200+ Latin Dog Names

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Picking suitable dog names can be challenging for many dog owners. Indeed, you will want to choose some unique yet nice name for your dog. Although the Latin language is considered dead, it is still used. Lately, it’s even becoming popular for dog names.

So, picking a Latin dog name does not sound weird now, right? Either way, we have covered you with the list of Latin dog names. Don’t delay; pick your favorite Latin dog names for your puppy today.

Let’s take a look.

Latin Language

The Latin language belongs to the past; however, it provides tons of inspiration while looking for dog names. Latin is the language of ancient Rome and mother to all Romance languages. Additionally, it is the root of many words.

“Latin was king of the world – the language of international communication, scholarship, and science.”

Believe it or not, Latin’s influence is everywhere – from France to Italy and Spain.

By reading this list we prepared, you’ll be surprised by how many popular names have Latin classical language origins.

Tips For Naming Your Dog

There isn’t just one rule when it comes to naming your dog. However, some general guidelines will help you choose the best name.

Picking a good dog name is a big deal. In the end, it’s what you’ll call your dog every day.

Whether you want a classical Latin dog name or not, picking the right name is challenging for many owners.

Therefore, we wrote some tips to keep in mind while naming a dog:

  • For training purposes, choose a name that starts with a hard letter, such as T, S, or R. These names will be the easiest for your puppy to pick up on.
  • Keep your dog’s name to one or two syllables since it is easier for them to remember. In case you want a longer name, keep that name on your dog’s passport, but create a shorter nickname for daily communication.
  • On the other hand, names that rhyme with key commands can confuse your dog. Such example is the name May, which rhymes with “stay.” Another example is Kitt, which rhymes with “sit,” and Bo, which rhymes with “no.”
  • Don’t pick a silly name that would embarrass you to say out loud. No matter how funny it sounds, keep in mind that it will come a day when you will call out that name at the vet’s office or a dog’s park.
  • It’s completely fine to change your puppy’s name after a while. If you have already picked a name and your dog does not respond well to it, feel free to change it. However, remember that you give the name while the dog is still in the early stages of life. At this stage, it’s completely normal that your dog does not react well to commands.

Top Latin Dog Names

The Latin language has many beautiful and vibrant interpretations. However, you see it, choosing Latin dog names can be challenging.

So, we have compiled an informative list of Latin dog names to help you pick.

Although Latin language is no longer spoken, it has transformed into 5 Romance languages from which you can choose your favorite Latin dog name. Even if your puppy does not have roots in Latin America, you can still choose a Latin dog name.

Our list of Latin-inspired dog names contains words from different spheres such as music, nature, religion, history, and general Latin culture.

Explore it yourself, and find the Latin dog name that suits your puppy the most.

