Why Do Dogs Yawn? Find Out Here!

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Have you ever watched TV and witnessed your dog let out one of those wide-mouthed yawns that seem to go on forever? You don’t know why this happens, but we’re going to explore the science behind doggy yawns today. Don’t worry; we won’t get too technical! Just stick with us; you’ll have all the answers next time your dog yawns. But, first, let’s focus on answering this critical question: Why is your dog yawning?

What Is A Dog Yawn?

Like the person yawning, the dog yawning is a reflex in which they open their mouth wide, and their lungs take deep breaths. Dogs cannot control their yawning since it is involuntary. They have no impact on how long it will last, how much air they will inhale, or when the yawning will happen.

A dog yawn is a calming signal and is usually only seen as an invitation to play with the other dog. However, it can sometimes be seen as a sign of negative emotions such as distress or loneliness.

Some veterinarians believe that dogs yawn when walking slowly since this can cause fatigue which will cause a yawning response. This can happen on its own, too, if the dog is showing signs of a temporary illness or injury.

What Is The Real Meaning Of It?

There are various theories about why dogs yawn, but it’s pretty innocuous and reasonable for the most part. Occasional yawning may indicate that the dog is falling asleep, a period of stress or boredom, and nothing more. A dog’s body language can provide clues about what the dog is trying to communicate – does it have its ears up or pinned back? Or is he looking at you with sad eyes, swaying from side to side, with his tail tucked between his legs?

However, more frequent and prolonged yawning may be a symptom of an underlying medical condition, stressor, or potentially threatening situation. Excessive yawning in dogs may indicate that something is wrong. For example, if your dog frequently yawns near other animals, that could mean they are allergic to one another’s dander. They could also suffer from extreme boredom or stress if they are over-exercised or under-stimulated.

Two Reasons For Dog Yawning: Sociological And Phycological

There are different reasons and potential triggers why a dog would yarn, so here are some explanations.

Sociological Reasons

Dogs yawn to cool down their brains and keep them functioning at the optimal level. There are also some sociological reasons why dogs yawn; this includes one of a dog’s primary signs when they want to convey submissiveness or fearfulness. They also yawn due to stress, being understimulated.

So, dogs yawn when they are stressed. But if you are unsure what is causing your dog to yawn, it is best to consult your veterinarian for advice. You can also research veterinary medicine online but ensure it is reputable because there can be some questionable sources.

Stress could be an everyday thing when a dog enters a veterinary clinic, when it sees a strange face, when a child hugs it, when it hears a quarrel, or when you hold it very tight.

If you think you can never tell if your dog is under stress, watch out for these signs. These signs may indicate that your dog suffers from anxiety: constant lip licking, frequently yawning, tail tucking,g and holding its head low. In addition, if it turns its tail between its legs or tries to escape whenever you call it, it means something is wrong.

Psychological Reasons

A psychologist, Jessica Grisham, has found that dogs yawn to communicate fatigue or boredom. It’s an easy form of communication that requires no effort. Dr. Nicholas Dodman, director of the Animal Behavior Clinic at Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine in North Grafton, Massachusetts, said: Dogs yawn to exchange smells.

Dodman said dogs might learn to yawn from humans and thus consider it a form of communication. He said that this is likely how shelter dogs know to respond to their owners in such a way. According to him, dogs in shelters will yawn when they see their caregiver’s exchange smells and demonstrate attachment.

Yawning could also calm down the nervous system and stimulate it. It can also calm the brain when the temperature increases.

When animals go from one behavioral state to another one, yawning happens. For instance, dogs wake up, fall asleep, get alert when bored, or move from a stressful situation to a calm state.

The benefits of this contagious reflex are not clear. Dog yawns can be calming for humans and dogs, but there is no conclusive evidence that catching a dog’s yawn helps them relax or become more alert.

