Can Cats Eat Beef: Types of Steak

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Cats can eat many different types of meat including beef, chicken, turkey, and small amounts of lean deli meats, but note that you should cook the meat for your kitten.

Cats obtain their protein from meat which helps their heart, vision, and reproductive system, however, they shouldn’t eat raw and/or spoiled meat as they can get sick.

I go by the rule: If you wouldn’t eat it, don’t give it to your pet. In today’s article, I will discuss the different types of meat your cat can and can’t eat so let’s dive right in.

So, Can Cats Have Beef?

Cats can consume cooked beef. In fact, beef makes a healthy source of protein for your feline. Just make sure the beef doesn’t have any bones or fat because they’re not safe for your pet.

The reason why so many pet owners make beef a part of their cats’ diets is because the protein in it provides building blocks for muscle and soft tissue maintenance and repair.

The best part? Cats love beef and steak because they’re meat eaters, so feel free to include these things in your cat’s diet.

Can Cats Eat Meat Bones?

Many people believe cats can chew bones, however, the truth is quite the opposite. Even cooked bones can get stuck in their gut and cause a blockage that can cause life-threatening issues.

And even if they don’t get stuck in their gut, their sharp ends can irritate the walls of their gut, which can cause diarrhea and/or vomiting, so why take the risk?

How About Fish Bones?

Back when I was ignorant, I believed without fact-checking the information that cats can eat fish bones.

While they can still have fish bones, you shouldn’t give your kitten bones of any type as they can be a choking hazard and/or cause other issues.

Can Cats Eat Meat Fat?

Again, if you wouldn’t eat it, don’t give it to your pet. This implies meat fat as well.

Consuming foods with a high-fat content will make your feline gain weight and result in obesity and obesity-related issues.

Consuming fat can also irritate their guts and other organs such as the pancreas, so avoid giving your cat meat with a large amount of fat as it can cause pancreatitis.

It’s better to feed your cat lean beef or remove any visible fat before giving it to your feline.

2 Key Downsides of Feeding Your Cat Beef Diet Only

Cats love steak but they can’t survive on steak alone.

Keep in mind that any extras you give your feline should come out of their daily calorie allowance. Otherwise, your feline might become obese.

Let’s discuss the risks of feeding your cat steak only.

Obesity and Risk of Deficiencies

As I already stated, extra food such as tidbits or treats can cause obesity in your cat if it makes up more than 10% of their calorie intake.

In other words, your feline should have about 90% of their calories from cat food, not only to prevent obesity but also various deficiencies.

Gut Sensitivity

Some cats enjoy steak while others don’t. To determine if beef is the right choice for your kitten, start by providing a small amount of the meat and observe it for any side effects.

If they enjoy beef and don’t develop diarrhea and/or vomiting, then you can keep on giving your feline beef.

If you notice any symptoms of gut sensitivity after consuming beef, put your cat on a bland diet and avoid providing beef in the future.

If your pet experiences severe symptoms after consuming beef or they don’t vanish following a few days of a bland diet, contact your vet.

Other Types of Meat Cats Can and Can’t Eat

Cats’ needs aren’t the same as people’s needs.

They’re obligate carnivores, so they need meat to remain healthy, but you can’t give your kitten just any type of meat that comes in hand. With that being said, let’s learn more about the types of meat your cat can and can’t eat.

Can Cats Eat Raw Steak and Raw Meat, in General?

Many pet owners wonder if their cats can eat raw beef or raw meat, in general. And the short answer to both questions is yes, they can but they shouldn’t be on a raw diet.

Raw beef, for instance, is less risky regarding bacterial contamination than pork, but there’s a risk of getting E.Coli and Salmonella from a large portion of raw beef.

Now, let’s talk about raw meat and cats, in general. In the wild, cats eat raw meat all the time, so it’s completely fine from a nutritional standpoint.

However, research shows that raw beef and a raw diet, in general, can cause health problems, most of which come from bacteria. (*)

As you probably already know, people can catch E.Coli and Salmonella from eating raw and uncooked meat. Moreover, they can develop digesting issues.

Cats digest food much quicker, so these bacteria rarely stay around for long enough inside their system to cause trouble.