100 Male Latin Dog Names 

  1. Serge – In Latin, the name means an attendant, and it is a great name for obedient, loving dogs.
  2. Benedict – This Latin name means a blessing.
  3. Milo – This name is used for someone who works at a grain mill. Although it doesn’t have a lot of connections with dog names, it may be a great name for working dogs.
  4. Aloysius – This fancy Latin name means famous warrior in the Latin language.
  5. Proctor – The Latin meaning behind this name is governor.
  6. Adrian – The literal meaning of this name is “dark one.” Therefore, it may be a great name for your “dark one-haired” dog.
  7. Marcel – Means little fighter, so that it may be a great name for your tiny dog with a lot of spirit.
  8. Cash – Although it sounds like an English name, it belongs to the group of Latin names. If your dog loves its sight in the mirror, this name will make sense since it means conceited in Latin.
  9. Rufus – Meaning red-haired person. It may be a great name for your puppy with red fur.
  10. Anthony – This name means priceless.
  11. Crispin – This Latin name means curly hair. It can be ideal for your furry poodle.
  12. Maximilian – This Latin dog name means the greatest, great value, or excellence. Some pet parents decide to shorten it to Max.
  13. Pathos – This name was one one of the names of the Three Musketeers
  14. Christian – Meaning follower of Christ.
  15. Carmine – This amazing name means crimson color, which is great for your red-haired dog.
  16. Ace – This short and easy Latin name means one or unity.
  17. Mario – This name means marital.
  18. Rex – Meaning king, this can be a great name for dogs that are “kings” of the house.
  19. Octavius – Means the eight-born child. However, many pet parents consider it cool.
  20. Cato – This hip-sounding Latin name is great for someone who is extremely knowledgeable or wise.
  21. Miles – This Latin name means fighter.
  22. Calvin – Although it’s wildly popular, this Latin dog name means a bald person.
  23. Quentin – This name comes from the word that means the fifth.
  24. Alva – Meaning fair-haired.
  25. Clark – Meaning a student, it’s great for dogs that love learning new tricks.
  26. Vincent – This Latin name is great for someone for conquers.
  27. Cecil – Means darkened.
  28. Vernon – Meaning youthful and spring-like, it’s perfect for dogs who always remain a puppy at heart.
  29. Basil – This means royal.
  30. Clarence – This Latin name means renowned.
  31. Terence – In Latin, this name means smooth.
  32. Nigel – This name, which translates to “the dark knight,” is perfect for a fearless canine with black fur.
  33. Valerian – This name is reportedly a nickname for a strong or powerful individual.
  34. Major – Although it seems like a military rank, the Latin word for major also implies greater.
  35. Vitus -This name denotes a person who is healthy and alive.
  36. Cary – A lovely Latin name that means “of high value,” This name would work well if you spent a lot of money on your dog.
  37. Fidel – This name signifies faithful in Latin. This makes it ideal for a man’s best friend.
  38. Urban – This name translates from Latin as “city dweller.” Great for a dog who lives in the city.
  39. Delmar – Meaning “one from the sea” in Latin. This would be a wonderful name for your water-loving dog.
  40. Sebastian – A Latin dog name that means well regarded.
  41. Fabian – Although it sounds cool, it is a Latin name that means bean grower.
  42. Orson – This name is a nickname for a person who is brave as a bear. It is a fantastic choice for a dog with a strong sense of bravery.
  43. Varian – A Latin name meaning “one who conquers.”
  44. Justin – This name is reportedly associated with morality and uprightness.
  45. Dominick – A Latin name that means “godly,”
  46. Sylvester – In Latin means “forest” and is an excellent choice for a puppy who enjoys spending time in the woods. 
  47. Horace – This name actually translates to “of the hours” in Latin.
  48. Felix -This Latin dog name is one of my favorites. It denotes a fortunate and happy being. It is ideal for a shelter dog who is fortunate enough to find wonderful new owners.
