Male & Female African Dog Names

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Are you a pet fan searching for an eligible and reasonable name? Have you been thinking of an extraordinary name for your new dog? Or are you looking for a suitable name that will make your pup outstanding?

Then, you are at the right place, you will get incredible African dog names that will fit your dog’s personality and make it lovely. Giving your pooch that remarkable name will make it feel loved and will also give it a sense of belonging.

Trust me when I say that African dog names are super fabulous. Africa is a continent known to be abundant in different cultures and tongues. They have stunning names that will give your dog a great personality and feeling. You know what? 

These lovely names come from the countless dialects of Africans such as Zulu, Swahili, Malawi, Afrikaans, Yoruba, Igbo, etc. Naming dogs can be easy for new dogs but for adult dogs, it may not come so easy and pet lovers may require great dog training advice before their dogs get accustomed to these African pooch names.

Reasons Why African Name Is Good For Your Dog

You may ask, what if my pup is not an African dog? You don’t have to worry about that. 

Whether your pet is of African roots or not, these awesome African dog names are very decent for your dogs.

Descriptive African dog names are necessary because they reestablish stronger connections with your dogs. African puppy names inspire dogs and every pet lover out there.

Another benefit of choosing an African puppy name for your canine friends is that they are eclectic, friendly, and delightful.

African dog names depict a plentiful African artistic atmosphere. You should choose an African canine name that suits your pooch. Because they are indeed unique, fabulous, attractive, courageous, and completely fashionable.  

They will make your dog well-loved and wanted by people. Africans display their hosts of African dog names in various Disney Channel films and motion pictures. African dog names are going to be fabulous for your dog.  

They are universal around the globe. For years now, wild hounds are known to be loyal friends to a lot of African nations.

Giving your dog an African pooch name gives it that sense of belonging; it deepens your relationship with the dog. Truth be told, African dog names are one of the most underrated, yet highly remarkable gifts you can give those lovely dogs of yours. 

Go through this piece and choose the term that is nicest for your canine.

Male African Dog Names For Your Pet 

African male dogs are known to be highly energetic, athletic and have strong bonds with their owners. When giving male African dog names to your dogs, you must know their personalities so you can choose a befitting African dog name. Below is a list of male African dog names to consider for your dogs:

#1. Wandile

This is a pleasant African pup name for a male dog. It is of Zulu origin and it means you are more or extra. If your dog is free-spirited and fun-loving, then this is a great option to explore. Wandile also means being quick and sensible.

#2. Tindo

For dog breeds that are quick, athletic, and active, here’s a wonderful African canine name for you. Tindo has its origin in Swahili and it means active and strong. 

#3. Thulani

This is also a Zulu term that signifies being solaced. Just as humans, dogs too can have a quiet personality. Thulani is a rational choice of African pooch name for your pup if it has the personality of not associating much with other dogs.

#4. Thando

Another Zulu term meaning love. This will make a lovely name for your dog. This is most common among pet dogs who have so much love to give. Thando is the perfect name for that dog.


If you have watched Lion King then you will be familiar with this name. This is a great African canine name for your male pup. It is of Swahili origin. It means a lion which depicts bravery and strength. It can be seen in the “Lion’s King movie”. 

#6. Shenzi

This is another Swahili term. It means savage, it will suit dogs who serve as tremendous hunters and adventurers. History has it that most African breeds of dogs were commonly used for hunting and adventuring; so if you notice the slightest streak of interest in your dog, Shenzi is the ideal African pup name for him. 

#7. Rafiki

Rafiki is a Swahili term and it means companion or playmate. Fun-loving dogs are not hard to come by; from playing with the kids indoors to their tireless running in the play gardens. Rafiki is a great name for that dog.

#8. Oringo

This simply signifies one who loves the hunt. A nice name for a dog who likes to inspect or go on adventures. Hunting dogs see hunting as so much fun, here’s a catch for your vibrant pet. Oringo is a perfect African pooch name for hunting dogs. 

#9. Obi

Here’s one for pet owners who love their dogs dearly. This is of the Igbo Origin. It signifies heart. If your dog is courageous, brave, and expresses immense love, Obi is a lovely name for him. 