However, there’s still a risk of that happening, especially in senior cats or those with a weakened immune system.

You can eliminate the risk for yourself and your pet by buying meat from a reputable source and sterilizing food bowls regularly.

Can Cats Eat Ground Beef?

Your cat can eat ground beef as long as it’s not flavored with any spices that can irritate their stomach. Opt for lean mince ground beef as it’s better than ground beef with high-fat content.

Can Cats Eat Steak?

As long as it’s plain, properly cooked, and doesn’t contain bones and fat, steak can make a great meal for your cat.

Also, make sure it’s free of other ingredients such as garlic and onions and/or garlic and onion powder as they’re toxic to pets.

Can I Give My Cat a Hamburger?

You can feed your cat a homemade hamburger. Make sure there’s no added salt or excess cooking oil from frying.

Avoid giving your feline ready-made hamburgers as they usually have high levels of fat, salt, and other preservatives.

Moreover, fast-food hamburgers contain sauces including mustard, ketchup, and/or mayonnaise) which can cause digestion issues in cats.

Can Cats Eat Roast Beef?

As long as it’s fat, gristle and bones-free, roast beef makes a perfect snack for your cat. Opt for lean cuts with no sauces, gravy, and/or spices.

Can Cats Eat Beef Jerky?

Cats find the smell of beef jerky very appealing. However, they shouldn’t consume it as it’s full of spices such as garlic and onions and has high levels of salt.

Can Cats Eat Raw Pork and Pork, in General?

Cats can eat pork, however, you shouldn’t give your pet pork too often, as it’s full of fat that can cause obesity if over consumed.

If your cat has never tried pork before, start by offering a small amount and see how they like it. Opt for the leanest cut and treat your kitten with it occasionally.

Keep in mind that pork is high in sodium as well, which can cause hypernatremia in cats. Make sure to cook the pork properly before offering it to your cat.

Many cat owners wonder if their cats can eat raw pork and the answer is no. Even if you opt for tenderloin which is the leanest pork cut, there’s still a chance of bacterial contamination.

WARNING: If you make raw pork a part of your cat’s diet, they can develop tularemia or trichinellosis. The former causes fever and requires aggressive treatment, while the ladder easily transmits to people.

Can Cats Eat Bacon?

Like most cured meats, bacon isn’t a good snack for cats as it’s high in sodium and fat. And both things can cause many different health issues. However, you can still give your feline bacon occasionally.

Can Cats Eat Ham?

Just like bacon, you can give your feline ham every once in a while. Avoid regularly feeding your cat ham as it’s high in salt and fat. Vets suggest offering ham to kittens in moderate amounts and never as a substitute for balanced meals.

Can Cats Eat Salami?

Salami contains many additives like colorants, flavor enhancers, salt, and seasoning like garlic and paprika, which can be toxic to cats. Furthermore, it’s high in saturated fats which aren’t good for your cat’s weight.

Lastly, the preparation of salami includes fermenting and air-drying, leaving a risk of Trichinella and Salmonella contamination.

Can I Give My Cat Pepperoni?

Your cat can snack on pepperoni every once in a while. However, they shouldn’t eat this type of meat regularly as it’s loaded with salt.

A developing kitten requires about 21 mg of sodium per day, while a pepperoni slice has about 35 mg. So, it’s not suitable for younger cats specifically. (*)

Can Cats Eat Prosciutto?

Prosciutto is made of high-quality meat but it’s still super fatty and salty. So, it’s not very suitable for your feline.

The same goes for heavily processed deli meats as they usually contain bulking agents and additives.

Can Cats Eat Raw Chicken and Chicken, in General?

Cats can eat chicken but avoid giving your feline too much skin and/or cartilage as they can cause obesity. Make sure that the chicken you offer to your cat isn’t made with salt, garlic, onion, and/or any other spices.

As for the raw chicken, as I already explained, cats shouldn’t eat raw meat, in general. In fact, it’s listed in ASPCA’s list of toxic foods for pets. (*)

When giving your pet cooked chicken, make sure it’s bought from a reputable source. Also, use clean utensils for cooking the chicken and disinfect your cat’s food bowls regularly.

