We all came down to a moment when we wanted to spoil our dogs with our favorite food instead of a dog treat!
While a lot of food is entirely safe for dogs, some of it may be downright dangerous and unhealthy, so it is crucial to learn which food is good for your puppy.
After all, if you feel great after eating a particular food, it must be suitable for your dog too, right?
Dogs are classified as omnivores; therefore, they digest food differently from humans. So, eating the wrong food can lead to long-term health issues and sometimes even death.
Does your dog like to eat green cabbage? And more importantly, can dogs have cabbage?
Let’s dig deeper and find more details about this vegetable.

Is Cabbage Good or Bad For Dogs?
Cabbage is a cruciferous, leafy veggie and one of the healthiest vegetables out there. It is super easy to prepare, super cheap, and at the same time packed with nutrients and vitamins.
If you want to surprise your puppy and add more veggies to your dog’s diet, this leafy green is an excellent place to start.
Cabbage can be prepared in various ways, whether it is just chopped up with their kibble, baked, offered as a green treat, or sprinkled as a topping to your dog’s dinner; dogs can enjoy this dish alongside you and your family.
There are many possible health benefits from eating cabbage. It is a rich source of vitamins C, K, B6, and B1, as well as chock full of essential minerals(manganese, copper, potassium) and healthy fibers.
On the other side, red cabbage has strong cancer-fighting properties when added to a dog’s diet.
Even if your dog gets most of the nutrition ingredients from their regular dog food, it won’t hurt to offer them healthy human food from time to time.
Another possible health benefit is that cabbage has a high level of phytonutrients that are also known as powerful antioxidant compounds. These antioxidants help reduce free radicals in the blood, which leads to the prevention of diseases like cancer, heart issues, and anti-inflammatory properties and naturally boost your dog’s immune system.
Cabbage’s high fiber content also promotes a healthy gastrointestinal system and aims for proper digestion.
Even the skin is kept free from irritation for both dogs and humans. That is why cabbage is an excellent snack for pets with rough and dry skin.
Many veterinary professionals suggest that meat should still be present in the majority of the dog food, despite the many nutritional benefits of the cabbage.
Dangers of Cabbage for Dogs
So, after mentioning all of the health benefits of cabbage, can dogs eat cabbage safely?
If you have already decided to feed your pup cabbage, you should at least know the basics for preparing it.
Note that there are some possible harmful impacts of eating too much cabbage. Raffinose and fiber are a form of sugar that can go through the fermentation process and cause gas production. It depends from individual to individual. Therefore, you should start with just a tiny bit. A carrot might be a great second veggie option if you notice some smelly gases.
Even we, as humans, when we eat too much cabbage or other green leafy vegetables, it causes upset stomach and excessive gas and flatulence. So, always consult with your vet before offering any other “people food” to your dog. Maybe your dog’s health status cannot support any new food.
We know… sometimes you cannot say no to those kind dog eyes. But, try to serve cabbage in a small amount besides the dog food and observe side effects for about 24 hours.
You definitely don’t want to see your dog uncomfortable and full of gases or maybe even watery stool.
There is a slight risk of causing hypothyroidism, although it takes your dog to eat cabbage in a huge amount for this to happen. Thiocyanate is a natural compound of cabbage that can impact the thyroid gland. However, boiling or steaming the cabbage before offering it to your puppy is a way of removing this compound from the raw cabbage.
Besides protecting the thyroid gland, cooking can make it easier for chewing and digesting this yummy vegetable.
Oh, and try to skip any seasonings, spices, or other additives that are not dog-friendly. Whether you cook red, Napa, Savoy, or any other type of cabbage, your dog won’t mind the “bland” taste of cabbage or any other fruit or vegetable.
Can Dogs Eat All Types of Cabbage? What About Other Fruits and Vegetables?
As long as the cabbage is adequately cooked, your dog can have any kind of cabbage. Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, Savoy cabbage, Napa, regular green, or bok choy are all very popular for dog feeding. Although, the red cabbage has the most nutritious compounds, and the green one has the highest amount of water.
Remember, sometimes your vet knows your dog more than you do. So, before changing your dog’s food, or trying something new, ask for professional veterinary help. The same stays for other healthy vegetables and fruits.
Is your dog cabbage lover? Besides cabbage, your puppy can also enjoy other vegetables and fruits:
- Green beans
- Pumpkin
- Celery
- Sweet potato
- Cut-up cucumber
- Cooked zucchini
- Cranberries
- Apple slices
- Pear slices
- Blueberries
- Melons, such as watermelon or cantaloupe
- Strawberries
- Raspberries
- Pitted cherries
These are all excellent choices; it is up to you and your veterinarian to decide whether it is okay to surprise your four-legged fluffy friend with a healthy snack.
Paracelsius said: “Sola dosis facit venenum”. This Latin proverb means that everything is poison, and the dose makes the poison. For example, we all know the health benefits of water, but even if you have too much water, it can negatively impact your general health. So, yes, dogs can eat cabbage, but you don’t want your dog to have too much cabbage, and make sure you always consult with a professional.
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*photo by bhofack2 – depositphotos