15 Signs Your Cat Has Imprinted On You

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Cats aren’t very social, but they’re still capable of loving their human family. In fact, cats bond with people who pick up on their language and needs.

Therefore, if you take good care of your feline, they will pick you as their favorite human. Moreover, previously abandoned cats and specific cat breeds tend to attach to their new owners much faster and become their right hand.

If you’re not sure if your cat loves you, don’t worry, as I have made a list of the common signs your cat imprinted on you. That being said, let’s dive straight in and determine if you have developed a healthy emotional connection with your cat.

What Does Cat Imprinting Mean?

Imprinting means your cat has connected with you so you two have developed a healthy relationship. In other words, your cat loves you. Most pet owners believe dogs can show love and establish a better connection with their human family, but they’re wrong.

Cats can also develop strong bonds with their humans and remain loyal. However, only cats that feel safe with their owners, develop this type of relationship. (*)

How and Why do Cats Imprint on Their Owners?

Felines imprint on their human family, especially humans who have learned their cat language and picked up on their needs. In other words, cats imprint on their owners if they’re treated well by them.

Keep in mind that specific breeds tend to imprint on one person in their home. While formerly abandoned kittens imprint on their new owners faster than other felines.

Most people assume that felines aren’t capable of love, but they’re wrong. They also think that felines only display affection when they’re hungry but that’s not true either. Most cats can form a deep connection with their owners.

With that being said, let’s dive a little deeper and learn why felines imprint on their owners in detail.

Cats Imprint on People Who Learn Their Language

Cats living in a household of multiple people can pick their favorite person over the others. However, their decision doesn’t depend on people’s looks.

Cats typically imprint on people who know how to communicate with them. Your cat can imprint on you because of many reasons aside from communication.

For instance, cats imprint on people in their household who play with them often and in the right way.

Some cats even consider if you let them sit on your lap when other members of their human family don’t.

Overall, it’s almost impossible to determine a specific reason why your kitten imprints on you.

Still, if you treat a cat right and you’re good at communicating with them, I’m almost sure that they will imprint on you eventually.

What do Studies Say?

Studies have shown that most cats can purr to get the attention of their owners. (*)

So, if you’re good at listening to your feline’s purr and understanding their needs, that’s enough for your kitten to imprint on you.

As you probably know, cats mainly communicate with other cats and people through meowing and body language.

Simply put, they use their meowing in specific periods and take certain actions to show their owners how they feel.

So, if you’re good at understanding their meowing and recognizing movements, you will quickly become their favorite, if not in the whole world, at least in the household. And you will definitely feel their love.

If You Treat Your Feline Well, They Will Imprint on You

To better understand how felines choose their favorite human, think of what attracts you to your favorite person.

Are they treating you right? Do you feel a strong and deep connection? Do they take good care of you? Well, the same applies to your feline.

Your cat could love you because you’re the person who takes good care of them or plays with them the most. Furthermore, cats want to spend their time with a person who makes them feel safe and secure.

Note that your feline’s choice of their favorite human isn’t always easily predictable. In some cases, a cat can pick you up for a simple reason, like your smell.

Also, certain cats prefer men over women. And vice versa. Some can pick children over adults, and so on. So, you can never truly know what’s in your cat’s mind and heart.

Former Stray Cats Tend to Imprint on New Owners More Easily

Some pet owners can abandon their kittens out on the streets because of behaviors such as constant meowing, inappropriate elimination, etc.

In my opinion, nothing justifies this irresponsible, cruel, and inhumane behavior, and such people should NEVER own a pet again, but that’s just me.

And the reason why I have such a strong opinion on this topic is that the felines left behind usually face a tough life ahead until they’re adopted if that ever happens, as most people usually prefer buying instead of adopting kittens.

Moreover, cats left on their own have a high chance of experiencing abuse, injuries, or even death by cars, extreme weather, lack of food and water, etc.

That being said, it’s easy to understand why former strays tend to imprint on people more easily. It’s normal for a previously abandoned feline to get attached to the new owner if they feel safe in their presence.

In other words, they see that person as their savior.

How to Treat Previously Abandoned Cats?

If you have adopted a previously abandoned cat, keep in mind that they’re probably more sensitive than other cats that haven’t had such a horrific experience.

If you deny access to a previously abandoned cat from your bedroom at night, they might meow loudly as they’re scared you will also abandon them as their previous owners did and never look back.

Specific Breeds Attach to Their Favorite Human Only

Lastly, I want to mention that specific cat breeds tend to attach to only one person in the household.

For instance, Siberian cats typically get attached to one human. And they can follow that person in the household both indoors and outdoors.

The cat will acknowledge other members of their family but still prefer to spend their time with their favorite person.

Other cat breeds that show affection towards their owners include Norwegian forest cats, Siamese cats, Russian Blues, and Bombay cats.

15 Signs You’re Your Cat’s Favorite Person

Cats don’t usually run to the door with their tails waving around when you enter your home as dogs do, but they still have ways of showing their affection for their favorite humans such as the following.

