What to Feed a Stray Cat: Safe & Unsafe Food Options

If you’re a cat lover, you probably care about stray kittens as much as you care for your pets, and that’s admirable.

We often think strays don’t need our help because they hunt for themselves. The truth is that stray kittens survive off the mercy of people.

They catch small animals and insects and rummage through our trash but still need our help to survive. After all, we’re the ones who domesticated these animals.

So, if you have stray cats hanging out in your neighborhood, show those furry balls love by leaving food. You don’t need to run to the store every time you see strays.

You can feed stray kittens animal-based products (because they’re carnivores), such as turkey, chicken, tuna, scrambled eggs, etc.

I will share more safe food options below, but make sure you check this guide to learn how to tell if a cat is a stray.

Is it OK to Feed a Stray Cat?

Some people suggest that you shouldn’t feed stray cats because they can keep coming back to your home, yard, or lawn.

They can also overpopulate, carry diseases, and annoy your neighbors.

I’m a problem-solver, so I always look for solutions.

You can easily solve these “issues” by taking stray cats in your neighborhood to the vet and checking their health unless they’re feral cats.

I’m sure local animal rescue groups will help vaccinate, deworm, and treat stray cats for fleas if you ask for their help.

If they’re healthy, you can proceed with neutering or spaying and finding these cats a home, if possible. Local animal rescue groups can help you “catch” stray cats, so inform yourself about their TNR or trap-neuter-rescue programs.

Not feeding strays so they can die isn’t the solution.

How to Keep a Stray Kitten Safe?

Once you start feeding stray kittens, there’s a chance they will come back stronger and with companions.

Also, they will reproduce at a higher rate because they consume high-calorie cat food. Still, that’s not a reason for letting stray cats die out of hunger.

Still, remember that some cities have laws and ordinances against feeding stray kittens. So, inform yourself of the local rules before you feed a stray or feral cat.

Additionally, ignoring the neighbors who don’t like strays might result in the cats getting poisoned, beaten, etc.

You know this planet isn’t safe for people, let alone kittens. Therefore, I suggest keeping the strays in your yard if you’re about to feed your new friends regularly.

You can build cat houses out of cardboard or other cheap materials. Also, leave a litter box in your yard the cats can use so they don’t visit other people’s properties.

Finally, if you have reasonable neighbors, you can suggest they place cat deterrents in their areas, such as pans filled with vinegar, lemon peels, etc.

What Can You Give Stray Cats to Eat: 7 Safe Food Options

Feeding stray cats has pros and cons. However, providing food for homeless cats isn’t dangerous unless there aren’t laws against this practice in your city.

Also, feeding stray cats isn’t as easy as you think. You should be careful what you feed stray kittens and how much food you leave for your new friends.

Experts suggest most adult felines consume about 5.5 ounces of canned cat food and 2 ounces of dry daily.

On the other hand, young kittens weaned from their mother’s milk need more food. And they should consume food for kittens only.

Whether you feed stray cats dry or wet food depends on the season.

In the summer, canned food can spoil quickly, so it’s better to give stray kittens dry food. Dry food doesn’t attract bugs, while wet food dries rapidly during summer.

If you only have canned food at hand, add extra water to help prevent drying out.

Also, pick up anything left uneaten after about 30 minutes because uneaten. The same goes for dry food. Remember that any food can spoil over time and make any cat sick.

Also, unpicked food can attract wildlife and bugs.

Extra tip: You can invest in ant-proof bowls or feeding stations if you reside in a warmer climate. Alternatively, add food-grade diatomaceous earth or baking soda around the food and water bowls.

You should also remove uneaten food during winter because leftovers can freeze or attract wildlife. As for the water in winter, I suggest using heated electric bowls.

Now, let’s discuss safe food options for stray cats.

1. Cat Food

If you own cats, you probably have cat food at home. Consider sharing your home cats’ food with stray kittens.

If you don’t have cats but still want to feed the homeless in your area, I suggest buying wet and dry cat food from reputable cat food brands. You can never go wrong with cat food.

However, if you can’t buy cat food immediately, consider the following options.

2. Canned or Cooked Fish

Salmon, tuna, and other fish can fill a stray kitten’s tummy.

Remember that fish isn’t something you should give any cat regularly. It’s a safe option when you don’t have anything else on hand, but don’t feed cats with tuna daily.

Also, avoid fish canned in salt and oil. Instead, offer stray cats tuna canned in water.

In my experience, most cats enjoy tuna because it’s delicious and smells so strong that even stray cats that still don’t trust you will approach your property and have a bite.

If you only have plain fish, don’t worry. Cats will still consume cooked fish. In fact, it’s a much better option than canned fish for humans.

3. Chicken and Beef

Cats love meat because they’re carnivores. Therefore, you can feed feral cats boneless and cooked chicken or beef.

You can make the meal more appealing by adding a small amount of boiled rice or even unseasoned cooked eggs.

4. Rice and Sweet Potatoes

As I already suggested, you can combine meat with some rice and create the ideal meal for stray kittens. Other safe food options for homeless kittens include sweet potatoes.

These food items will make stray kittens feel full and help their digestion.

5. Oatmeal

Cats need animal protein because they’re carnivores, but you can feed strays oatmeal if you don’t have any meat at home.

