant after an engagement or when excited. So, it is pretty easy to tell when it is abnormal panting. For instance, if your canine has not been engaged in physical activity or shows no welcoming excitement but is panting heavily, you should take this seriously. Also, there is a problem with your panting dog;

  • When you notice your dog coughing.
  • When you notice that your dog’s gum color has turned pale or blue instead of bright pink. 
  • When your dog is panting heavily at night and is not on any medication.
  • When your dog appears to be disinterested in the things it is typically interested in.
  • When your dog is panting and whining at the same time.
  • When your dog no longer has an appetite, which leads to weight loss.
  • When your dog becomes less friendly and more vicious.

Can Worms Cause Panting In Dogs?

Heavy panting can occur when a pup is having difficulty in breathing. One of the causes of breathing difficulty is a lungworm infection. Dogs can get lungworms from the Crenosoma Vulpis parasite in slugs, snails, or any other carrier. If dogs are allowed freely into the gardens or in the woods and come in contact with the carriers of this parasite, they can become infected. 

Lungworm infection can cause stress for the canine due to breathing difficulty. This can make the dog’s panting very unusual.

Do Dogs Pant More As They Get Older?

Yes, dogs pant more as they get older. First, some dogs become obese as they grow older. Panting heavily is caused by obesity in dogs. This happens because of the strain on their cardiovascular system, making them stress more and pant more.

Secondly, as a dog ages, the intercostal muscles and diaphragm used for respiration become weaker. So the older dog finds it more comfortable to pant more often.

Why Is My Dog Licking Its Lips And Panting?

When a dog licks its lips, it is an indication of stress or anxiety. So when a panting dog licks its lips, that calls for concern. You should address the issue immediately before it gets compounded. So many things that are not medically related may cause anxiety in a dog. So try to find out what it is before consulting your vet. 


Why is my dog panting very heavily while resting? 

Heavy panting while sleeping is possible if the dog is on medication. Apart from that, if you find your dog panting heavily while asleep, that’s a sign of a respiratory problem. Again, it would help to visit your vet immediately. 

Are dogs happy when they pant? 

A lot of times, when dogs pant, it shows they are happy. However, it can be confusing to tell when it is happy or in distress. But you can tell by the sounds, the heaviness of panting, and other signs following the dog’s panting. For example, a happy dog usually pants quietly, preceded by activity or anticipation of exciting activity. 

On the other hand, if the dog is frequently panting and is accompanied by other signs and symptoms, that is something abnormal, indicating fear, anxiety, and other signs of health problems.

Remedies For Dog’s Unusual Panting

The key to taking preventive measures is to pay close attention to your dog. This way, you can easily spot an unusual panting or any other signs of abnormalities in your dog. There are remedies for abnormal panting in dogs, which can only work if the situation has not worsened. Some of the remedies are;


Get your dog some water once you notice that the painting is a little abnormal. It would help if you did this, especially when the temperature is high. Hydration is a super reliever from heat-related problems. However, do not use cold water on your dog; warm water would be the best option for soothing your dog.

Anti-Anxiety Wrap 

In the case of excessive panting, you should get a wrap. Anti-anxiety wraps are shirts or pieces of clothing that were made to apply pressure around dogs’ bodies to help them calm down. It is an anti-anxiety therapy for dogs.

Crate Training

This training process helps dogs learn how to relax and feel calm in their crate. So this training requires you to fill their crate with fun stuff like toys, treats, and all the dog enjoys seeing. 

You can talk to your vet if you don’t know how to start crate training.

Appeasing Pheromones

This is a type of medication that helps reduce stress and anxiety in dogs. Dog-Appeasing Pheromones (DAP) have been reported to relieve dogs and puppies of some stress and anxiety. 

Dog Supplements

Supplements such as vitamins that may contain L-Theanine, an amino acid found in green tea, have a tremendous calming effect on dogs. It can be given orally to your dog whenever you notice unusual panting.

Give The Dog Its Own Safe Space

If you find your dog’s panting quite unusual, one of the first things you want to do is; try to give the dog some space. Take the dog to a more relaxed environment of a low temperature and let him be alone for a while. 

Get The Help Of A Vet

When your dog’s panting is ex have tried all methods to calm your dog and have failed, you should schedule a meeting with your vet immediately. Veterinary medicine intervention beats all kinds of local experiments or remedies you may want to try on your pet.


If a dog is panting excessively or excessively for a long period, it may lead to heart failure, which can result in your dog’s death. So it would help if you started paying attention to your dog and understanding every whine, growl, and pants. So that you can spot a problem immediately after it surfaces.


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