Extra tip: To be extra safe, use frozen chicken as this usually destroys parasites.

How About Chicken Broth, Fried Chicken, and Chicken Nuggets?

Avoid commercial and/or ready-made chicken broths as they have flavor enhancers, onions, garlic, and high amounts of salt.

All of these things aren’t good for your cat’s health, in general, but they’re especially harmful if your feline has kidney problems.

However, you can offer your kitten homemade low-sodium chicken broth every once in a while as it’s good for their bones, joints, and digestion.

As for fried chicken and chicken nuggets, as you would already assume, they’re not suitable for cats because they’re too greasy, oily, and salty.

If you still decide to give some fried chicken to your cat pet, make sure it’s skin and bone-free as the skin usually has a lot of salt and bones shouldn’t be offered to cats anyway.

The same goes for chicken nuggets. They’re loaded with preservatives and various seasonings which aren’t suitable for cats.

Can I Give My Cat a Hotdog?

Most hot dogs include low-quality meat leftovers that contain a lot of fat. So, they’re not a very suitable food option for both people and pets.

Can Cats Eat Sausage?

Sausages often have excess fat, sodium, and nitrite as well as garlic, onions, and other spices. Therefore, it’s best to keep them out of your cat’s diet.

Can Cats Eat Turkey?

You can give turkey to your cat but under some conditions.

For starters, avoid dark meat and turkey skin, as they’re super fatty and cause weight gain and stomach issues.

Also, don’t give your feline pre-cooked and processed turkey as it’s loaded with salt, preservatives, and saturated fats.

Instead, offer your feline a skinless piece of meat that’s been properly cooked without any seasonings.

Can Cats Eat Lamb?

You can give your pet lamb in small amounts. Keep in mind that lamb is slightly fatty so it should be provided to cats occasionally and in moderation. Moreover, cook the lamb properly and remove the fat before you offer it to your pet.

I highly suggest avoiding lamb, if your feline is on a low-fat diet or has health issues just to be sure.

Can Cats Eat Duck?

Feel free to make duck a part of your pet’s diet as it’s healthy and provides protein, vitamins, and minerals. Just make sure it’s not prepared with garlic, onions, and any other seasonings.

Moreover, take off the skin along with the fat as they can upset your pet’s stomach and cause obesity.

Keep in mind that some cats can be allergic to ducks. Thus, if your kitten has never eaten duck before, start by offering small amounts and watch for any side effects.

Lastly, make sure you don’t feed your feline duck too often because cats have been known to become literally obsessed with it so much that they even start to reject cat food.

Can Cats Eat Organ Meat?

Last but certainly not least, I want to mention organ meat as many owners wonder if they can feed their cats organ meat.

If you’re one of those owners, the answer is yes, you can offer your cat organ meat as long as it’s cooked properly. Organ meat includes liver, kidneys, hearts, gizzards, and tripe.


As you probably already know, the liver has a lot of iron, so it’s also suitable for you. And while you’re cooking liver for yourself and your family, make sure you set aside a small portion of it for your feline.

In the wild, cats catch and eat birds, mice, and other small animals, and they usually consume their liver and other organs, so they’re perfectly safe for domesticated cats as well.

Just make sure you don’t include too much liver in your cat’s diet as it can result in vitamin A toxicity, which can later cause bone issues and even death. (*)


The same goes for kidneys. They’re also rich in nutrients that can benefit your cat’s health. However, you should provide cooked kidneys to your feline in small amounts as well as overconsumption can cause vitamin A toxicity.


The heart is also high in beneficial nutrients, so you can make it a part of your cat’s diet in small amounts. Keep in mind that it’s also high in fat, so you shouldn’t offer it to your feline too often.

Gizzards and tripe

These organs make a safe treat for cats, but they’re rubbery when cooked, so make sure to cut them into small pieces before offering them to your cat.

Lastly, note that not all felines like these organs, so if yours doesn’t like them, don’t push it.

Final Tips

If you’re not sure about what to feed your feline, ask your vet for suggestions. They can help you make a diet plan for your pet that will meet their needs without putting them at any risk.

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*image by FurryFritz/depositphotos