How Often Should You Wash Your Dog?

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If you are a new dog parent, you may be confused about figuring out how often to wash your new pet. There is an old saying that says, “a clean pup is a healthy pup,” and that is the truth. 

Still, the frequency of washing should depend on various factors. 

The right density and washing routine will maintain the skin and coat healthy, making your new pup feel comfortable. 

There may be many answers to the question, but only one of them will always be true; every time your pup looks or smells like it needs a bath, it probably does!

We all know that bathing is about maintaining a strong defensive shield and enhancing beauty. So, without further ado, we shall focus on clearing up all your doubts about how often should you wash your dog. 

How important are regular dog baths?

First, we must face the truth – nobody likes a stinky pup. All dog parents know, there is no better feeling in the world than snuggling up with your clean and adorable pup on the couch all evening. 

Other than smelling good, regular baths are important for your dog’s health. They are an essential part of life and will help keep your pup’s skin healthy at all times. 

A bath makes the skin act as a defensive shield; hence it is very important to keep your pup’s skin clean, so it can continue to grow into a healthy and beautiful dog. 

With that being said, how often should you clean your dog? 

How Often You Should Bathe Your Dog?

New dog owners often debate how often they should bathe their dogs. In theory, the bathing schedule depends on the dog’s coat type and dog’s skin. Some believe that regular bathing is essential to keeping their dog clean and healthy, while others worry that over bathing can damage their dog’s coat.

The truth is, no science dictates how often should you wash your dog. Every dog is different, and the bathing frequency may differ for each pup. 

However, instead of making prompt decisions, we recommend considering these three important things: lifestyle, coat, and skin condition.  


Dogs are very similar to humans. We all know that it is common sense to take a shower after we have hit the gym, right? 

The same rule applies to your pup. Dogs that have a more active lifestyle and love running around will require more frequent washing than the lazy ones. Your dog’s activity level should be your primary factor in deciding when to bathe it. 

If your pup is pretty active, you should bathe it at least once every two weeks. However, if your dog is hyperactive and likes to roll around in the mud or swim in pools, you should bathe it after every activity. 

It doesn’t matter if you have recently bathed your dog, these kinds of activities can damage the skin and cause a bad smell.

On the contrary, if your pup lies down and watches Netflix all day, it may require a bathe only a couple of times per year.  

So, the first answer to the question ‘how often you should bathe your dog’ is to pay attention to their lifestyle. 

Type of Coat

Regardless of the dog’s activity level, another very important thing is the coat type. 

First, let’s talk about the coat length. If your pup has a medium to long coat, it should be frequently washed, once every four to six weeks. On the other hand, dogs with short coats can be washed every one to three months.

As mentioned earlier, the coat type plays a key factor in how frequently you should wash your dog. Still, this doesn’t apply just to the pup’s length of fur or hair. 

According to the famous Pet Stylist and owner of Fairwinds Grooming Studio, Daryl Conner, the coat length is less important than the texture. 

The texture of the coat is different for every pup breed. Some of them have coats that repel dirt, while others hold on to it.   

For example, dogs like Poodles and Bichons have soft coats, and the dirt tends to hold on to them. Other dog breeds that require frequent bathing are Yorkshire Terriers, Shih Tzus, and Lhasa Apsos. Their coats tend to collect oil and debris therefore, they need more frequent bathing to look clean and fresh. 

If you are a parent of a hairless dog with an oily coat like the ones from the Labrador or Basset Hounds breed, you have to wash them once a week. 

That way, you can protect their skin from absorbing bacteria and toxins. If a dog is hairless, it is more prone to pore blockages and has dermatological issues such as spots or blackheads if you do not bathe it often enough.

Breeds like Huskies, with thick and double coats, can be washed every one to three months. These dog breeds are prone to shedding, and when a dog sheds, it gets rid of dead skin cells naturally. For this reason, it is not necessary to bathe the dog very often. 

If you are not sure what type is your dog’s coat, feel free to ask your veterinarian.      

Skin Conditions

The third thing you should consider when deciding how often to bathe your pet is your pet’s skin. If your dog has a specific skin condition or a temporary infection, it may require frequent baths with special shampoos. A dog with a mild skin infection needs to be bathed twice a week for two or three weeks until the infection is resolved. 

The frequency of bathing with special shampoos also varies on the skin condition, the product, and the recommendation from your vet. 

If you notice something strange in your pup’s skin, pay a visit to the veterinarian and start the special care treatment your pup needs. 

Can You Wash Your Dog Too Much?

The question of ‘how often should you clean your dog’ is not a real concern for some dog owners. Some pups just love getting in the bath and having a good time! 

We know that you love the idea of having a sparkling clean, and yummy-smelling puppy all day long, but how much is too much? 

As we mentioned previously, pups are very similar to humans. Many recommendations suggest that we shouldn’t wash our hair every day because we will do more harm than good. The same applies to dogs; too many baths can harm your pup’s skin.  

Certain coats lose their quality and natural oils if they are washed too often. If you bathe your dog too often, and you start to notice its skin is dry and irritated, then try to avoid so many baths in the future. We advise you to follow the recommendations about your dog’s lifestyle, type of coat, and skin condition before determining how often to bathe it.  

Finally, do not use human shampoo while bathing your pup, as they have a different pH value from dog shampoos! If you do that, you are risking drying its skin, causing some dermatological issues, and affecting its abilities for self-protection. (*)

Keep in mind that, other than doubting how frequently you should wash your dog, you should be careful not to bathe it too often. 

How Often Should You Groom Your Dog?

Another responsibility for every pet owner is grooming. Similar to bathing, the frequency of grooming will depend on the coat length and texture. 

Dog breeds like Poodles, Cocker Spaniels, and Yorkies need frequent haircuts. They need a coat groom every six to eight weeks. Compared to other breeds, their coats grow faster.  

Dog breeds like Brittany or Parson Terrier do not require so many grooming appointments because their hair grows slower. The only thing you need to pay attention to is to brush their hair regularly to keep the coat healthy.  

Pup parents should always pay attention to their dog’s hair and keep a close eye on matting. You should consult with your veterinarian or dog groomer every time something seems off. 

How Often Should You Trim Your Dog’s nails?

Many dog parents find nail trimming difficult, and they tend to overlook it. However, nail trimming is as important as bathing and grooming. 

If the dog’s nails get too long, the pup can crack up its paw and expose the vein. Additionally, long nails lead to trouble with walking. Last but not least, not trimming the dog’s nails can lead to all kinds of infections that will require a vet intervention. 

The perfect frequency for nail trimming is every two weeks. If your pup is regularly outside, walking on hard surfaces, the trimming can be less frequent – every four weeks. 



When in doubt about how often you should wash your dog, always keep in mind three things: lifestyle, coat length and texture, and skin condition.  

All three are essential for you to know before deciding how often you should wash your dog. Aside from bathing, hair grooming and nail trimming are also very important parts of every pup parent’s life. 

Always remember, a healthy pup is a happy pup, and it will stay happy as long as you give them the attention they need and deserve. 

*photo by Chalabala – depositphotos