How Often Do You Walk Your Dog?

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You thought owning a dog was going to be easy? 

Whether your dog’s size, senior or puppy, big or small dog, the animal needs a frequent walk routine.

With the appropriate exercise, your dog will remain in good shape, both physically and mentally. Many pet owners wonder how often they should walk their puppies, so you are not alone. 

First-time owners need to keep in mind that walking the pet depends on the dog’s particular needs.

Stop asking other dog owners: How often should you walk your dog? Read this article; we have the answers.

Our Recommendation

A general recommended rule is to walk your dog 3 to 4 times per day for at least 15 minutes. Although, the recommended dog walks may vary according to your dog’s:

  • Age
  • Breed
  • Size
  • Eating habits
  • Health condition

While high-energy dog breeds require more than one walk per day, for smaller dogs, even one walk per day might be enough. Maybe you are a too sporty person that enjoys outdoor activities, and you are not sure if your dog can follow your lifestyle. If you have any doubts, make sure you visit your vet to provide you helpful tips and walking advice for your dog’s breed.

Is Physical Activity Good for Your Dog’s Health?

Daily walks and outdoor adventures are suitable not only for your dog’s health but for your own health too. Therefore, daily exercise will maintain the dog’s health in various ways:

  • Help in weight control – Frequent walks will help in cutting extra calories and keep your dog in a fit shape.
  • Enhance joint health – Regular exercise will help keep their joints in motion and stay in good shape. On the other side, not enough exercise for a prolonged period can take a toll on their joints.
  • Digestive health – While walking, your dog will stretch, poop, and pee around the neighborhood, which positively affects their general health. The dog’s urinary and digestive systems will remain healthy, and the body will function properly.

Higher-Energy Dog Breeds vs. Less-Active Dog Breeds

Senior dogs with mobility complications require fewer and shorter walks, while high-energy, younger dogs benefit a lot from frequent walks. Regardless of the dog breed, younger dogs need more activity than adult dogs. 

On the other side, injured or sick dogs have limited walking ability. In this case, set up a viable exercise plan for your furry friend with your veterinarian.

Each dog belongs to a particular group that has specific limitations and needs.

High energy dogs breeds are:

  • Australian Shepherds
  • Labrador
  • Border Collie
  • Golden Retrievers
  • Yorkshire Terriers

Low energy dogs breeds are:

  • Bulldogs
  • Great Danes
  • Mastiffs
  • Newfoundlands

Specific Factors That Determine How Often to Walk a Dog

There are plenty of factors that determine how often should you walk your dog. The most common are age, dog breeds, and living and health conditions.


You should be aware that young dogs need more physical exercise and have higher energy than their middle-aged and senior counterparts. Older dogs might be eager to take long walks, but they don’t really have the strength to keep up. Middle-aged dogs and seniors also might suffer from arthritis, atrophy, and other health problems like hypothyroidism and diabetes.

Dog’s Breed

Before adopting or buying a dog, ask yourself if that dog breed can fit your lifestyle. And more importantly, ask yourself if you can fulfill their needs.

Working and sporting breeds like Collies, Pointers, and Shepherds require more exercise than lapdogs like Yorkshire and Papillons. While many dogs have athletic and sporty conditions, some of them prefer a less active style.

Living Conditions

Are you living in a small or spacious apartment?

This can also be an important determining factor of how much exercise your dog needs. For example, if you are a city dweller and your dog cannot run around and explore, maybe you should walk your four-legged friend more frequently.

Regular walks will make them enjoy the outside, explore new places, and spend quality time with you.

On the other side, living in a home with a large backyard or living in the countryside means that your pet will need short walks. However, dogs require physical activity in order to socialize from a young age. You definitely don’t want an unsocialized energetic adult dog.


Most dogs need around 15 to 30 minutes long walk. However, most breeds need several walking sessions. A general rule is that most large canines may enjoy a long walk for up to two hours, and they might even be willing to hike with the dog owner.

Although, you should never force dog walks if you have an older dog that suffers from health conditions like obesity or diabetes. Even a short walk will be enough for a dog that is not in good shape.

If your dog’s body condition is not in the best shape, start with a simple walk(around 15 minutes) and try to gradually increase to a longer walk. Most importantly, ask for an expert advice if your dog is out of shape.

No matter the dog’s breed, you should be walking your dog regularly to keep it mentally and physically fit. Each dog has a different level of energy, depending on its size, health, and age; therefore, the amount and frequency of the exercise are individual.

Why Walk Your Dog?

Daily walks may help dogs to develop discipline while they are guided by you. Besides developing discipline, regular exercise will boost your dog’s general health and keep it in a good mood.

To keep your pet safe while enjoying the great outdoors, you should pick a safe, non-populated area and ensure that your dog won’t run away.

If your dog is not properly trained and socialized, it might run away after other dogs. Therefore, try to socialize your pets from a young age and make sure they get the right amount of walks.

Walking your dog can be exhausting work. We live in a busy era, and sometimes finding time for your dog might be difficult. In that case, if you can afford dog walkers, then the right amount of dog exercise can be easily met.

What Kind of Sports Can I Do With my Dog?

Believe it or not, dogs adore sports. The following sports may challenge them mentally and physically:

Try to understand your dog’s walking needs or consult with your vet before you start practicing any of these sports.

Oh, and if your dog is hyperactive and tends to run away, maybe you should invest in a GPS tracker and always keep track.



Walking our four-legged friends is a huge part of owning a dog. You will definitely bond better with your puppy, and your dog will be healthier and happier. With daily walks, you will reduce your blood pressure, slash your diabetes risk, and strengthen your bones. So, what are you waiting for? 

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