  49. Victor – This name signifies “one who conquers” in Latin.
  50. Dexter – Supposed to signify smart, this Latin dog name sounds much more contemporary than many other Latin names on this list.
  51. Lucius – This name means “light-bringer” in Latin.
  52. MagnusIn Latin, this dog name means the great one.
  53. Ignatius – A Latin name that reportedly means “full of fire.” It is a great name for a passionate, enthusiastic dog.
  54. Dominic -This name means “belonging to the Lord” in Latin. It’s an alternative way of spelling Dominick.
  55. Theodore -The Latin word that serves as the name’s base word implies a gift from God. Additionally, it might be abbreviated to nicknames like Teddy or Ted.
  56. Alair -This name means cheerful or joyous in Latin.
  57. Kadence – Originally a male name in classical Latin. It means rhythmic.
  58. Jovon – A Latin name that supposedly means majestic.
  59. Rollo – A Latin name that means “famous wolf.”
  60. Agapetus – Latin name for “beloved.”
  61. Nero – Roman emperor whose name is thought to imply “black.”
  62. Rogellus -This name is reportedly Greek for praying for or desired.
  63. Romanus – A Latin name that means “Roman,” making it an easy choice for a Latin dog name.
  64. Neptune – Neptune was actually the God of the sea and horses; it also means “wet” or “moist.”
  65. Viator – This name is Latin for “a traveler through life.”
  66. Agrippa – This name means “wild horse” and is used in the New Testament.
  67. Nicodemus -This Latin name translates to “people’s victory.”
  68. Ajax – Latin word for the mourner. The name’s Greek equivalent appeared in the Trojan War.
  69. Remus – In legends, this was the name of the other twin brother who was found in Rome.
  70. Romulus – It is one of the two brothers who, according to myth, established Rome.
  71. Vesper – It is a Latin word for “evening.” It was also the name of a mythological figure.
  72. Agapius – A Latinized form of the Greek name Agape, which means cherished.
  73. Paulus – A Latin name that means “little” was used in the Bible. It was previously a Roman family name.
  74. Claudius – A lame-sounding name that was formerly a Roman family name. Additionally, there was a Roman emperor known by that name.
  75. Fido – This name, which in Latin means “I trust,” is one of the main factors contributing to its popularity as a dog name.
  76. Ianus – Latin name that means door or an archway. It was the name of a mythological god with two faces who could simultaneously see the past and the future.
  77. Pantera – A Latin word for “panther” or “all-hunter.”
  78. Paracelsus – Means “more than or equal to Celsus.”
  79. Clemens – It implies kind or merciful.
  80. Florentius – This name signifies blossoming in Latin.
  81. Nemo – A Latin name that translates to “nobody” or “nobody.”
  82. Clarus – Meaning “clear” or “bright.”
  83. Marc – A Latin name that means “of the sea” or “defense.”
  84. Patricius – A Latin name that supposedly means patrician or noble birth.
  85. Manius – A Roman name that is thought to symbolize morning.
  86. Marinus – Latin for “of the sea.”
  87. Horos – A mythological name that means “the distant one” in Latin.
  88. Mercury – A former messenger god went by the Latin name Mercury. The first planet in our solar system is named after it.
  89. Honorus -A Latin name that means “honor” or “valor.”
  90. Hugo – This name denotes the spirit, mind, or heart.
  91. Marianus – A Roman name that is thought to signify Marius.
  92. Horatius – A Latin name that supposedly means “one with good eyesight.”
  93. Nicephorus – This word means “victory bearer” in Latin.
  94. Renatus – A Latin name that means “reborn.”
  95. Nerva – A Latin name that means “strong.”
  96. Ether – This term implies bright or upper air in Latin. It was formerly a god’s name as well.
  97. Peregrinus -This name is Latin for a wanderer. You could always shorten it even though it is a bit overly long to use as a dog’s name.
  98. Faustus – A Latin name that supposedly means “fortunate.”
  99. Robertus – This Latin name translates to “bright fame.”
  100. Baldwin – Indicates strength.

