The 20 Most Obedient Dog Breeds

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It’s not enough to have an intelligent furry friend. You need to know how compliant he is.

There’s no doubt that sharpness plays a significant role in a dog’s learning ability. However, each dog breed has distinct behavior, genetic drives, and instincts. All these factors influence their level of compliance. It’s no wonder that some species produce the most obedient dog breeds.

For instance, some dog breeds were designed to team up with human beings, and others were designed to make independent decisions. The former is typically a vibrant breed. However, this doesn’t make the latter less vibrant. Different situations drive them. 

Top 20 Most Obedient Dog Breeds 

The point is that some breeds are more teachable than others. Here are the 20 most obedient dog breeds out there. 

#1. Border Collie 

Border Collie is one of the most intelligent dog breeds out there. The Border Collie learns like a pro. If you’re not clever, you might find that you can’t keep up with Border Collies. You need to work on your critical thinking skills before interacting with this dog breed.

These canines are also hard workers. In any case, they make excellent hunting dogs. 

#2. Australian Cattle Dogs

The Australian Cattle Dog is among the smartest dog breeds. However, what sets them apart from Border Collies in terms of personality is that they are independent-minded. The implication is that you might find it a bit challenging to nurture them due to this personality. However, one most significant advantage of them is that they listen to their owner.  

#3. Golden Retriever

This dog breed is a fantastic female herding breed. With a distinctive calm personality, it’s one of the most obedient dogs on this list. 

However, it can be the most disorganized pet ever. In most cases, the retriever often needs regular obedience training to help her regulate her hell-raising behavior. 

#4. German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is the epitome of obedience and loyalty. This breed flourishes at its owner’s side and goes out of its way to please and bond with its owner 

If you prioritize your breathing space over pups, please don’t opt for German shepherds. Here’s the catch; German Shepherds would accompany you from room to room to make sure you’re okay. Or perhaps, your canine friend would do that to get things done for you or itself.  

#5. English Springer Spaniel

English Springer Spaniels are spirited canines. They are always ready to play. So prepare your mind for frequent playful kicks on your lap when you own this energetic breed. The pup’s cheerful personality makes it one of the most compliant breeds. 

#6. Belgian Malinois

Belgian Malinois’ work ethic is matchless. The Belgian Malinois is a loyal rescue pooch. The pet often utilizes its vibrant nature and keen sense of smell to pursue questionable characters. In any case, they’re bound to listen to their master’s instructions, which is excellent.  

#7. Flat-Coated Retriever

This popular dog breed is equally wired to follow instructions. The best part of them is their upbeat personality. 

#8. Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever is one of the warmest canines out there. It’s no wonder that it’s one of the most prominent species in the States. Although the hound can be violent and silly, it has excellent listening skills. 

He’s also a herding dog. Trust her to get anything done.

#9. Doberman Pinscher

Another agreeable breed is the Doberman. They are brave and loyal furry friends. Plus, they’re known for their ability to stick to whatever you’ve taught them. Pinscher makes an excellent service dog.

#10. Manchester Terrier

Manchester Terriers can be saucy and headstrong. But they are more trainable dog breeds than other terrier breeds. These canines enjoy new challenges. This explains why they concentrate better during exercise. 

#11. Poodle

Poodles are an intelligent breed and are permanently wired to work. Like Shetland, it’s also a small dog. They’re ready to learn anything you decide to teach them. 

#12. Havanese

Havanese is one of the best small dog breeds. They’re cute, adaptable, and knowledgeable. These pooches are known as the easiest ones to train among other small canine species. They are always ready to please their masters at the slightest chance when offered several positive reinforcements. 

This species is also an excellent participant in dog sports. 

#13. Keeshond

This canine is generally amiable, loyal, clever, calm, and easy to nurture. Plus, they’re susceptible and curious. This makes them quick and enthusiastic learners. 

They’re designed as herding breeds. So you might need to invest in additional training to guard against excessive barking. 

#14. Shetland Sheepdog

Shetland is lively, likes families, and is eager to explore new things. They make the best contenders in dog sports, especially agility events. 

#15. Cocker Spaniel

Cocker Spaniels are prominent for their athletic abilities and cute small bodies. They make excellent choices for a large family with children. A Cocker Spaniel would not hurt children because they listen to their masters. 

#16. Bernese Mountain Dog

The Bernese Mountain pup originates from Switzerland. 

It is one of the four mountain pups in Switzerland. It has a thick furry coat with black and brown patterns.

Moreover, this huge-sized puppy has a charming personality. Unlike some canines who always vent their anger towards you, Bernese Mountain dogs are not aggressive. Instead, they are good-tempered. 

If you want compliant and good-natured pups, it’d be best to go for a Bernese Mountain puppy. These amazing pups can also keep your kids’ company owing to their friendly nature. Hence, they are an excellent choice for family pets.

#17. Pomeranian 

Pomeranian pups are attractive spitz-type dogs. They are named after Pomerania, a province in north-eastern Central Europe that now exists in Poland and western Germany. 

A Pomeranian pooch is a small-sized, heavy-coat dog. Perhaps this is why they are called toy canines.

Besides, Pomeranian pups are obedient dog breeds and are pretty easy to train. You can identify them with their fox-like face and prick ears. They also work well as guard dogs because they are active and observant.

