Logical and Spiritual Meaning When a Stray Cat Follows You

Unlike feral cats, stray cats approach people because they likely had a home and owner at one point in their life.

Therefore, they don’t fear people. On the contrary, stray felines recognize cat lovers and sometimes even follow some people home.

Logical reasons stray cats follow people home include hunger, thirst, pain, curiosity, etc. However, I strongly believe most cats choose their owners. They somehow recognize a good person who will provide meals, water, shelter, and affection.

I can’t support this claim with scientific proof, but some cat lovers share my view. I also have experiences with cats which proves my point, but I can’t say I’m 100% right.

Sure, a stray cat can come to your home because they’re hungry and thirsty. However, it’s also possible the cat’s just curious about where you’re going.

Some kitties follow people when they’re in pain and need help. Lastly, stray cats sense a person’s good energy (in my opinion) and choose their cat owners.

In today’s article, I will discuss these logical reasons and share ways you can help stray cats. I will also share spiritual reasons cats follow people, so let’s jump in.

What Does it Mean When a Stray Cat Follows You?

Sometimes, stray cats follow some people home for logical reasons. They’re looking for food, water, shelter, help, or attention.

Here’s a breakdown of these common reasons so you can meet the kitty’s needs to the best of your abilities.

1. Hunger

Stray cats usually follow people home when they’re extremely hungry.

Unlike feral cats, stray cats don’t have sharp hunting skills because they’re probably ex-home pets. Moreover, they don’t have strict meal schedules like pet cats. So, they likely skip meals daily.

Some stray cats can follow you while meowing, while others can silently walk with you. So, if a stray cat meows and follows you, they’re probably hungry.

Alternatively, cats have a strong sense of smell, so they follow people carrying or eating food. So, if you’re taking or eating food while walking home, once a hungry stray or feral cat picks up the scent of food, they will probably follow you.

If you give the homeless cat food, they will come back for more in the future. If you don’t want a stray kitten visiting your home, I suggest you leave food on the spot, so the stray animal can eat right then and there and stop following you.

You also can ignore the kitten (something I wouldn’t recommend, as I’m a cat lover) and walk away.

2. Curiosity

Some stray cats follow different people out of curiosity because they’re naturally curious creatures.

A stray feline near your home might follow your steps to see what you’re up to and learn more about your intentions.

The animal might follow you for a moment, then stop once they determine that you don’t pose a threat or have bad intentions.

Most strays that follow humans out of curiosity won’t make noises as hungry ones. They usually act as private investigators and stay quiet during the process.

3. Attention

Most stray cats weren’t born outdoors like feral cats. On the contrary, they were pets at some point, so they miss human contact, affection, and attention.

That’s why some stray cats follow random people. Maybe the stray cat that followed you misses warm cuddles and attention. However, I’m not sure if you should pet a stray kitty because you’re risking being followed by the homeless animal all the way home.

You should also avoid stroking cats and dogs with collars and tags. These animals likely have a home and can easily get lost if they follow you for too long.

You can quickly tell if a stray cat’s looking for attention by their vocalizations. If the kitten meows gently, they’re trying to get strokes out of you and possibly treats.

Not all stray kitties will meow gently or ask for attention because some cat breeds aren’t as affectionate and social as others.

If you conclude the animal’s looking for attention, you can stroke the cat a few times or walk away. If you choose the former, the cat will likely follow you home.

4. Shelter

Some stray cats follow random people looking for shelter. Most stray felines have been house pets, so they probably miss their old way of living with humans.

When a stray cat follows you home, maybe the animal’s trying to find a new parent, so if you’re a cat lover and have the means to care for a cat, adopt the stray.

If the stray kitty’s looking for a new home, they might stick around, hoping you will open your heart and door one day.

Stray cats that look for a new house do so after getting a green light from someone they have been stalking for a while.

If you can’t adopt a cat for whatever reason, I suggest you ignore the animal. Otherwise, you will give the poor cat false hope.

5. Help

Some cats associate people with help. They’re aware of people’s weaknesses for cats, so they follow random people when they need assistance.

