12 Amazing Scottish Dog Breeds (With Pictures)

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When you think of Scotland, what comes to mind? The country is best known for its stunning landscapes, rolling hills, and lochs. But did you know that it’s also the birthplace of several popular dog breeds?

There’s no doubt that Scotland is home to some of the world’s most iconic dog breeds. From the shaggy and lovable Shetland Sheepdog to the fiercely loyal Scottish Terrier, these dogs are prized for their unique appearance, impressive working ability, and endearing personality.

The earliest Scottish dogs were sturdy, hardworking breeds that earned their keep while being equally loved family members. Today, many Scottish dog breeds are still working dogs, but they have also become popular family pets. Whatever their role in life, Scottish dogs are sure to bring a bit of Scottish charm into your home.

Here are 12 Scottish dog breeds that will make you want to wear a kilt!

1) Bearded Collie

The Bearded Collie is a shaggy-haired herding dog that hails from Scotland. Also known as the Beardie, this lively breed is friendly and intelligent, making them a popular choice for families.

Bearded Collies are active dogs who need plenty of exercise, so they’re not well suited for a sedentary lifestyle. They’re also known for being escape artists, so it’s important to keep them securely fenced in. Bearded Collies are medium-sized dogs, standing 20 to 22 inches tall at the shoulder.

Their shaggy double coats come in several colors, including black, blue, brown, and fawn. Daily brushing is essential to prevent mats and tangles from forming in their long hair.


Bearded Collies are intelligent and adaptable, and they thrive on human companionship. They are devoted to their families and get along well with children, although they may try to herd them!

Bearded Collies are active dogs and can become bored and restless if left alone for too long. They are also notoriously stubborn, so it is important to start training early. With patience and perseverance, however, you will find that the Bearded Collie is a loyal and loving companion.

2) Border Collie

The Border Collie is a medium-sized dog breed that is most commonly known for its role as a working livestock herder. Originating from the Scottish Borders region, the Border Collie is a highly intelligent and active breed that requires regular exercise and stimulation.

They are also notoriously trainable, which has made them one of the most popular breeds for dog sports such as Agility, Flyball, Frisbee, and obedience competitions. But working Border Collies are not just limited to sheepherding; they have also been successfully trained as assistance dogs, search and rescue dogs, detector dogs, and tracking dogs.

In recent years, the Border Collie has also become a popular family pet thanks to their loyalty, affection, and ease of training. Whether you’re looking for a working partner or a loving companion, the Border Collie is definitely worth considering.


Have you ever seen a dog so smart that it could round up a flock of sheep all on its own? But what else is there to know about these fascinating dogs? For starters, they need a job. Border Collies are high-energy dogs that require a lot of mental and physical stimulation.

If they don’t have a job to do, they may become bored or destructive. So, if you’re thinking of getting a Border Collie, be prepared to provide them with plenty of exercise and training.

You’ll also need to be a confident leader. These dogs are quick learners with a strong desire to please their owners. However, they can also be willful and independent-minded.

3) Border Terrier

The Border Terrier is a small breed of dog that originates from the border between England and Scotland. Despite its small size, the Border Terrier is an active and energetic breed that loves to play and explore.

Originally bred for hunting, Border Terriers are still known for their tenacity and determination. They are also intelligent dogs that are easy to train. Although they make excellent companions, Border Terriers can be stubborn and independent. Consequently, they require patient and consistent training.


The Border Terrier is a breed of dog that is known for being easygoing and intelligent. They are also known for being able to keep up with the kids, making them great family pets.

Terrier breeds are typically very friendly and outgoing, and they love to be around people. They are also very playful and energetic, and they will often try to get you to play with them. However, they can also be quite stubborn, and they may not always listen to you.

The Border Terrier is a friendly, outgoing breed that typically gets along well with other dogs and pets. However, his strong prey drive can lead him to chase small animals, such as the family cat or a squirrel.

If you have a Border Terrier, it’s important to keep a close eye on him when he’s outside, as he may not be able to resist the temptation to give chase. While most Border Terriers are content to live peacefully with their canine and human companions, it’s important to be aware of their natural instincts.

With a little guidance and training, your Border Terrier can learn to control his prey drive and enjoy a harmonious life with the rest of your household.

4) Cairn Terrier

Though they may not be as popular as some other breeds, Cairn Terriers are definitely dogs with personality. Often described as spunky and feisty, these terriers are known for their fearless nature and boundless energy.