100 Female Latin Dog Names

  1. Alva – A Latin word for fair hair.
  2. Donata -This name denotes a blessing or a gift.
  3. Ara -This word is reportedly an altar.
  4. Laconia – It signifies the home of the ancient Spartans.
  5. Margaret – A Latin word that means a pearl.
  6. Brittany -This term refers to an English person.
  7. Adoria – A person who possesses adorable traits.
  8. Zona -This Latin name literally refers to a belt or girdle.
  9. Undine – This Latin name refers to someone who dwells within waves.
  10. Norma – This word refers to a rule or precept.
  11. Octavia – A Latin word for “the eighth.”
  12. Cecilia – In Latin, this word truly means blind.
  13. Annabel – This name describes a beloved person.
  14. Drusilla – It means a descendant of Drusus.
  15. Lara – This name denotes fame or brilliance.
  16. Augusta – It implicates someone who rules.
  17. Maria – A Latin version of Mary.
  18. Camilla – Its translation from Latin is “attendant.”
  19. Carita – It means special friend in Latin.
  20. Honoree – In Latin, it means honorable.
  21. Natalie – Pet parents use to give this name to the ones born on Christmas day.
  22. Maxine – This Latin dog name translates as superlative or greatest.
  23. Albania – A Latin word that means white.
  24. Letitia – A Latin name that denotes a person who brings joy.
  25. Palma – A Latin word for “palm tree.”
  26. Miranda – This name means admirable or wonderful.
  27. Valentina – This refers to vital and strong beings.
  28. Tertia – It translates to “third.”
  29. Antonia – This name means priceless.
  30. Serena – It is used for serene and peaceful individuals. So, if you consider that your dog is tranquil, it is a great name.
  31. Riga – It means laughter.
  32. Prima – Latin name that means first.
  33. Vera – A Latin expression for truth.
  34. Sidra – A Latin name for a child born of the stars.
  35. Vita – Latin expression that means life.
  36. Cornelia – Means feminine, so it might be an excellent name for your girl dog.
  37. Sabina – This name refers to someone who comes from Sabine.
  38. Deanna – A sacred person.
  39. Clara – A shining leader.
  40. Priscilla – A name that means classic.
  41. Papyrus – An ancient Roman name, meaning a plant used as paper by the ancient Romans.
  42. Nidia – Meaning a shelter.
  43. Faustina – This name indicates a fortune.
  44. Carmen – Meaning a song, so if your dog likes to sing (read: bark), this is a perfect name.
  45. Felicia – Indicates happiness.
  46. Lucerne – A circle of light.
  47. Ignatia – Fire or faithful.
  48. Georgia – Meaning a farmer in Latin.
  49. Imogene – This Latin name indicates a likeness.
  50. Gloria – Its simple meaning is glory.
  51. Mabel – In the Latin language, it means endearing
  52. Lavinia – It means flawless, so if you have “a narcissist dog,” it is a great choice for a Latin dog name.
  53. Fidella – Means faithfulness.
  54. Myra – A great one.
  55. Alta – In Latin, it means a pinnacle.
  56. Ora – It means gold.
  57. Celeste – Meaning heaven.
  58. Persis – Used for someone from Persia.
  59. Sage – It means wise.
  60. Quintina – A Latin word that means fifth.
  61. Sylvia – Someone from the forest.
  62. Constance – Meaning steadfast.
  63. Vespera – A name for the evening star.
  64. Flavia – Latin name for fair-haired.
  65. Ultima – Someone who lives the farthest away.
  66. Tacita – Refers to silent beings.
  67. Erma – The name indicates princess.
  68. Regina – This name indicates a queen.
  69. Hilary – Meaning joyous.
  70. Petra – It means rock.
  71. Orela – A divine announcement coming from the gods.
  72. Claudia – Indicating mild temper.
  73. Nila – Symbolizes the River Nile.
  74. Madonna – Meaning my lady.
  75. Leandra – Signifactes similarity to a lioness.
  76. Jocelyn – Meaning joyous and merry.
  77. Gillian – It means soft hair.
  78. Gratis – Meaning free or no charge.
  79. Ardeen – Meaning eager.
  80. Laura – A female that is crowned with laurels.
  81. Marina – Refers to someone that “comes from the sea.”
  82. Portia – Indicates “an offering.”
  83. Amanda – Meaning endearing.
  84. Julia – Full of youth.
  85. Nola – Small bell.
  86. Virginia – Virginal or pure.
  87. Cyrilla – A strong leader.
  88. Trista – Indicates sadness.
  89. Ursula – Significates a female bear.
  90. Monica – Meaning an adviser.
  91. Lena – Meaning an enticing lady.
  92. Sabrina – It means a borderline.
  93. Zea – In Latin, it means a grain.
  94. Marcia – The female version of Mars.
  95. Lucy – Light bringer.
  96. Laveda – Cleansed or purified individual.
  97. Beatrice – Blessing bringer.
  98. Una – United or one.
  99. Verna – Latin name for spring.
  100. Reva – Bringer of good health and life.

The Most Famous Latin Dog Names:

  • Celeste
  • Donata
  • Adoria
  • Imogene
  • Carmine
  • Annabel
  • Mabel
  • Una
  • Fidella
  • Julia
  • Camilla
  • Lena
  • Ursula
  • Flavia
  • Leandra
  • Drusilla
  • Nerva
  • Marcia
  • Gillian
  • Deanna
  • Alta
  • Vera
  • Augusta
  • Vita
  • Sidra
  • Laveda
  • Antonia
  • Serena
  • Cornelia
  • Carita
  • Fidella
  • Claudia
  • Ara
  • Ace
  • Clarence
  • Theodore
  • Faustus
  • Fidel
  • Marcel
  • Portia
  • Dominic
  • Octavia
  • Reva
  • Basil
  • Horace
  • Terence
  • Cecil
  • Florentius
  • Horatius
  • Aloysius
  • Victor
  • Kadence
  • Nero
  • Benedict
  • Rex
  • Christian
  • Ether
  • Remus
  • Ignatius
  • Jovon
  • Fabian
  • Major
  • Lucious
  • Agepetus
  • Cato
  • Romanus
  • Hugo
  • Claudius

