What Is Dog Trancing and Why Does Your Dog Do It?

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Have you ever seen your dog so focused like he is about to sneak up and do something illegal? 

Some call it  “ghost-walking,” and some call it “weed-walking,” and it all refers to unusual behavior in dogs. You are probably wondering, is trancing even a word? This word actually expresses slowly creeping beneath a dangling tablecloth or a low-hanging branch. 

It is a bit unsettling when you first witness this behavior, although many dog owners have reported similar behavior. You may panic when you see your dog’s far-away look in the eyes with the head moving languorously side to side. When this behavior repeats in multiple series, you even might suspect seizures.  

Whether this happened with your puppy or not, as a responsible owner, you must be aware of this strange behavior. Not seeing any other health issues, you may start panicking and wonder how your dog ended up in this condition.  

Many veterinarians and behaviorists explain dog trancing as a phenomenon, so let’s dig deeper and find out more on this topic.

How Do Dogs Behave When Trancing?

Experts refer to this behavior as Trance-like Syndrome(TLS), also known as a benign canine quirk or canine compulsive disorder. The most affected breeds are Bull Terriers and Sighthounds, although it can affect many mixes and breeds. 

This pet behavior can hardly be explained, and some pet parents call it “playing slo-mo dog,” since the dogs creep as in slow motion. 

First of all, this is not a focal seizure, as many owners explain it to their vets. You may notice your puppy slowly walking under some bush or hanging leaves in the yard, and notice changed behavior. 

Interrupting their trance time, and calling them out of the bush, may take them back to normal. Trancing dogs really enjoy the moment, so sometimes it is just better to let them enjoy their trancing time. 

Some pet owners got used to trancing so much that they even estimate and judge the deepness of the trance by how high the tail has risen. The trance could get so deep that even a whistle or their favorite food would not distract them. In this situation, you no longer exist to them, and as soon as they come out of the trance, everything is fine.  

This condition is different from individual to individual. These dogs walk extremely slowly under overhanging subjects such as curtains, tablecloths, or foliage. These items barely touch them, so they could freeze at the moment and appear to be in a trance. 

Why Does My Dog Trance?

Many pet parents ask what triggers their dog trancing. The answer is not simple and easy to explain. 

Some puppies prefer trancing while being in contact with hanging clothes, and some choose bushes from the yard. In general, they like hanging things that scarcely touches them. 

Are There Any Certain Breeds More Prone to Dog Trancing?

On the top of this list are Bull Terriers and Greyhounds. Other breeds in this list could be Cane Corso, Basset Hounds, Jack Russell, Irish Setter, Cavalier, Labrador, etc. 

If you are a Bull Terrier owner, it does not mean that by default one day you will see your dog trance. The same stays for other dog breeds. 

It is not a rule; any dog breed can be affected by this condition.

Is Dog Trancing Associated With Any Neurological Disorders or Even OCD in Dogs?

According to a study back in 2004 conducted with a group of Bull Terrier owners was found that there are not any correlations between neurological problems(such as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) and trancing in dogs. 

There is a possibility that dog trancing is an Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder(OCD), which is very familiar for Bull Terriers. Although, it is not leading to any other obsessive or abnormal behavior. 

However, the leading researcher, Dr. Alice Moon Fanelli of Tufts Behavioral Clinic, mentioned that an extremely large number of Bull Terriers trance, accompanied by some tail-chasing. 

Dog trancing and tail-chasing should be distinguished. If you notice slo-mo walk under your plants performed by your Bull Terrier- do not panic. It could eventually evolve into tail-chasing as time passes by. 

Is Trancing a Seizure? 

If there are any underlying medical issues, feel free to JUST suspect some kind of focal seizure. 

But, how to distinguish whether it is a seizure or just a regular trancing?

Be sure that you cannot “snap” your dog just by calling its name while it has a seizure. On the other side, a trancing dog will at least give you a flick of the ear to hear you better, even if it is in a deep trance. 

Overall, after trancing, the puppies go back to normal. But, when it comes to seizures, they have changed behavior and some serious consequences after the seizure. These dogs sometimes need hours to return to their normal, happy, and tail-wagging selves. 

Although, if your dog starts trancing later in life, with increased frequency, you should contact your veterinarian. 

Is Trancing a Learned Behavior?

What happens if you already have a trancing dog at your home and you want to adopt another puppy? Can trancing be learned and picked up? 

Many multi-dog owners noticed that their new puppy got affected by the trancing dog. However, they usually trance under different things.

Trancing is such a normal condition that will not affect your dog’s life, but still, it is very disturbing for many pet parents. We suggest that the next time you see your dogs trance, just relax and let them be weird for a while!


Summary: Should you be concerned about dog trancing?

In general, you should not panic and worry too much. If it does not affect your dog’s general health, it does not seem to be a cry for attention. Dog trancing could happen to any dog; therefore, leave them to enjoy the moment and do not interrupt them as long as you see them happy. Although, if you are worried, you can call your vet and ask them for professional advice. 

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