However, like canned fish, you shouldn’t feed stray cats grains regularly unless you also provide animal protein.

Also, always offer cats cooked and unseasoned meals because they shouldn’t consume raw meat and seasoned food.

Most cats won’t eat grains unless they haven’t eaten for days because felines generally don’t like the texture of oatmeal.

6. Cooked Eggs

You can never go wrong with eggs because they’re technically animal protein.

So, you can feed your stray kittens cooked and unseasoned scrambled or boiled eggs if you don’t have cat food or meat at home.

Avoid cooking the eggs with butter and oils.

7. Some Fruits and Vegetable

Cooked broccoli doesn’t sound too appealing to people, let alone kittens, but they might take a bite if they’re hungry enough.

You can cook certain vegetables for stray cats, including sweet potatoes, broccoli, and carrots, without butter, oils, salt, and other spices.

If you don’t have these vegetables at home, try fruits like bananas and cantaloupe.

Sometimes, I feed strays mashed sweet potato and cooked meat. Other human meals I cook for homeless cats include ground liver, oats and pumpkin mash, yogurt, and chicken broth.

Want NOT to Feed a Stray Cat: 3 Foods You Should Avoid

You can’t feed homeless cats anything because certain foods can cause different health issues. Here’s a list of foods you should never give home and stray cats.

1. Milk

Avoid giving kittens milk because cats shouldn’t drink milk, despite popular belief. They don’t have the proper enzymes to process cow’s milk that we buy in stores.

Instead of milk, I suggest giving stray cats clean water and cat or solid human food.

You can only give young kittens milk, but not any milk. You should feed baby kitties with a specialized formula. Most people use a syringe for feeding. You can use your finger if you don’t have a syringe.

Note: Young kittens need extra attention and a special milk formula that resembles their mother’s milk. Sometimes, they should be rehomed with another mother cat.

Therefore, I suggest contacting a local animal rescue group as quickly as possible if you see abandoned baby kittens.

2. Dog Food

Some dog owners think feeding cats dog food isn’t bad, but they’re wrong. Although cat and dog food look similar, they’re quite different.

Dog food lacks vitamin A, taurine, arachidonic acid, and meat proteins, which cats need regularly.

In short, dog food isn’t toxic to cats. However, it’s also not made to meet their nutritional needs, so avoid giving homeless kittens dog food.

3. Most Fruits and Vegetable

Cats aren’t vegan or vegetarian. They’re carnivores. So, they can’t survive off fruits and vegetables alone.

Cats can consume some fruits and vegetables (see above). However, you should avoid feeding stray kittens every fruit or vegetable at home.

If you feed kittens tomatoes and potatoes, they might experience GI problems.

Therefore, when choosing the proper food for stray cats, consider food with high protein levels.

WARNING: Never feed kittens chocolate, garlic, onions, grapes, and avocado because they’re toxic to cats.

How Often to Feed a Stray Cat?

You should feed stray cats every 8-10 hours. Stray cats also need water, so don’t forget to put a bowl of fresh water next to the food bowl and change it regularly.

Where Should You Feed a Stray Cat?

If you give stray cats food once, there’s a high chance they will come back to your home for more.

Although most people don’t mind stray kittens roaming their neighborhoods, some don’t like homeless animals near their homes.

So, I suggest feeding stray kittens somewhere more discreet that’s easily accessible but away from neighbors and busy roads.

Also, consider building feeding stations out of plastic containers with holes cut into their sides, so the food and water bowls will stay safe from the elements.

Moreover, I suggest feeding stray cats at the same time every day, preferably during the day. Feeding stray kittens while the sun’s still up can help chase wildlife away.

Unfortunately, some cities and homeowners associations forbid feeding stray cats. Also, some neighbors don’t like stray cats hanging around in their neighborhoods.

So, check the local laws before becoming a professional stray cat feeder.

What Can I Feed a Stray Cat if I Don’t Have Cat Food?

If you don’t have cat food, you can feed stray cats human foods, such as cooked ground beef, cooked steak, cooked turkey, canned meats, such as salmon and tuna, scrambled or boiled eggs, lobster, scallops, etc.

Remember that felines need animal protein because they’re carnivores. If you feed cats plant-based foods, they could get sick and pass away.

Can I Feed a Stray Cat Milk?

There’s a myth circling for years that cats love milk. That’s not what their stomachs say. Although some cats will drink milk, their stomach doesn’t have the proper enzymes that will properly process the milk.

Therefore, you shouldn’t feed stray kitten milk unless you want the animal to experience stomach upset. Yogurt works better for cats because it’s easier to process thanks to the live bacteria within the product.


There’s a large number of homeless cats in the US. (*)

As a cat lover, I understand why you want to feed a stray kitten, but feeding strays isn’t allowed in some cities.

So, check the local laws before feeding the stray cats in your community.

If feeding stray felines in your city isn’t prohibited, you can give abandoned cats wet and dry cat food.

However, if you don’t have cat food at home, chicken, beef, canned or cooked fish, plain boiled rice, broccoli, oatmeal, and sweet potatoes, can satisfy the appetite of stray kittens.

Cats eat meat, so consider animal protein when choosing food for your stray cat.

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*Image by OlegDoroshenko/depositphotos