Is It Better to Have Two Dogs? Reasons And Advantages

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Dogs are a lot of fun to have around. You can do some exercise with them by running around and taking them for a walk. Dogs also make your companionship, and kids make it a better experience.

However, there is another reason why two pups are better than one, and here I will share my experience on why having two dogs makes our lives easier.

What is it like having Two Dogs?

If you have had multiple dogs before, you know the challenges of two pups. They rarely get along, and they will both want something different. You need to make sure that you are giving your dogs enough attention so that they feel cherished.

There are many benefits to having two puppies and also a few drawbacks. The main flaw is that two pooches require more space than one dog.

Also, You should prepare as some training and bonding practices will differ between two puppies because they rarely have the same personality, energy level, and needs.

For your relationship with your two pooches to grow stronger, you must ensure that you take time for yourself and the dogs (Especially male dogs.)

Top Reasons Why It Is Better To Have Two Dogs

Twice the Fun 

The more dogs you have, the more fun they can be. Two pooches give you twice as much companionship and help each other in many ways.

You can never be bored with having two pups around. They are always doing something fun and new, so you never get tired of watching them play.

Learn from Each Other

Dogs are very social creatures. They detest being alone, and when they are around other pups, they can learn from them.

Dogs who live with other pooches will usually get along better with them than those who live alone because they have someone to help them learn how to behave. Dogs that live alone are hard to train as they rarely get along with different people and pets.

Dogs who live with other dogs also tend to be more obedient than those who have no companionship in their lives. When you have two pooches, the senior dog can teach the other some things as you may not have the time to teach them.

Keep Each Other Company

If you don’t want a bored dog, then get two dogs! Dogs love to play with other dogs and can keep each other company and have fun. 

Dogs can be like children to one another, which is why they are loyal to their owners. No wonder many guardians prefer having two pooches over one because it is a great way to show your love for your dog.

Hassle-Free Training

If you have two pooches, it is much easier to train them since they are not competing with each other for your attention. They can learn new tricks and follow commands simultaneously, which makes training easier.

You can give each dog an individual feeding schedule that ensures no fighting over food or sleep on top of each other.

Also, When it comes to training your dog, having two canines is a great way to test out different commands because they can see what works best for both dogs at once! You can also teach them how to do tricks together this way as well so that they know what they need to do for their guardian commands to work correctly on any given day.

Better security

When you have two canines, they can provide better security for your home than one canine companion could alone. 

One reason is that they can perceive scent and know when a burglar enters the house. Another reason is that if one of them gets out of control, there will be another one around who will stop him in his tracks.

Protect Each Other

If you have two pups, they can protect each other. They may also be able to communicate with each other in ways that humans cannot understand. 

If your dog is sick and needs help, getting him out of the house is not easy as The sick dog will not likely get out of the house alone, so he will need to find another dog who can help him.

Also, If you have two dogs, then one of them can watch the other when you are not home. This way, if one of them does something wrong, the other can correct them instead of you having to discipline them for something they did on their own.

It is more vital when both dogs are big and strong enough to hurt someone else or themselves if left unsupervised.

More Activeness

Although having two dogs can be a little more work than having one dog, you will have a lot of pleasure doing it. You can take both dogs for a walk or outing and play games with them.

You may also want to do different things with each dog. For example, if you have a puppy and an adult dog, you might want to train them separately or let them play together.

Less stress

One of the best reasons to have two dogs is that it relieves stress from both of you. Having two or more dogs in the house means that there are options for playtime, exercise, and other activities with your furry friends. You can rotate between them and get all their attention at once.

The availability of a second dog also allows your existing dog to relax more often. It can mean fewer accidents around the house (or outside), less barking when visitors come over, and less aggression toward other animals or people who enter their space.

How do you introduce a second dog?

Ensure that the two pups are compatible with each other. They should be able to get along well and not be aggressive toward each other. Many people think introducing a second dog can be a problem, but it rarely has to be. 

If your first dog can accommodate the presence of another dog, then you can introduce them at any age, even after your first dog has passed away.

If you have multiple dogs living in your house, you should keep an eye on the situation to ensure no problems between them. You can do this by separating them into different rooms or areas of your house where they are not together. It will help prevent any fights or accidents from occurring.

What is the best age to get a second dog?

Many people assume that the best age to get a second dog is when your first dog is about eight years old. This age is the average age of many dogs in the U.S., and it makes sense because that is when they can start getting into serious trouble and need to learn how to be a pack leader. 

But it is not always the case If your older dog is well-behaved, has proper training and socialization skills, and is not intimidated by your new dog, you can start your new family with two dogs.

You should also consider what kind of life you want for your pups. If you have another pet like a cat or small child at home, having two large dogs could cause problems with all three animals getting along peacefully. 

If you have little ones who like chasing balls or Frisbees, having two large dogs could prove dangerous because they may not be able to keep up with each other in their chase after these toys.

Also, you might want to get a younger dog because training a young pooch is much easier.

Will my dog be jealous if I get a second dog?

In general, NO. Dogs are pack animals, so having one dog and then another is no different than having two dogs. They can be happy with each other given that they are treated well and given plenty of attention.

If your older dog dislikes the new dog, or if you have a house-trained puppy (and therefore not yet house-tolerant), then the best thing to do is to keep them separated until the pups are older and more mature.

But if you are getting a second dog, you should not worry about whether your current dog will get jealous. When you bring home the second dog, the first dog will probably need some time to adjust before your dogs get along.

What are the pros and cons of having two pooches?

If you like dogs, having more than one dog is an obvious choice as it is easy to fall in love with your second dog. Pros and cons of having two canines exist, but the best part is that they can help each other with training and bonding while they live together.


  • Having two dogs can help them get along better with other animals, people, and pets.
  • Two pups mean playmates for your furry family member and will make him happier. It makes sense because you won’t have bored dogs.
  • Dogs need exercise and companionship, whether they are inside or outside dogs. Having two dogs makes it possible to provide both these things for them!
  • Having two canines at home means you won’t have to worry about who gets walked first since both of them will want to go out on walks together! It could save you money as you don’t have someone else pay for their walks (or vice versa).
  • If one of your pooches gets sick or impaired, another canine friend can take over his role. This way, you won’t have any problems.


  • If you are working full-time and cannot devote much time to your dogs, then having two dogs may not be your best choice.
  • Dogs need companionship, so if you don’t have the time or energy to spend with both dogs at once, then it would be better if they were in separate homes.
  • If you have small children at home (under the age of 12), they will also need their own space from the pups when they are around. 
  • Many Dogs are aggressive and can cause harm to your previous dog. 
  • Having two pups can become expensive very quickly! It costs more every year just for food and treats for two dogs.



For the guardians and animal lovers out there, I hope that you have found this post to be helpful! Believe it or not, puppies are more than just furry pets. Having them around can improve your life. And if you’re worried about all the work involved, don’t be. Pups are companions that any guardian would be lucky to have. There’s no perfect answer in all situations. Make sure you can afford to feed and care for your dog so they don’t become a rescue dog, and your next-door neighbors (and everyone else) will thank you for it!

Related topic: Does your dog play bow?

*photo by Dmyrto_Z – depositphotos