Maybe the stray cat’s scared, lost their owners recently, or got lost. It’s also possible the animal’s sick and needs medical attention.

If you notice scratches, bruises, or wounds on the cat’s body, they’ve probably been in a fight with other stray animals, so they’re likely hurt and need help.

In this case, take the injured stray animal to the local vet clinic or find someone to help.

What To Do When a Stray Cat Follows You?

If a stray cat has been following you, here’s a list of ways you can help the poor feline if you have the time and means.

Check for Microchip

First, look for signs of ownership. Check if the cat has a collar with a name tag, a phone number, or other contact information.

If you find a collar, you’re in luck because you can call the owner and reunite the animal with their owner.

If there’s no collar, examine the cat’s coat. Stroke the stray feline so you can check the condition of their fur.

The condition of a cat’s fur can help you estimate how long they’ve been outdoors and if they need medical attention.

If the kitten looks clean, you can take a photo and post it online. Also, ask if someone in your neighborhood has lost a cat or knows someone who has.

Hopefully, someone will recognize the feline online and contact you.

Meet the Cat’s Basic Needs

When a cat starts following you, they probably need some help. So, address their basic needs while looking for the cat’s owner.

For instance, give the kitty cat food, fresh water, and shelter.

Suppose you’re in the position of caring for a new cat. Great. If not, at least create a cat shelter in your backyard.

Adopt the Cat, if Possible

The US has millions of stray cats and dogs. (*)

The National Council of Pet Population says only 2% of stray felines find their way back home. So, you have slim chances of finding a lost cat’s owner.

However, you can try. If you don’t find the owner of the stray cat that has been following you home, don’t worry. You can help the homeless animal in other ways.

For instance, if you have the time and money, you can make the stray cat your new pet. Or, you can contact local animal shelters and ask for their help and advice.

Also, ask local shelters and humane societies if they take in homeless cats. I doubt you will get a positive answer. Nonetheless, you can ask and see what they say.

Most end up adopting the strays that start hanging around their home by providing food, water, and shelter at their property.

However, they refuse to welcome the cat into their home. Over time, the stray cats turn into their new pets and best friends.

You’re not obligated by law to adopt the kitten start starts following you home. So, don’t feel forced to welcome new pets into your home. Not everyone can care for a stray kitty for different reasons, such as money, limited space, other pets, etc.

Therefore, don’t feel bad about not being able to adopt a stray kitten. You can still help your new friend by leaving food and water at the same place daily.

If You Adopt the Cat, Inform Yourself of the Local Laws

So, you’ve decided to adopt the stray kitty that’s been following you around. Now, what? First, you should take the cat to the nearest vet clinic.

Have your local vet examine the stray kitty and administer the necessary shots and flea treatment. Afterward, if you haven’t found a collar or microchip, you can adopt the feline. I suggest you ask your vet for advice on initiating the adoption process.

When a Stray Cat Chooses You: Spiritual Meaning

Most felines follow their owners around the house for different reasons, such as hunger, lack of attention, boredom, curiosity, etc.

Stray cats follow random people on the streets for the same reasons. However, in some cases, they follow a specific person because they can sense positive energy.

I’ve heard many people say that we don’t choose cats. It’s cats who choose us. I believe this statement because I’ve witnessed this happen many times.

One time a cat entered my friend’s apartment. The cat was injured, so she hid under my friend’s bed. My friend took the kitty to the vet; they’ve been best friends since.

I often wonder how the feline knew my friend liked cats and would help her. I don’t have another explanation other than cats probably have a sixth sense.

Now, let’s discuss the spiritual meaning of having a stray cat follow you home and how you should react.

You’re Chosen

You may or may not believe in a higher power and signs. However, you must admit that suddenly having a stray cat following you isn’t normal.

The cat could have picked another person to follow home. Yet, the stray cat chose you. In other words, the homeless feline chose you as their companion.

Some studies suggest that animals can feel, think, and even craft plans. So, the animal probably saw you from a distance and, for some reason, decided to follow you out of a dozen people.

Maybe the cat saw you with other cats or dogs and sensed your good soul.

