My Cat Won’t Leave Me Alone: The Clingy Behavior Explained

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As a pet owner, nothing makes me happier than seeing my pets happy.

They sometimes follow me around the home and hop into my lap to cuddle with me when I’m on the couch.

However, what if your pet isn’t behaving like this regularly, and suddenly turns into the most cuddly creature? What’s the reason behind this seeking-attention behavior?

Some of the reasons include hunger, stress or anxiety, lack of attention, loneliness, health issues, etc.

In today’s article, I will discuss the subject in more detail and explain the reasoning behind the possible causes of sudden clingy behavior, particularly in cats.

So, let’s dive a little deeper and learn why your cat won’t leave you alone.

What Does It Mean When My Cat Won’t Leave My Side?

Some of the bonding moments between cats and their owners include feeding time, snuggling, playtime, and so on. In these precious times, felines show their love and respect for their favorite humans.

However, if your cat is following you around constantly and becomes distressed and vocal when you try to leave, there’s probably a reason or more reasons behind their clingy behavior, so let’s discuss this further.

Underlying Condition

If your cat is dealing with underlying health problems that they’re not aware of, they can become needier as they’re feeling sick.

It’s hard for pet owners to notice when their feline is feeling sick, as these pets typically hide their sickness. It’s a survival instinct they’ve inherited from feral cats.

Cats in the wild tend to hide their illnesses to prevent themselves from becoming an easy target. However, you can still observe your kitten and detect obvious signs like lack of appetite, weight loss, etc.

If you suspect your cat is sick, schedule a vet appointment right away. Furthermore, keep in mind that sick cats could use some extra TLC when they’re sick.

Therefore, instead of chasing your furry friend away, provide comfort by petting, grooming, etc.

Separation Anxiety

Cats with separation anxiety struggle every time they’re left alone in the home. And the root of this “clingy” behavior typically hides in some type of past trauma.

So, if you notice that your cat becomes super clingy when you’re about to leave the home, pick up keys, or put your shoes on, they’re probably experiencing separation anxiety.

You can easily determine if this is truly the reason by installing a camera inside your home. Once you set up the camera, examine how your pet is acting while you’re not home.

Some of the obvious signs of separation anxiety include pooping and peeing outside the litter box, scratching pieces of furniture, etc.

If you believe your kitten is suffering from separation anxiety, ask your vet for advice on possible solutions.


If your cat suddenly follows you around and acts clingy, they could be bored or hungry. Boredom usually appears in indoor felines that don’t get enough playtime, attention, or affection.

So, if there’s no underlying health problem, separation anxiety, or any other serious issue, it’s time to provide a more mentally and physically stimulating environment for your kitten.

Why Does My Cat Follow Me to the Toilet?

My kitten sometimes follows me to the toilet and I found out that this behavior isn’t associated with health issues, boredom, separation anxiety, etc.

On the contrary, there’s a very simple reason behind this: curiosity. Most cats want to know where their favorite human is going. They’re typically curious creatures, so this shouldn’t surprise anyone.

Moreover, most cats love company. And if yours doesn’t get enough attention, they will likely follow you to the toilet in hopes to gain your attention.

See more: Why does my cat watch me poop?

Why Won’t My Cat Leave Me Alone at Night?

If your kitten won’t leave you alone at night, it’s probably because they experience separation anxiety. Or they’re just bored and crave your attention.

Observing your cat’s behavior when you leave the home and considering their day-to-day lifestyle and activity levels will help you discover the reason.

Why Won’t My Cat Leave Me Alone in the Morning?

I personally don’t need an alarm because my cat wakes me up every single morning for food. They’re either meowing, purring, and/or rubbing against me while I’m trying to sleep, which is cute on the weekends but not so cute on workdays.

If you experience something similar, here’s your answer: they’re probably hungry or miss you.

A few hours apart at night may not seem like a big deal to you. However, it certainly does to your feline. They probably can’t wait to start another day together with their favorite human.

Why Won’t My Cat Leave Me Alone While I’m Eating?

It’s pretty obvious why cats or any other home pets for that matter, won’t leave their owners alone while they’re eating. They’re probably hungry and want a piece of that toast or scrambled eggs.

Moreover, if you typically feed table scraps while having breakfast, lunch, or dinner, they’ve probably learned that if they stick by your side while you’re eating, they can get rewarded for their presence.

Why Is My Cat So Clingy All of a Sudden?