Love, Oh, Love

An occasional yawn from your dog is not a bad thing. Dogs’ yawning means they love you and have a special bond with you, which is normal behavior. Also, like humans, dogs need sleep; one way to show they are tired is by yawning. Another reason why dogs yawn is to get rid of irritants in their noses, just like us humans do with a big ol’ sneeze. This leaves them refreshed and more relaxed for the next round of catchin’ yawns!

However, since yawns are very contagious, they could signify a bond with their owner. Human yawns can also influence dogs, a bonding sign between dogs and people.

What Does It Mean When Your Dog Yawns Excessively?

Not all yawns are the same, and you cannot say, ‘it’s just a yawn, and move on. It would be best to differentiate between humans yawning excessively and dogs excessive yawning.

A dog’s excessive yawning could be because of anxiety, but if it is, some tell-tale signs come with it. A dog yawning excessively may look tired, and a little stressed. It will not make eye contact with you and may even have dilated pupils. A dog would show these signs for many reasons, including stress from its owners or fighting at home.

However, many other reasons a dog would yawn excessively exist. The logic behind excessive yawning in dogs could be similar to those behind human beings. It is believed that stress, mental break, and anxiety can also cause excessive yawning in dogs. In addition, some people believe that animals suffer from depression and chronic sleep deprivation just like humans, which can be brought on by a stressful environment or trauma like neglect, abuse, or abandonment.


Dogs yawn because they are tired, usually after exerting themselves physically. For example, if a dog does not feel well, it could also yawn because its blood sugar is low. It’s common for dogs to catch other animals’ yawns to avoid attracting predators or asking for social bonding with the other animals around them. Dogs don’t have to be tired or sick to yawn; they can be bored and try to get attention.


Dog’s yawns could mean they are worried or bored. You should visit the veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan if you have an anxious dog. In most cases, dogs yawn when they feel overly stimulated or when their environment lacks stimulation, like in the case of separation anxiety in dogs. The act of yawning can also provide them with physical relief due to its release of pent-up gases.

How Can You Help Your Dog Yawn Less?

There are many possible reasons why your dog yawns. The best way to find out why your dog is yawning and how to help them less is to consult a vet for veterinary advice. One of the most common reasons for a dog yawning, believe it or not, is because he’s watched you do it and wants to catch yawns too!

To help your dog avoid yawning situations, do not force it to meet other dogs or interact with unfamiliar people.

The yawning and anxiety are a dog’s signs that it doesn’t feel comfortable in the situation, and you should not force it to participate.

Never let your dog stay for long in a stressful environment or in a place where it feels fear. For example, leave it at home and not force it to go with you to crowded areas or loud events.

As a dog owner, you should recognize the dog’s signs of stress and fear. Next, you should give it some calming signals and help it feel safe.

The best spot for a yawning dog would be a safe space, a quiet place, combined with unique pacifying toys.

Positive reinforcement and rewarding behavior make the dog feel safe and loved.

Are Yawns Contagious Between Dogs?

Dogs do repeat a person yawning, but would they mirror a new dog yawning? So, yes, dogs will catch yawns from other dogs, just like they reflect the dog from their owner. However, contagious yawns happen mainly in a dog’s stressful environment. So dogs who catch yawns could be under a lot of stress.

Final Thoughts

Many people think that because a dog is yawning, it must be tired, but this isn’t always the case. You should first rule out medical reasons for yawning before making assumptions about what’s causing it. For example, they may be in pain and are yawning as a way to cope with that. This can happen when their stomach muscles are injured from surgery or a car accident where they were left hanging upside down for an extended period.

Yawning can also be a sign of illness, so if your dog is frequently yawning and it’s combined with other symptoms such as coughing or sneezing, you should take them to a vet. This is especially true if they are lethargic, stop eating regularly, or begin refusing water. If you observe these signs and your dog has been yawning in between bouts of lethargy, then these could be signs that they have kennel cough. Do not hesitate to visit the vet if you notice any other signs when your dog is yawning.


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