Why Does My Dog Rub His Face on The Carpet?

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Some dogs like to rub their face on the carpet, wall, furniture, or any surface that can help itching skin. Do you often wonder what the reason is?

In most cases, this attitude is harmless, but there are some occasions when you need to pay attention and check your dog for injuries or illness. The reasons why your pup is rubbing his face on the carpet can be anything from having wet or dirty fur or an ear infection.

To acknowledge all the questions that may trouble pet parents, here are all the possible reasons dogs rub their faces on the carpet.

Reason 1: The Dog Is Marking Its Territory

Dog owners know that these animals like to mark their territory anywhere. So if you catch your dog rubbing his face on the carpet, furniture, or some other place in your home, it may be because it wants to show it owns the site. (*)

When a dog rubs across something, it wants to leave its scent. Once they leave its scent on a piece of furniture, it is impossible for them not to recognize that place. It is their way of telling you ‘’Yeah, I am here, and I will be back because I like it.”

Every time your dog rubs its face on some fabric, it leaves pheromones. And even if you cannot smell it, your dog can. They do that to recognize the places they’ve been to before by smelling their pheromones.

Reason 2: It Likes To Play

Sometimes, if you catch your dog rubbing on the carpet, that may not be a sign that something is wrong! Instead, it might mean that your dog has a good time and likes to play with you. This behavior is typical for dogs on the leash most of the time. However, when they are released, they have an obsessive need for attention and tend to howl, bark and growl.

If you don’t pay attention, it may quickly become a hazard in your living room. Dogs are playful creatures; they like to have fun and roll on the carpet as little kids do. So, it wouldn’t hurt you to give them your love once again! 

Reason 3: It Makes Them Feel Good/ They Smell Something Good

Do you remember all those times you cuddle up in your favorite blanket? It gives you a lot of pleasure, especially if the fabric is freshly washed and smells like home. Of course, you immediately want to hug it and put it all over your face, right?

The same goes for dogs! Rubbing their face on a clean and fresh fabric makes them feel good. Plus, every one of us wants to roll down on the carpet once in a while for no reason, isn’t that true?

We all know that dogs have a powerful and acute sense of smell. They like to sniff anything and everything. So, your dog is rubbing its face on the carpet because it smells good! But, it doesn’t have a be a good smell necessarily. What smells good to us may smell terrible to a dog and vice versa. 

However, keep an eye on your pup. If you find your dog’s face rubbing happens often, it may be good to look for some other cause.

Reason 4: The Dog Is Trying To Clean Its Face

Dogs are not humans; they cannot speak to say what is bothering them. If something on their face causes discomfort, they may roll up and down the carpet as they think that is the only solution!

Even the filthiest dogs don’t like to have anything on their face. So, the next time you catch your pup rubbing the front off the carpet, it may be trying to clean its face. It may be some leftovers from lunch or some dirt from the backyard; dogs rub their face cause they don’t like it to be dirty.

Another cause may be to clean their eyes from boogers. If your pup is frequently rubbing his face on the carpet in the morning, it may be because It wants to clean the rheum off.

Reason 5: The Dog Has An Allergy

Allergies are a frequent reason for stubborn itch. As typical as they can be in humans, many dogs rub their faces because they suffer from allergies. So if your pup is allergic to something and has itchy skin, it may lead to face rubbing on the carpet.

It may be food allergies to something the dog eats regularly or seasonal allergies to grass, pollen, etc. Try to track when and how often your dog is rubbing its face on the carpet. If the rubbing happens right after your vacuum the place, that is a good indicator that your dog is allergic to dust.

If a dog has an allergic reaction, it will have itchy ears, paws, and a lot of skin changes like red or thickened skin. So, if you detect any of these actions and your dog seems to like it is feeling a bit uncomfortable, it may be a good idea to take it to the vet. (*)

Reason 6: The Dog Has Ear Infection, Fleas, or Mites

It is known that dogs tend to suffer from external parasites like fleas, ear mites, ticks, and even develop a nasty infection. Still, not all infections and external parasites cause itchiness. 

Fleas, mites, scabies, and Demodex lead to itchy faces and skin. If your dog is suffering from some of these, it would probably show inflamed skin, and the itching would be severe, continuous, and combined with excessive licking.

If you notice this obsessed, compulsive itching, look for an ear infection. Dogs that suffer from ear infections of the ear canals often experience discharge. If your dog’s ear is swollen and reddish, take it to the vet as soon as possible and start bathing it with a gentle shampoo. 

Nasty infections and parasites create a sense of madness, so don’t leave your pup struggling on the carpet for a long time!

Reason 7: The Dog Has An Eye Irritation

Same as an ear infection, a sore eye can cause a lot of pain and itching. If your pup has something in the eye or has experienced a scratch or dry eye, it will become itchy, and it will start to rub its face everywhere.