#10. Mufasa

Mufasa is a prominent term in the Lion king film and a very intimidating African pup name. It has its roots in Swahili and it denotes king or ruler. Here’s one for dominating species. There’s always that one dog in the community that dominates others; If that’s your dog, then I must suggest you name him Mufasa. Also, this name is a popular one for Lion King lovers.

Female African Dog Names

Female dog names are known for their elegance and poise. Here, you will see a list of exquisite female African dog names to suit your female dog’s unique personality. Female African dog names are beautiful and they are descriptive African dog names. Here is a list of female names you can consider for female dogs.

#1. Nala

Nala means loved or favorite. It is seen in the Lion King movie. For that elegant dog who’s a queen to other dogs and has a rather dominating yet loving charm, Nala is a good African dog pooch for her. 

#2. Moseka

 Moseka means a young girl. That little female puppy of yours demands a smart yet vibrant name that suits her charming personality. Moseka is yet another option for female puppies who are smart, little, and loving. 

#3. Mhina

Mhina is a lovely African name for your female pet dog. It means enormous pleasure. It portrays a rich display of African culture. 

#4. Titi

Titi will be lovely for your tender dog and is one of the gracious pup African dog names out there. It means flower or blossom. This is the most common name even among people of the African continent. Titi is an African canine name that depicts a flower, someone you treasure so much, and that’s why I believe this should be a great option for that lovely dog of yours.

#5. Kianga

This signifies sunshine. Sunshine has always been the symbol of freedom, hope, greatness, and prosperity in African culture. Kianga is a great African dog name for that female canine companion of yours. 

#6. Zuru

This dog’s name is of African roots; in Swahili specifically and it means beauty. 

#7. Worknesh

Worknesh has its roots in Amharic. It means she is priceless or gold.

#8. Udo

Udo is a nice African feminine canine name. It has its roots in Igbo and it signifies serenity. It’s almost as if every community has one; they’re everywhere. If your dog has the personality of not associating with other dogs and has a rather quiet personality, you should consider giving her this beautiful name. 

#9. Rudo

If you desire to convey love to your furry friend, then you should consider naming your pet Rudo. It has its roots in Shona and it means love. 

#10. Okaka

This has its roots in Igbo and it signifies extremely powerful and anyone who owns the name will be certainly feared.

#11. Bohlale

 If you have a border pup then this will be a friendly term for it. Because border pups are always deemed to be amongst the cleverest pup breeds as a result of their sharp reflex mastery. Bohlale has its roots in Sotho and it signifies wisdom. 

#12. Baako

 This African word has its base in Ghana. It represents the firstborn. Birthright can be an inspiration to make your dog. If your dog is the first out of a dozen puppies Baako is a great African dog name for her.

#13. Atieno

 If your dog happens to give birth at dusk then Atieno would be a nice name for its breed. It has its roots in Luo and it denotes one born at dusk. 

Tremendous Unisex African Terms For Your Dog

Here, we have got multiple African hound terms that are unisex. This simply implies that they are very adequate for both masculine and feminine. Below is a list of top African dog names for your dog;

Tifui- Tifui is a Swahili term that simply means loyal or faithful. If you’re fascinated by your dog’s loyalty and want to give him a name that he has earned that trust, Tifui is a trustworthy name for that dog; whether male or female. 

Tholakeke- This means found, it is a very nice term for golden retrievers who are extremely incredible at locating stuff and leading sightless people. 

Siphokazi- South African dog names are cute. This is a Zulu word that means gift or blessing. Some dogs are blessings to their pet owners. They might have prevented something grave from happening or have brought your household great joy. You should consider giving him this lovely South African pooch name.

Raza- Raza signifies hope. We all hope for everything good to come our way. This is a remarkable African pup name for your dog if he reminds you of your hope or dreams of achieving them. Your dog can be that perfect reminder that something good might just be on its way to you.

Ogbo- This signifies friend. Why do you think dogs are man’s best friend? If your dog has become more than just anyone to you and you need a name that earns that friendship, Ogbo might just be what you need. It’s one of the most influential African dog names out there. 

Nthanda- Nthanda has its roots in Tumbuka. It means a star or genius. There’s always this dog in every host of dogs; the smart one. If your dog has this personality, you need a smart name for him and Nthanda is your best pick. 

Mwaminful- This is a nice African name for an honorable dog. It has its roots in Swahili. It means loyal or reliable. 