As a result, they make excellent companion animals for those who enjoy an active lifestyle. Cairn Terriers are also relatively easy to train, and they thrive on positive reinforcement. However, their independent streak can sometimes make them stubborn, and they may need a little extra patience when it comes to potty training. Overall, Cairn Terriers are delightful dogs that bring joy to their owners’ lives.

And, as any fan of the Wizard of Oz knows, they can even be helpful in the fight against evil witches.


The Cairn Terrier is a small, independent dog with a stubborn streak. They are alert and inquisitive by nature, and will often bark to announce the arrival of visitors. Cairn Terriers are also known for their love of digging, and will often excavate entire flower beds in search of a buried bone.

Despite their mischievous nature, Cairn Terriers are extremely loyal dogs that form strong bonds with their families. They are relatively easy to train but require firmness and consistency. With early socialization, they can learn to get along with other pets and children.

Overall, the Cairn Terrier is an active and playful breed that makes an excellent companion for those who are willing to put in the time and effort required to train them.

5) Dandie Dinmont Terrier

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a small, compact dog with a long body and short legs. The breed gets its name from the Scottish character in Sir Walter Scott’s novel, Guy Mannering.

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is known for its unique appearance, which includes a large head, folded ears, and a wiry coat. The breed is also known for being intelligent and independent, and they are often described as “stubborn.”

While they can be stubborn, Dandie Dinmont Terriers are also affectionate and loyal dogs. They are gentle with children and get along well with other pets.


The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a small breed of dog with a big personality. Despite their compact size, Dandies are full of energy and require plenty of exercise. They are also known for being independent and stubborn, which can make training a challenge.

However, with patience and consistency, they can be taught tricks and obedient commands. Although they are not the easiest breed to train, they are incredibly intelligent and learn quickly. Dandies are also loyal and devoted to their families, and they make great companion dogs.

When it comes to strangers, they can be reserved and even suspicious. But with proper socialization from an early age, they will learn to warm up to new people.

Overall, the Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a unique breed with many endearing qualities.

6) Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States. Originally bred in Scotland, they were originally used as hunting dogs. Today, they are known for their gentle dispositions and loyalty.

Golden Retrievers are medium-sized dogs, with males typically weighing between 65 and 75 pounds. They have a thick coat of golden-colored fur that sheds heavily, requiring regular grooming.

Golden Retrievers are intelligent and easily trained, making them ideal pets for families with children. They also have a strong retrieving instinct, which can be directed towards positive activities such as fetching a Frisbee or bringing in the newspaper.


Golden Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States, and it’s easy to see why. These dogs are known for their affectionate nature and gentle dispositions, making them ideal companions for families with children.

Golden Retrievers are also highly intelligent and easy to train, making them a popular choice for obedience and agility trials. Despite their laid-back personalities, Golden Retrievers have boundless energy and require plenty of exercise. A daily walk or run will help to keep your Golden Retriever happy and healthy.

If you’re looking for a loyal and loving companion, a Golden Retriever may be the perfect breed for you.

7) Rough Collie

The Rough Collie is a breed of dog that is most commonly associated with the character Lassie. The breed is known for its thick coat of fur, which can be either short or long-haired.

Rough Collies are also natural herders, and their intelligent and loyal nature make them excellent family pets. The breed originated in Scotland, where they were used to herd sheep on the rugged hillsides.

Today, Rough Collies are still popular working dogs, but they are also cherished as loyal and loving companions.


Rough Collies are a popular breed of dog, known for their gentle temperament and loyalty. They make great family pets, as they are good with children and other animals.

Rough Collies typically need a lot of exercise, so they are best suited for homes with yards. They are also fairly vocal dogs, so if you’re looking for a silent companion, a Rough Collie may not be the best breed for you.

However, they are intelligent and respond well to training. If you’re looking for a loving, loyal companion, a Rough Collie is an excellent choice.

8) Scottish Terrier

The Scottish Terrier is a small, compact dog with a storied history. Originally bred in Scotland to hunt vermin, the Scottish Terrier quickly rose to popularity as a companion animal.

Thanks to their plucky personality and loyal nature, Scottish Terriers quickly became one of the most popular breeds in the UK. Today, they are still a popular choice for families looking for a lovable and energetic canine companion. While they may be small in size, Scottish Terriers are big on personality.

They are known for their fearless demeanor and spirited nature. With their thick coat and sturdy build, they are also well equipped to withstand the harsh Scottish weather.


The Scottish Terrier is a unique breed of dog with a very distinct personality. They are often described as stubborn and independent, which is likely due to their strong will and determination.