Cats know who likes cats and who doesn’t. So, the cat probably picked you as their new caretaker. Most outdoor animals fear people and rarely approach anyone.

Therefore, you should feel lucky and special. You’re not obligated to give the stray kitten home, but you should consider helping the animal in some way, if possible.

You’re a Positive Person

Cats can read your body language and have a strong sense of smell. That’s why people believe cats can sense people’s positive and negative energy.

Furthermore, cats can sense your emotions. Therefore, some think these creatures can see spirits, energies, and auras.

With that being said, perhaps the stray cat following you knows you’re a positive person. The stray cat probably senses your positive vibrations.

As a result, the animal connects with you at a deeper level and follows you home, trying to become a part of your life.

You may or may not believe in energy, but you must have seen someone’s pet will start liking a specific person without reason.

Kitties also get aggressive in the presence of some people for unknown reasons. So, it’s safe to assume they can sense your energy and act accordingly.

A Warning Sign

Some think that if a stray feline follows you, it’s bad luck. You should take this sign as a warning about future events, especially if the stray cat’s black.

I don’t see black cats as a sign of bad luck because they didn’t choose the color of their fur. Also, why do we keep associating the color black with misfortune?

Still, some say that if a black feline follows you, you should be more careful with people and avoid risky situations.

Alternatively, you should stay away from people who give off bad vibes. Lastly, if a stray black cat follows you, maybe you should quit a bad habit or vice.

The black cat represents something or someone negatively affecting your life.

Again, I don’t believe black cats symbolize misfortune and bad luck. However, if you feel you’re being warned about something or someone after being followed by a black kitten, maybe your gut’s right.

Should You Ignore a Stray Cat?

If you’re not a big fan of cats and don’t want a stray cat following you home, you should keep walking until the animal leaves.

If you encounter a hungry cat but don’t want the animal to follow you home, you can buy them some food and leave immediately. The feline won’t follow you because they will be too busy eating.

However, it’s best to ignore the kitten if you’re almost home and don’t want the stray cat to hang around your house. Giving the homeless kitty food and attention will likely make them return to your property.

Should You Chase a Stray Cat Away?

Some people chase away stray kitties because they don’t like these harmless creatures. However, you shouldn’t chase away a stray cat because they’re harmless.

Instead of chasing away or throwing things at the poor animal, ignore the stray kitty and walk away. The animal will eventually leave you alone if you keep walking.

What Does it Mean When a Stray Cat Chooses You?

When a stray feline chooses you and follows you home, they probably sense your good soul and positive energy. In other words, the stray or lost cat adopted you as their new owner.

Stray cats have hard lives because they don’t have the sharp hunting skills of wild cats. Also, most strays were previously house pets who lost their home, got lost, or were abandoned by their owners.

So, adopt the stray cat and get yourself a best friend if you have the time and means.

Why Stray Cats Follow Me: Last Tips

In a nutshell, sometimes, stray cats follow people around for different reasons, including hunger, thirst, attention, curiosity, etc.

Most stray cats were once house pets and somehow lost their home, got abandoned, or got lost. It’s difficult to tell the difference between a stray and a lost feline. So, when you have a stray cat following you, you should always check for a collar.

Check for a Collar and Microchip

However, first, pay attention to the cat’s body language. If the feline seems friendly, you can approach the animal slowly and look for a collar with contact information.

If you don’t see a collar, you can take the kitten to the nearest vet clinic and check for a microchip. If the feline doesn’t want to get into your car or carrier, you can call your local vet or animal shelter and ask for help.

They will check for a microchip. If the kitten has a microchip, you can contact the owner, so they can come and pick up their pet.

Never adopt a stray cat before you check for a collar and microchip because if the feline has a home, the owner can reclaim their pet anytime.

Moreover, if the feline has a home, there’s probably a devastated owner looking for their beloved pet. So, always check for a microchip before rehoming a stray kitten.

Help the Stray Cat Find a Forever Home

Finally, if you don’t want to adopt the feline, I suggest contacting a no-kill animal shelter or rehoming facility. These institutions will find the homeless cat a new family, as they’re experts at matching shelter cats with proper homes.

*image by wirestock_creators/depositphotos