Moto- This African canine term will suit a dominant security pub. It has its roots in Swahili and it denotes fire.

Moja- This is a Swahili term and it was formed from the fact that humanity is greater when they are united instead of when they are isolated. It signifies one. 

Minzi- This simply means defender or one who protects. A proper term for your protective canine friend. Some dogs are known to be overprotective of their puppies or even owners, you should consider giving your dog this African name. 

Ajah- Ajah is a nice name for a smart masculine pup. It is obtained from Bandial roots and it signifies the brilliant or clever one. Here’s another name for that one smart dog among many who nearly challenges human intelligence and has strong instincts. Ajah is one of the alluring African names for your dog if he’s too smart.

Adebola- Adebola has its roots in Yoruba and it signifies one bred in nobility or royalty. Some dogs are of royal breeds, it can also be an inspiration to name them. Why not consider giving them one of the royal African dog names such as this? 

Abayomi- Abayomi is a Yoruba term and it signifies one that has come to give joy and satisfaction.  

Powerful African Canine Names 

Amongst the strongest species of canine in Africa is the Rhodesian ridgeback formerly known as the African lion canine and the African wild dog which is also known as the African painted dog.

Giving your hound both masculine and feminine tough names will make them outstanding in the populace.  

Here, we have got tough African canine terms for both masculine and feminine species.

Adofo- Adofo has its roots in Ghana, it is for masculine canines. It signifies a fearless fighter; very ferocious and intimidating. This is one of the African pooch names for your buddy.

Ajani- Ajani is a name for a masculine canine and it signifies one who succeeds in a battle. Dogs that are always engaging in territorial fights and are intimidating deserve something that earns them this title. 

Aza- This has its roots in Swahili. Aza is the name for a feminine canine and it signifies superiority and dominance. 

Bomani- Bomani has its roots in Malawi and it is for a masculine pup. It signifies a fighter.

 Bour- Bour is for a masculine hound and it signifies rock.

Chidike- Chidike, a masculine canine name has its roots in Igbo, It signifies the potency of God.

Chisulo- Chisulo has its roots in Malawi and it signifies steel. It is prominent amongst masculine canines. 

Chuki- Chuki is a Swahili term and it signifies one bred in an era of enmity and struggle. 

Ekon- Ekon is decent for both masculine and feminine canines and it signifies power. 

Raadi- Raadi is a tough masculine hound name and it signifies thunder. 

Jabari- Jabari is a masculine canine name and it signifies fearless. It’ll be remiss to talk about being fearless without mentioning Jabari. This is one of the ancient African pooch names for ferocious dogs. It instills fear into other dogs. 

Minzi- Minzi is for masculine canines and it signifies a keeper. There are dog breeds that act as keepers for other dogs and even their pet owners. This is convincingly a good name for that lovely pup. 

Chana- Chana has its roots in Xhosa and it signifies marksman.

Dada- Dada has its base in Xhosa and it denotes floating. 

Chaka- Chaka has its roots in Zulu and it denotes fighter. 

Akins- Akins signifies courageous lad. This is one of the popular African pup names for that brave young lady of yours.

Gahiji- Gahiji is a term Zulu and it signifies hunter. Most breeds of dogs love hunting and other athletic activities. If your canine friend is good as a rescue dog, and he’s quick and athletic, you could consider giving him this pooch name.

Gamba- Here’s one for that little pup who’s always fighting adult dogs. Gamba has its base in Zulu and it denotes warrior. Just as the name spells, Gamba is for fearless and revolting dogs. 

Hindo- Hindo is a term in Zulu and it signifies a combatant.

Kitwana- Kitwana has its roots in Zulu and it signifies one fated to dominate.  

Kondo- Kondo has its roots in Zulu and it signifies battle. 

Nassor- Nassor is a term in Zulu and it signifies triumphant. 

Nwabudike- Nwabudike is an Igbo term and it signifies that a son is the potency of a dad. 


We trust you had a great time checking out those amazing African canine names. 

As you must have seen, they are so numerous, extraordinary, and classic. They are just the perfect name your pets need to stand out. 

Ensure you go with what suits you well. You may already have some African dog names up your sleeves, but this article contains more dog name ideas for inspiration; to help you name that lovely furry friend of yours.

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