However, they are also incredibly loyal and loving to their family and friends. Scottish Terriers are also known for being quite smart, which means they can be quick learners if given the right motivation.

They have a very regal bearing and tend to be quite dignified, which is one of the things that makes them such wonderful companion animals. While they may not be the easiest breed to train, they are certainly worth the effort for those who are looking for a lifelong friend.

9) Shetland Sheepdog

The Shetland Sheepdog is a versatile breed of dog that originates from the Shetland Islands off the coast of Scotland. Also known as the “Sheltie”, these dogs were originally bred to herd sheep and perform other farm duties.

Today, Shelties are still used as working dogs in many parts of the world, but they have also become popular pets. Thanks to their intelligence and trainability, Shelties make great companion animals for families with children.

They are also relatively low-maintenance dogs, requiring only moderate exercise and grooming.


Shetland Sheepdogs are intelligent, loving dogs that make great companions. Though they were originally bred to herd sheep on the rocky shores of the Shetland Islands, they are just as happy living in a city apartment.

Shelties are affectionate and lively and love to play. They are also very intelligent and can be easily trained. If you are looking for a devoted friend who will always be ready for a game of fetch, a Shetland Sheepdog is the perfect pet for you.

10) Skye Terrier

The Skye Terrier is a small breed of dog that originates from the Isle of Skye in Scotland. Though they were once common among peasant farmers, they are now considered a rare breed.

Skye Terriers are tenacious and independent, but they are also loyal and affectionate toward their owners. They have a wiry coat that is typically gray or black in color, and they are known for their long, silky ears.

Skye Terriers require regular grooming to maintain their coat, and they are not well suited to hot climates. Though they are generally healthy dogs, they are prone to certain health conditions, such as joint problems and skin infections. Overall, the Skye Terrier is a unique breed with a long history.


Skye Terriers are best known for their independent streak. They’re not the type of dog that’s going to want to cuddle up with you on the couch all day – they much prefer to be out and about, exploring their surroundings.

That said, they are very loyal dogs, and will form strong bonds with their owners. They can be aloof around strangers, but they’re really just trying to protect their family. Skye Terriers are also very energetic – they need plenty of exercise to stay happy and healthy.

But despite their independent nature, they do enjoy affection from their owners and will return it tenfold. If you’re looking for a dog with personality, a Skye Terrier is a great choice.

11) Smooth Collie

The Smooth Collie is a breed of dog that is closely related to the Border Collie. Like its cousin, the Smooth Collie is intelligent, active, and loyal. However, the Smooth Collie has a shorter coat of fur, which makes it better suited for warm weather climates.

This breed is also known for being an excellent herder, and many Smooth Collies still work on farms today. In addition to herding, Smooth Collies can also make great companions and family pets. They are typically good with children and other animals, and they enjoy being active.


The Smooth Collie is a sociable breed that makes an excellent family pet. They are easily trained and have a natural ability to please their owners, making them one of the easiest breeds to train.

However, they do require regular exercise to stay healthy and fit, and they can be vocal if not properly trained. Despite their easygoing nature, they make good watchdogs due to their alertness and ability to bark.

If you are looking for a dog that is easy to train and will fit well into any family, the Smooth Collie is an excellent choice.

12) West Highland White Terrier

The West Highland White Terrier, or “Westie” as they are often called, is a small, energetic dog with a distinctive white coat. Originally bred in Scotland as a working terrier, Westies quickly became popular as companion animals.

They are known for their cheerful dispositions and loyalty to their owners. Westies are relatively easy to train and make excellent family pets. However, they do require regular grooming and exercise.

Westies are also prone to certain health problems, such as joint dysplasia and skin infections. But with proper care, these energetic little dogs can bring a lot of joy to their owners’ lives.


Westies are a highly intelligent dog breed, making them relatively easy to train. However, they can also be independent and stubborn, particularly when it comes to potty training.

Despite their independent streak, Westies make loyal and loving companion animals that enjoy spending time with their families. They are also relatively active dogs that need some daily exercise to stay healthy and happy.

Overall, the West Highland White Terrier makes a great pet for families who are looking for a loving and intelligent companion.


So there you have it – a rundown of some of the most popular Scottish dog breeds! Whether you’re looking for a cuddly companion or an energetic friend, one of these breeds is sure to be a good fit.

From the lovable Golden Retriever to the feisty Scottish Terrier, each breed has its own unique personality. So take your time in choosing the right one for you – after all, your new best friend will be with you for many years to come!

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*photo by tan4ikk – depositphotos