Male and Female Regal Dog Names

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Your cutie regal dog breeds deserve one or more dignified appellations. Pups with royal dog names are sagacious, charismatic, and elegant, the traits of one living a rewarding royal life. Or maybe it’s just that your pet is living a gracious life. The one you have bestowed on your furry friend. 

The royal family is a fantastic place to choose a  timeless regal dog name. You can get prominent royal names like Queen Elizabeth or use the name of royal families in general for inspiration. You could go mythological and name your dog after some imperial Egyptian characters. We’re here to assist you!

Grab your glass of Assam tea, and let’s look at the list of dignified dog designations. 

Popular Regal Dog Names 

Regardless of your house protector breed, a classic designation is more purposeful than amusing names in vogue. A sophisticated title or royal title is always the most ideal choice. Also, make sure that you do not consider complicated or ambiguous appellations. In this way, your pooch can easily learn and understand them

You should also avoid nicks that may seem like commands. For instance, Moe (no) is not an excellent choice. It will make your dog appear as though they don’t matter. 

What’s more? It’d be best not to make your canine’s title sound like that of your partner, child, or another person within your home. 

The point is to create a sense of royalty for your pup. It would help if you started with how you name her. Hence, your puppy’s name should reflect individuality and regality. 

As the case may be, let’s look at a few popular imperial dog titles. 

#1. Khan: It’s a Turkish/Mongolian appellation and connotes “Lord.” Ordinarily, it originated from a combative rank. In any case, we could associate Genghis Khan with this ancient designation. Just so you know, Genghis was the progenitor of the first Great Khan of the Mongol Kingdom, which became the most influential empire in history after his demise. 

#2. Malik:  It’s a Hebrew/Arabic title, meaning “he who controls the master and the king.”  Malik is one of the ninety-nine appellations of Allah. He’s also known to be a namesake of a ruthless angel who guards over the lake of fire with nineteen assistant guardians. Malik is the finest choice for a valiant guard pooch. 

#3. Magnus: It’s a French/Latin title that connotes “chamber of power.” The nick may be attributed to the Romans. But it was the Latinos that popularized it. 

Carolus Magnus should ring a bell. He was a member of the Carolingian Empire and was a one-time monarch of the Franks. As time goes on, the Scandinavians put the title into good use.  

#4. Noble: It’s a Latin/English designation. It connotes “eminent or notable.” These days, we associate the phrase with an imperial origin, valiance, and goodwill. You should name your pooch this name if you desire a canine companion. 

#5. Patrizio: It’s an Italian title. Patrizio connotes “patrician.” By this, we mean a member of the high society. It’s often attributed to a person associated with a  solid power structure in the political scene. 

#6. Paladin:  It’s a French designation. The character was one of the epic twelve peers of the Carolus Magnus’s Empire and a gallant serviceman. Today, it means an advocate of a noble undertaking. Call your canine Paladin or Pal, for short. 

#7. Raja: Raja is an Indian/German name. It means “sovereign.” In any case, it was  the designation of a German herd pooch known as “Wonder Dog.” He was the first police canine in the Land of the Long White Cloud. 

He became popular in the 1930s as he performed in several pooch events. 

#8. Rex/Regum: It’s also a Latin appellation and often associated with the word “King.” In any case, Rex means “Monarch of monarchs.”

#9. Ramesses: Ramesses is an Egyptian title. It can be attributed to Ramesses the Great, who piloted Egypt for sixty-six years. He had built several beautiful masterpieces in honor of his favorite significant other.

The most alluring of all the monuments was the Ramasseum. Under his watch, the Egyptians lived a life of harmony and prosperity. It makes an ideal designation for a quiet and valiant dog. 

#10. Kaiser: Kaiser is a German label. It connotes “Emperor.” In the year 1806-1818, the German monarchs were named Kaisers. It’s an ideal choice for German herd canines.

There are more dog name ideas, and they include:

  • Knight.
  • Mansa.
  • Laird.
  • Negus.
  • Wangjanim.
  • Simba (from Lion king)
  • Edward Edward ( the husband of Princess Anne)

Male Regal Dog Names

Let’s look at some regal male dog names.


 It’s a title for the Monarch of Afghanistan. 


It’s an English title. In the days of the old. Kings offered Barons lands in exchange for their fealty to protect the king when needed. So you see? It’s a great tag for your pup.


It’s a title for the Monarchs of the Islamic world.


Duke is the highest English royal rank. It means “leader.”


It means “noble.” The name originates from English/French noble-born high society. It makes a great name for a regal pet pooch. 


The earls presided over huge divisions of the English Kingdom. It’s a charming title for your canine. 

Female Regal Dog names


Susu is Of Chinese origin. It means a calm person.


Diana means “Heavenly.”

Da Xia

Da Xia is of Chinese origin. It means the biggest hero.


This name is associated with the famous Queen Elizabeth. Honey is Queen Elizabeth’s Corgis.


Livia was a Roman Empress.


She was a Greek goddess.


It’s of  Latin origin. It means “Queen.”

Regal Dog Names Inspired by the British Monarchs

Are you a pet parent searching for the best royal dog names for your pampered pooch? In this case, we’ve compiled a list of regal pup names from British monarchical families. These royal titles have helped revolutionize castles into stimulating homes for the British monarchs. 

The names include a male loyal friend and a female pampered pup. One common trait of these names is that they’re names of some favorite members of the English royal household. So, don’t be surprised when you come across royal titles from Buckingham palace, King Arthur, king Louis xiv to Rescue Jack Russell Terriers. 