The Most Famous Latin Dog Names Inspired by Latin Culture:

  • Cha Cha 
  • Cumbia 
  • Atacama
  • Pitbull
  • Andes
  • Mariachi
  • Shakira
  • Latino
  • Selena
  • Amazon
  • Pinatas
  • Jive 
  • Bachata
  • Pasa / Doble 
  • Pausini
  • Enrique Iglesias
  • Rumba 
  • JLo
  • Bossa Nova
  • Samba 
  • Tango
  • Latina 
  • Merengue
  • Salsa
  • Thalia
  • Tejano
  • Estafan 

Latin Dog Names Inspired From Ancient Roman Times:

  • Canis (Dog – Latin)
  • Prima (First)
  • Ravus (Grey)
  • Nova (New)
  • Fulvus (Golden Yellow)
  • Atra (Black)
  • Magna (Great)
  • Rubra (Red)
  • Obscura (Dark)
  • Parva (Small)
  • Canus (Grey and White)
  • Albus (White)
  • Aqua (Water)
  • Filia(Daughter)
  • Denisa (Thick)
  • Fuscus (Dark)
  • Mira (Strange)
  • Caine (Dog – Romanian)
  • Cane/Cagna (Dog – Italian)
  • Chien (Dog – French)
  • Cadela/Carchorro (Dog – Portuguese)

Latin Dog Name Ideas Inspired By Strength and Power

Each language has words that indicate power, strength, and authority. Therefore, Latin is not an exception. It is such a case because of the famous Latin Emperors like Yolanda and Baldwin.

So, we have found Latin dog names that indicate strength and power. Some names are more appropriate for some breeds, but in the end, it is your decision. After all, you are naming your own dog, right?

Let’s start.

If you have a tiny puppy, we have an idea. Call it Minor.

On the other side, if you have an alpha dog that is powerful and strong and seems like a leader – call it Valerian. It is precisely what it means in Latin “the one who leads.”

Since not many owners are interested in Historical topics, many of them want a powerful, meaningful, and unique name.

There is even a nicer variant for Valerian; it is Varian. This name indicates “someone who conquers.” If you feel the vibe of your dog as a huge drive, then this name will be ideal.

In case you have a tough dog, then Vincent is an ideal name. This option sounds strong, bold, and elegant, which are the key elements for a tough and large dog.

Another great variant is the name Major, which means “greater” in Latin. Alternative for this is Vitus, which means basically the same thing. Pet owners usually name their German Shepherds and Dobermanns with this name.

Do you have a courageous dog like a bear? Then, naming it Orson is a great idea. This name makes sense for protective breeds such as Shar-Peis and Great Danes.

Does your dog show amazing greatness and power? Then, Magnus means “the great one,” and it is a fantastic choice. This is an excellent option for big dog breeds; however, naming your small dog this name can even sound ironic.

In case your dog is independent, courageous, strong, and runs fast, it is a great choice to name it Agrippa, meaning “wild horse.” These names suit Australian and German Shepherds.

Other great names are Honorius and Ignatius. Honorius means “conferring honor,” while Ignatius means “full of fire.”

Latin Dog Name Ideas Inspired by Divinity 

Religion and divinity gave excellent value to using Latin dog names for our puppies.

Our first pick is Dominicus, and it is one of the most powerful dog names since it means “godly.” As a consequence, it is an excellent choice for dogs that you deem worthy of it. It is often used by religious owners.

Our second pick is Theodorus, meaning “gift from God.” For many owners, dogs are a blessing. So, if you feel the same way, then you should name your dog Theodorus.

The female version of Theodorus is Orela. It means “divine announcement from the Gods.”

The abovementioned names are original and exotic. They all have beautiful meanings and transmit good vibes.

To Sum Up

People are always intrigued by the meaning of each name. We hope that our comprehensive list of the best Latin dog names will help you, and you will pick the most unique name. In the end, you may be wrong about your dog’s name. But, remember that it’s never too late to change it.

Related topic: Norwegian dog names

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