1. Your Cat Treats You Like You’re a Cat

Cats that don’t fear other cats such as sibling cats typically show affection towards them by running against their bodies, sleeping nearby, and being in their presence.

So, if your feline treats you like a cat and exhibits the same behaviors with you, they clearly love you. In other words, they have imprinted on you.

2. They Constantly Follow You Around the Home

One of the most common signs that your feline has imprinted on you is that they act as your shadow. They follow you around the home.

Typically, kittens follow their mothers around, so if yours follows you around, they’re seeing a parent in you. In simpler words, they feel safe in your presence as you give them food, water, treats, toys, and of course, love.

3. They Enter Your Bedroom at Night

Most cats visit their owners at night and even sleep in their beds because they miss their favorite humans throughout the night.

Moreover, if your kitten has imprinted on you, they will check in with you, especially at night when you’re sleeping.

Finally, previously abandoned kittens tend to visit their owners at night, as they fear being abandoned once again, so sleeping with you makes them feel safer.

4. If Your Feline Likes You, They Blink Slowly

If your kitten looks at you and makes a slow blink, they’ve already imprinted on you. Their slow and deliberate blinking is a way of communicating and showing trust.

Some owners slowly blink back to their cats to let them know that they feel the same way.

5. Your Cat Purrs Loudly While Kneading

Most owners love it when their cat jumps into their lap and starts purring, while also kneading. Cats use purring and kneading to communicate with their mother cats.

So, when your cat kneads and purrs in your presence, they’re not only expressing their love and affection but also think of you as their mother cat.

However, note that in some cases, kittens purr when they’re feeling pain and stress as it’s a self-soothing mechanism as well.

See more: Why does my cat purr when she sees me?

6. They’re Always in the Mood for Playing

If your cat’s always acting silly and trying to play with you or cuddle with you, they love you. In fact, they see you as a mother figure or sibling and want you to be their playmate and cuddle mate.

7. Isn’t a Kiss a Sign of Love?

When a cat gives kisses, they clearly have respect and affection for you. It’s not the same as a human kiss but it’s still a sign of love, appreciation, and trust.

8. Love Biting

Most cat owners believe that kittens only bite when they’re angry and irritated, but that’s not true. Sometimes, cats bite gently to show their love and appreciation.

I’ve personally experienced this with my own cat. They usually nib their hands. It’s a very common exchange of positive emotions between kittens and their moms.

So, if your cat chooses you as their favorite person, expect occasional love bites and of course, the usual scratches.

9. If a Cat Imprints on You, They Will Sit in Your Lap

Cats that love their owners usually sit in their lap because it’s their favorite place in which they feel safe and secure.

Therefore, if your kitten jumps into your lap often even when you’re working as mine does, they’re trying to be close to you.

Also, when a kitten has imprinted on you, you will find that there’s a lack of personal space and even fear of separation.

10. They Constantly Rub Against You

When a cat rubs against you, it’s not only a way of marking their territory but also a way of strengthening your relationship and communicating.

They can even headbutt you which is the equivalent of a hug in the world of felines.

In some cases, when a cat loves you, they can also groom you, which is very normal for a feline as they regularly groom themselves and their kittens.

11. If a Cat Imprints on You, They Will Expose Their Belly

The belly in cats is a vulnerable part of their body. It’s also something that cats keep guarded at all times. 

Moreover, they don’t like anyone touching their belly, so if your cat exposes their stomach to you while rolling on the floor, they trust you.

12. Tail Curled Around Parts of Your Body

You can learn a lot about animals’ moods by their tail.

For instance, a bushy tail, upright hair, and arched back signalize that your cat feels threatened by someone or something, while a slightly upright tail means that they’re happy in your presence.

Moreover, a tail curled around parts of your body such as your leg or arm also shows that your feline has already imprinted on you and sees you as a family.

13. Your Cat Grooms You

Cats only lick other cats and dogs they like and enjoy their presence. In fact, mutual grooming plays a key part in strengthening the relationship between animals and establishing trust.

The mother cats groom their kittens as a sign of care, so kittens learn this behavior at a young age. Sibling cats groom each other as well.

So, if your cat grooms your hair, don’t feel grossed out as it’s a sign of affection.

14. Special Trill Sound

If your cat makes a special trill sound when communicating with you or seeing you after a long day at work, they have already imprinted on you. So, take their unique meowing as a sign of love.

15. They Bring You “Gifts”

One time, my cat brought me a dead mouse as a gift.

I was first shocked by the whole scene, but I quickly learned from other owners that it’s their way of showing respect to people. They typically surprise their owners with dead mice, bugs, frogs, or sometimes even garbage.

So, if your cat surprises you in this way in the future, instead of getting mad, thank your kitten with a treat and toss/bury the “gift”.

Return the Favor

If you notice any of the signs above in your kitten, return the favor by showing your love and respect through regular playtime, brushing, and petting.

See more: How to get a cat to leave you alone?

*image by danicachang/depositphotos