#1. Albert: This name is connected to Queen Victoria. Queen Victoria was a member of the British monarch. Alice is the designation of Queen Victoria’s significant other. It means “noble.” Alice makes the finest choice for a female pooch, especially when you have regal dog breeds. 

#2. Alice: It also means “nobility.” As the case may be, it’s the appellation of Queen Victoria’s second daughter. It’s one of the rarest dog names for females. 

#3. Archie: Archie means “bravery.”  Plus, it’s the designation for Prince Harry and Meghan’s son. So if you want your pet to gain popularity, you should consider it for your male dogs. 

#4. Beatrice: Beatrice means “happiness.” What designation could better paint the value that your royal dog adds to life? The title reveres Queen Victoria’s youngest child. 

#5. Charlotte: This name is connected to Prince William. Prince William is a member of British monarch family. Charlotte means “free woman.” In any case, it’s the name of Prince William’s daughter. As an aside, it’s the feminine counterpart of the name “Charles.” 

#6. Eos: Eos is Prince Albert’s pooch companion in England. It’s often nicknamed the Greek goddess of the dawn. 

#7. George: Since the Duke of Cambridge’s son came into this world, George has gained momentum. As it is now, the title has become one of the top ten baby designations in the United Kingdom. 

#8. Pippa: It’s the short form of the title “Philippa.”  As it is the designation for Kate Middleton’s sister, it means “horse lover.” 

#9. William: It means “unwavering protector.”  William is the Duke of Cambridge’s appellation known as “Wills.” It would make alluring royal dog names for a bold barking companion. 

#10. Ivan: It’s the title for many a Russian Czar.

#11. Harry: It means “home protector.” 

#12. Lilibet: For pet parents looking for a name tied to Queen Elizabeth, Lilibet is a good idea. It’s Queen Elizabeth’s sassy nick. 

#13. Hector: It means “Queen Victoria’s Deerhound.” 

Regal Dog Names From Roman and Greek Mythology

Mythical pooch names often come with amazing stories and ancient history. From eminent heroes to gods that have lived through thick and thin, there are several options to select from.

  • Athena:  Goddess of insight. 
  • Juno: Divine Queen.
  • Atlas: Titans’ Leader.
  • Hera: The greatest goddess.
  • Pluto: Greek god of the semi-world.
  • Hercules: god of might and strength. 

Royal Dog Names by Famous Kings

Appreciate your furry friend’s physique, beauty, and nature by giving it a royal dog name. History reveals some famous kings as canine lovers. Meanwhile, these monarchs either pass down their titles to the dog they keep or some dogs are named in honor of these monarchs.

The cool, lovely names are royal names you can give your pup. We’ve executed the hard task for you by ransacking the monarch world to fetch you the grand names so far. 

Below are some regal dog names inspired by popular kings. Check them out. 

• If your puppy is big and powerful, call it Arthur—the king that defeats all kings. 

• Perhaps your puppy is an Alaskan/Husky breed. Name it Conry—ruler of wild dogs in the Celtic culture.

• If your pup is a Spanish breed, name it Felipe—a popular Spanish king.

• If your dog hails from the Mideast, then name it Malik, which means “a king” in Arabic.

• If your pup has some red patches on its furry coat, call it Rauri—a ruler.

• For Russian breed hounds, Ivan (a famous Russian emperor) is a nice shot.

Other Royal Dog Names By Great Kings Are: 

• Sherry (A royalty’s welsh corgi).

• Shah (A Persian ruler).

• Rian (Little monarch in Gaelic).

• Zeus (Divinity of the sky).

• Wombat (Prince William’s dog).

• William (Guardian dog).

• Tigga (Prince Charles’ Jack Russell Terrier).

• Rory (An Irish King).

• Widgeon (A well-known prince’s canine).

• Perandor (An emperor in Albanian).

• Whiskey (Prince Anne’s dog).

Royal Dog Names by Popular Queens

There are also regal dog names passed down by notable queens. Here is the chance to give your charming female dog a perfect name. Are you in?

Study the ideas below for some grand pup names by popular queens. 

  • Willow (welsh corgi of Queen Elizabeth)
  • Zara (A royalty).
  • Whisper (A Queen’s puppy).
  • Turi (Queen Victoria’s pomeranian).
  • Susan (A notable queen’s corgi).
  • Monty (A pup of Queen Elizabeth).
  • Livia (a Roman Empress).
  • Regina (Queen).
  • Phoebe (A Greek idol).
  •  Sharp (Queen Victoria’s canine)
  • Rose (A Princess’s middle name).
  • Mathilde (a Belgian queen).
  • Beatrix (Former Dutch Queen).

Strong Regal Names for Dogs

Some names don’t suit that innocent, attractive hound you just bought. How does it sound when you call a strong puppy “Rose” when an imperial name like “Zeus” sounds far better? 

Besides, one beautiful fact about these so-called canine companions is that they show it if they love their name. Puppies learn to respond to names they like faster than those they loathe. After all, they are also living beings with their freedom of choice. 

So dear canine lovers below is a list of some strong, regal puppy names. Explore them and make a nice pick.

Strong Royal Names for Girl Dogs 

• Contessa

• Duchess

• Katie

• Anastasia

• Libby

• Kwini

• Reina

• Victoria

• Sheba

• Arya

• Damia

• Tiana

• Majesty

• Baroness

Strong Royal Names For  Male Dogs

• Zeus

• Kaiser

• Napolean

• Czar

• Henry

• Sceptre

• Knight

• Cleo

• Augustus

• Thor

• Ragnar


By now, you already have several regal dog names in mind for your baby dog. Isn’t it? Even if you don’t, this article highlights every detail you need to know about pooch names. Thus, you have all the time to skim through these names and give your loyal companion a perfect nick.

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