If this is the case, your dog will quickly start to paw at their eye, hold it shut, or scratch it. If this behavior is accompanied by redness and swelling, pet owners should bring their dogs to the vet. However, we advise you to be careful with these signs because every eye irritation may cause damage to the dog’s eye. 

Reason 8: The Dog Has Deep Wrinkles

If you own a pup that is part of some wrinkled-face dog breed, get used to the constant face rubbing. Dog breeds such as bulldogs or pugs have a lot of wrinkles on their faces, and the space between those wrinkles quickly gets filled with dirt, food particles, or bacteria.

For this reason, wrinkled-faced dogs rub their faces more often. The deeper the wrinkles, the more extensive the itching. And to relieve some of the discomforts, they tend to rub their face and bodies on the carpet. 

You can avoid this easily if you regularly clean the dog and wipe out its face.

Reason 9: The Dog Has Collar Irritation

We want it to be cute and practical when choosing a dog collar. Not that often (if not never) do we think about how comfortable and tight it might be.

One more reason dogs rub themselves on the carpet is that they have collar irritation. If the dog’s collar is too tight around the neck or the fabric is annoying, it will feel itchy and irritated.

Another case scenario is if your dog had gained some weight, the collar might be too tight. Try to slide two fingers underneath it to check if this is the case. If they don’t fit, then the coupling is too fast, and it may cause a lot of discomfort to your pup.

Reason 10: The Dog Is Feeling Intense Pain

If your pup is experiencing some pain or discomfort, it will start to rub itself on the carpet, furniture, or anything trying to relieve the pain. It can be a bad tooth or other dental problem that may cause your pup to lose appetite or chew only on one side.

When your dog has a dental problem, it will show signs like bad breath or bloody saliva. If your dog’s teeth are broken or diseased, or the dog has some other mouth pain, it starts to rub excessively.

Ear, eye, or any pain in the dog’s body can also cause your dog’s rubbing. Take your pup to the vet if you notice a lousy odor, bad breath, redness, or strange behavior.

Reason 11: The Dog Has Low Calcium

Low calcium levels lead to a state known as hypocalcemia. This condition occurs for various reasons and can cause excessive facial itching. In addition, if your dog has low calcium levels, it will start twitching, drinking water excessively, urinating more, and in the worst-case scenario, having seizures and aggression.

If you notice any of these changes in your pup’s actions lately, consult with a veterinarian. Although this is a very uncommon cause of itching and rubbing, it may indicate something is wrong with your dog.

Reason 12: The Dog Has An Injury Or Tumor

The last and most rare cause is a head injury or a tumor. This type of issue is commonly accompanied by hitting the head against the wall or the ground. If your pup is suffering from a brain tumor, it will feel a lot of pressure on the brain. Hence, it will try to rub the head to relieve itching, pain, and discomfort.

However, there are many other symptoms that a dog with a head injury or tumor will show rather than rubbing. For example, anything that differs from normal behavior, such as seizures or vision/hearing impairments, indicates a brain tumor. So, do not panic until you see some of these symptoms together.

Still, if you notice anything strange, it may be a good idea to bring your pup to the vet.


Why Does My Dog Rub His Snout On The Carpet?

The most common reason dogs rub their snouts on carpets or floor is that they feel irritated or discomfort. For example, if your pup has something stuck in its nose or presents with a runny nose, it may need to rub its face on the carpet. The same happens with dogs that have a toothache or infection.

Another reason why the dog rubs its snout is because of a bite. If it gets bitten by an insect, the dog’s snout will feel very itchy and even painful.

Why Does My Dog Rub His Face On The Carpet After He Eats?

If you see a dog rubbing its face after eating, it may be because the pup feels happy and fulfilled. Especially if it sees you preparing the meal, it is its way of showing excitement.

Also, if they get some food crunches stuck, they may try to clean their face by rubbing them on the carpet. 

Why Does My Dog Rub His Face On The Carpet And Growl?

When rubbing is combined with growling, it is a sign that your dog is itching. It may be because it has some allergy or an infection, but it may indicate some parasites such as fleas or dust mites. If your dog growls while rubbing his face on the carpet, be sure that it is in pain and feels a lot of discomforts.

How Do I Stop My Dog’s Face Rubbing Issue?

First of all, you should check for signs of allergies, infections, and diseases. Please take a look at your dog’s ears, the dog’s eyes, and mouth.

If everything seems fine, take some action to protect it from parasites and seasonal allergies. Consult your vet to help you and take your pup to routine checkups to prevent excessive rubbing.


In some cases, dog rubbing on the carpet can signify that your dog is happy and wants to play. Dogs like to sniff things and mark their territory, so rubbing your face may indicate that your pup has recognized its smell.

Still, if the rubbing happens too often and lasts for a long time, check your pup for allergies, infections, and diseases. It is not uncommon for dogs that feel itchy to rub themselves across the floor. If the puppy has some bad smell, blood, or strange discharge, you should take it to the vet.

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*photo by Judithdz – depositphotos