Fox Dog: 12 The Adorable Dogs That Look Like Foxes!

fox dog

Have you ever seen a dog and thought to yourself, “That dog looks like a fox!”? Well, you’re not alone. There are actually a number of different dog breeds that resemble foxes, and they’re collectively known as fox dogs. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the most popular fox dog …

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What Is A Limp Tail Dog?

limp tail dog

If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of a wagging tail, you know just how powerful those furry appendages can be. But what happens when your dog’s tail stops wagging as usual? A limp tail in dogs can be caused by a variety of things, ranging from minor injuries to more serious health problems. …

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Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs Breath

apple cider vinegar for dogs breath

Dogs are known for their lovable personalities and sweet faces, but have you ever been smooched by your pup, only to recoil in disgust at their stinky dog breath? It’s not their fault- bad breath is just a normal part of being a dog. But that doesn’t mean we have to put up with it! …

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16 Best Companion Dogs (with Pictures)

best companion dogs

Like your human best friend, your furry best friend has a magical, instinctive ability to bring a smile to your face and calm your nerves. And they do it without saying a single word! It may be their innocent tail wiggling, their soft fur, their puppy looks, or their loyalty, but dogs are indeed the …

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Top 20 Spitz Dog Breeds (with Pictures)

spitz dog breeds

Introduction Most dog lovers are interested in owning a Spitz dog, but deciding which best suits their lifestyle can be tedious due to the vast number of Spitz breeds. According to research carried out by the American Kennel Club, there are 50-70 different types of Spitz breeds in the wild. Becoming a dog owner can …

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17 Cute and Shaggy Wire-Haired Dogs

wire haired dogs

Far from what others want, such as smooth coats, wire-haired dogs are the complete opposites with their rough, wiry coats. Try to run your fingers down, and you will feel how stiff it can get. As you read along, you will discover that their rough outer coat has a purpose. Those were designed to protect …

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14 Unique and Popular Chinese Dog Breeds

chinese dog breeds

Looking at your pet dog, is it of Chinese descent? Not only has China contributed to the world in terms of trade and crafts, but this country has also shared with us breeds both recognized and unrecognized by the American Kennel Club. As ancient as the Chinese civilization, there are Chinese dog breeds that are …

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Why Do Dogs Lick Their Paws: 16 Reasons Explained

why do dogs lick their paws

Anyone familiar with their dog knows that It sometimes has a habit of constantly licking its paws. It does it when heading out for a walk or on a long hike if it needs to cool down in the warmer months.  This behavior is not at all unusual, and unlike human habits, which may be …

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How Often Do Dogs Go Into Heat: Expectations Vs. Reality

how often do dogs go into heat

Introduction As summer approaches, many dog owners start to wonder, what a dog heat cycle is and when do dogs go into heat? While it may seem like all female pups go into heat every six months, this isn’t true!  Different breeds of dogs go into heat at various times, and if there is no …

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Why Is My Dog Shaking?

why is my dog shaking

Shaking in dogs can be scary! Whether it’s your dog shaking or one you just noticed from across the street, it’s crucial to understand the cause since it could signal an underlying issue that needs attention.  A lot of people have their dogs for companionship and protection. The idea of losing their dogs makes them …

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Why Do Dogs Sniff Butts

why do dogs sniff butts

Pups are the most popular pet in the United States by far! Did you know that more than 50% of American households have at least one dog?  The tradition of dogs in homes goes back to ancient times, with stories about lovable dogs dating back thousands of years. But why do they enjoy butt sniffing?  …

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150+ Traditional Greek Dog Names

greek dog names

Situated in Southeast Europe, Greece is a country having thousands of islands scattered across the Ionian and Aegean seas. Officially called the Hellenic Republic, it has a vast contribution to the world, especially in the fields of philosophy, science, politics, arts, and literature. The birth of democracy was first seen in Greece. The theater was …

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Why Do Dogs Bury Bones?

why do dogs bury bones

Chewing is a dog’s natural behavior. Dogs love to chew bones and find much pleasure in doing that. Aside from satisfying a dog’s urge to chew, bone chewing also alleviates boredom. Have you tried giving your dog his favorite bone or dental chew? However, instead of chewing it, you find your dog rushing out. There …

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Are Dogs’ Mouths Cleaner Than Humans’ Mouths?

are dogs mouths cleaner than humans

Doggy kiss. That extra wet lick, leaving dog saliva. What else? What about doing a nose-to-nose greeting by the door once you arrive from work? Perhaps your dog does any of these to you, and you find that super sweet (because, after all, it is indeed such a sweet gesture from one tagged as your …

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What Are The Best Food Names For Dogs? Find Out Here!

food names for dogs

How often have you wanted to call your dog over but couldn’t think of his name? Well, we’re here to help you pick the best food names for dogs so that you can always be sure to yell out the correct word when necessary.  Whether it’s breakfast time or playtime, your dog will surely appreciate …

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