As I already established, cats can become clingy because of many reasons such as separation anxiety, hunger, stress, health issues, boredom, etc.

Most cats typically enjoy the presence of their favorite humans as they’re very social animals. They’re also curious creatures so they may want to follow you around at all times to see what you’re up to.

However, if your cat isn’t normally clingy but there’s a sudden change in their behavior, there could be something wrong, so have your vet examine your feline just in case.

So, why is my cat so attached to me lately?

Innocent and Serious Causes of Clingy Cats

If your feline is suffering from a disease or injury or experiences separation anxiety or just anxiety due to recent changes in the home, consult your vet for advice.

Note that if you have brought a new pet at home or changed homes, your cat might feel jealous or stressed because of the new surroundings. Such behavior can also be affected by the change of seasons. This means when the temperature drops, your cat can feel the cold.

If you’re able to determine what causes the anxiety or stress, then you can be able to adjust the environment of your feline to make them feel more comfortable.

For instance, if you have brought a dog into the home, don’t let your kitten out when the dog is outside. If coldness is the issue, try warming your home more sufficiently.

Further Possible Explanation

If your feline sits in your lap or next to you more than usual, take a look at their coat. See if you notice any changes in their skin and try to detect any injuries.

Check all parts of their body, including their legs, neck, belly, head, etc. Feel for any lumps, bumps, or signs of discomfort and if you feel any illness or injuries, take your feline to the vet right away.

Cats tend to hide their illness and deal with it in their own way, so examine carefully.

If the reason behind their clingy behavior is as simple as boredom, think of reasons that could have resulted in increased boredom.

For instance, check if their favorite toy is still alone. Maybe your kitten has lost their favorite toys or accidentally dropped them in a hard-to-reach spot.

Lastly, make sure you’re not accidentally neglecting your kitten because of work, kids, other indoor cats or dogs, or any other reason.

Moreover, spend time playing and cuddling with your feline, so they don’t feel neglected.

A final surprising reason which we covered in another article, and that is, cats get clingy when you’re pregnant.

How Can I Stop My Cat From Being So Clingy?

If you have already determined that your cat’s clingy behavior isn’t a result of health issues, separation anxiety, or boredom, perhaps you’re dealing with a needy or very demanding feline.

Needy Cats

Needy cats follow their owners everywhere and when they’re being locked out of the bedroom or bathroom, they cry until they gain access. Some needy cats might even refuse to eat when their owners aren’t present.

Such behavior is a result of insecurity and dependence on their owners. In fact, they see their owners as their protectors.

The needy behavior can also be caused by emotionally rooted issues such as being abandoned as a baby or separated from their mother too early.

Demanding Cats

Demanding cats, on the other hand, aside from acting as your shadow, will also yell at you at the top of their lungs for food, table scraps, treats, attention, etc.

They do this because they’ve learned that when they scream, they get their wishes fulfilled. If this is the case with your cat, try not to give in to their demands as often. However, keep their supply of water fresh at all times.

How to Deal With a Needy Cat That Won’t Leave You Alone?

If you’re dealing with a needy cat, you can try the next method: remove and reward Repeat the same process until your feline gets the idea.

So, when your feline plants themselves in front of you, just pick them up, place them where you want them to stay, and if they stay there, provide food or treats.

Repeat the same process until they finally learn that their good behavior results in a treat. I also suggest placing a comfortable small bed or box beside your resting area as most cats feel safe in small spaces.

Lastly, set a playtime routine and stick to it. If you spend quality time with your cat, they likely won’t be bored and remain with you at all times, requesting attention.

You can also provide many toys that will keep your cat busy while you’re doing something else.

How to Deal With a Demanding Cat That Won’t Leave You Alone?

As long as you’re certain that your cat is fed and warm, and they’re not hurt, don’t give in to their manipulative attention-seeking behavior.

You can easily teach your pet that they’re not going to get your attention every time they scream at you. Follow the next method: silent treatment and reward.

So, every time your cat starts acting crazy, just ignore their tantrum, don’t make eye contact, and as soon as they stop screaming and behave, provide a treat. That way, they will learn that good behavior “magically” materializes food.

Final Tips

If your cat’s clingy behavior is due to a medical issue, make sure to follow your vet’s advice on how to keep your cat comfortable at all times. Hopefully, as they recover, they will get back to their usual activities.

See more: Signs your cat has imprinted on you

*image by Valerii_Honcharuk/depositphotos