#18. German Shorthaired Pointer

German Shorthaired Pointer is a devoted and powerful canine that survives on land and water. They have streamlined bodies and active legs to adapt to life on land and water, respectively. 

These pups take heed to commands easily when they undergo dog training. Germans use them mainly for hunting.

German Shorthaired Pointers are excellent family pets. They make friends with everyone. So you can’t encounter any issues while getting along with these doggies.

#19. Vizsla

Vizsla is a loyal dog breed that hails from Hungary. It is a hybrid hound of two ancient species, the Transylvania pooch, and the Turkish yellow pup. Vizsla is also a good hunting dog.

More importantly, Vizsla is a good option for family doggies because you can easily control them. However, they value companionship more than anything else

So if you want to get along with your Vizsla pooch, take your time to welcome and familiarize yourself with it. They are also big exercise fans and would rather play outdoors than indoors.

Once Vizsla has all the space they want, they feel at home. They grow fond of their owner and become more than obedient puppies. Eventually, they can even emerge as your best friend. Who knows?

#20. Rottweilers

Rottweilers are more protective and braver than most other dogs. They are obedient hounds with great personalities. But then, they are hostile to some extent, especially to strangers. Rottweiler is often used as a guard dog.

Also, this pup has a special preference for humans. They love to be raised by human parents. So, if you just purchased a Rottweiler breed, get ready to be showered with love!

Important Obedience Training Factors To Consider 

Another thing to consider is how distracted the service dog gets. Is the puppy able to concentrate on your mentoring techniques? Or do some things within your environment distract him? Species such as German Shepherd, Australian Shepherd, Labrador Retriever, Coonhound, and many others have a unique sense of smell. 

Dogs like the poodle, English springer spaniel, Pomeranian, golden retriever, and many others have fantastic senses of hearing. 

Obedience training plays a vital role in making your goody pet more agreeable. However, an excellent sense of smell and hearing is an added advantage. Any breed can improve its character effortlessly, depending on your methods. 

What Are The Easiest Dogs To Train?

Keeping hounds as pets can be more fun when they follow your commands. Some breeds of puppies will accord you the boss plus the ownership respect if they undergo some training sessions. 

Some pet owners believe most pups are likely to turn against their owners. So they prefer to raise small pets like felines and rabbits to puppies.

However, chill out. Before getting a puppy, make sure it’s a breed you can train. Some pooch breeds will always stand out, you know.

So far, below are the three easiest dogs to train. Let’s take a look at them. 

Miniature Schnauzer

Schnauzer might be a small dog, but he is brave. The pooch originates from the Terrier breed. This makes it one of the easiest canines to train. 

Golden Retrievers 

They are friendly, easy-going canines. These puppies are quiet, loving, intelligent, and trainable. Golden retrievers are usually more than a pet to their owners.

Moreover, these pups can be used as service or hunting dogs. They have an acute sense of smell which makes them detect things easily.

They can sense contraband goods at airports. Hence, they are a classy pick for police dogs. They can also guard your home against intruders.

Doberman Pinscher

A Doberman pinscher is a large canine that can make a lifelong companion. Once this canine grows fond of you, there’s no going back.

Besides, Doberman pinschers are intelligent and energetic. With proper training, they can serve as guard dogs. They are the favorite hounds for police officers and military men.


Poodles are competitive and always ready to work. Perhaps this is why they win big in animal reality shows, winks. Their name is derived from a German word, “Pudelin,” which means “splashing.”

They are also known as water retrievers. They can be used to search for and carry out water birds.


What is the Most Well-mannered Dog?

Whichever way you slice it, some puppies lack manners. And no matter how hard you train them, they still get back at you or even injure your visitors. 

So before you nurse a pup that ends up embarrassing you, take a ride back to history. Some canine breeds will never let you down. Once you train them, they are ready to behave well.

In the world of doggies, Boston terriers stand out. Boston terriers are small mongrels that result from a cross between a white English terrier and an English bulldog. All factors indicate this pup breed as the most well-mannered dog.

The American kennel club approved Boston terriers as a pooch breed on February 20, 1893. Boston terriers are lively and straightforward. Unlike some puppies, they don’t have mood swings. 

Consider Boston terriers if you long for a clingy companion and well-mannered pup.

Which dog does Best behave?

Choose collies over and over again if you desire a pup with a charming temperament. Collies are medium-sized hounds that originate from Scotland. 

You can recognize them by their long furry coat and unique wedge-pointed face. Collies are sociable canines. If you give them the best treatment, they will swear their absolute allegiance to you.

So far, Collies are the best-behaved dog breeds.

Which is the Calmest Dog to have?

Typically, most pooches have an aggressive nature. Especially when it comes to welcoming visitors, they won’t lie low. 

However, some dogs are friendly to both their owner and strangers. These kinds of pups are rare, though, but they exist. The Bernese mountain dog cannot be left out

 when we talk about tolerant and gentle canines.

 Bernese mountain pups are robust domestic pooches. They are playful. But then, they know when to keep it cool.

They are trainable pups that can make your home lively. Besides being the calmest dog, they also make a loving family pet.


Now that we’ve walked you through the most friendly canines, put your skates on! It wouldn’t hurt to secure one or more cute, obedient pooches. 

Related topic: American dog breeds

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