Why Do Cats Put Their Butt in Your Face?

cat put butt in your face

You’re watching Netflix on the couch when all of a sudden, your cat jumps into your lap. However, instead of purring and cuddling, your feline puts their butt right in your face for no apparent reason. You might feel offended by your cat’s behavior, but you shouldn’t because it’s a normal thing among cats themselves, …

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Why Do Cats Scratch You When You Pet Them?

cats scratch when petting

Cats aren’t as strange as you think. They’re actually simple creatures with limited ways of communicating with people. And scratching’s one of their communication tools. For instance, some felines scratch at the start of the petting session. Others exhibit this behavior after you stop stroking their back. Alternatively, most cats scratch their owners if they …

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Do Cats Like the Dark or Light?

cats like darkness

Cats love the night but don’t have superhero-like night vision. They’re crepuscular, which means they’re mostly active at dawn or dusk. However, felines still need a minimum of light at night for orientation purposes. Below, you will learn more about your cat’s vision and if your cat prefers the dark, so let’s dive right in. …

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Best Place To Pet A Cat: The Only Guide You’ll Ever Need!

petting cat

Most cats love petting as long as you don’t touch certain areas of their bodies. Most cat owners don’t know that cats prefer being pet on their back, around the cheeks, chin, ears, and forehead. However, it’s game over if you touch their belly, feet, or tail. There’s a reason why most cats don’t allow …

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Logical and Spiritual Meaning When a Stray Cat Follows You

stray cat follows you

Unlike feral cats, stray cats approach people because they likely had a home and owner at one point in their life. Therefore, they don’t fear people. On the contrary, stray felines recognize cat lovers and sometimes even follow some people home. Logical reasons stray cats follow people home include hunger, thirst, pain, curiosity, etc. However, …

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What Does it Mean When a Stray Cat Comes to Your House?

stray cat comes to house

When a stray cat follows you home or appears at your front door out of nowhere, you’re probably assuming the animal’s hungry or sick. And you’re probably right. Most homeless cats approach people when they need food or help. The cat probably hasn’t eaten for days or needs medical assistance. Can you tell if a …

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How to Tell if a Cat is a Stray: 15 Signs

stray cat signs

Most stray cats were someone’s pet at one point in their life. Many mistake stray felines for feral cats because they’re not familiar with the differences between stray and feral cats. However, they’re not the same animals. Stray felines have been socialized with people. On the other hand, feral cats have never been around people …

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How to Tell if a Stray Cat is Pregnant: Signs & Ways You Can Help

stray pregnant cat

You can’t tell if a stray cat is pregnant by just looking at the animal. Sure, cars have darkened nipples and swollen abdomen when pregnant. However, you can’t confirm pregnancy without a blood test, x-rays, ultrasound, or abdominal palpation. Moreover, cats can also experience pseudopregnancy or false pregnancy. Therefore, if you’re worried about a stray …

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Where Do Stray Cats Hide Their Kittens Outside?

feral cats hide their kittens

Stray cats hide their kittens for two obvious reasons: safety and protection. If you’re a cat person worried about the safety of a stray female cat and her babies in your neighborhood, you can help the mother cat by providing food, water, and shelter. However, you can’t easily find where feral cats hide their kittens …

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What to Feed a Stray Cat: Safe & Unsafe Food Options

feed stray cats

If you’re a cat lover, you probably care about stray kittens as much as you care for your pets, and that’s admirable. We often think strays don’t need our help because they hunt for themselves. The truth is that stray kittens survive off the mercy of people. They catch small animals and insects and rummage …

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Stray Cat Meowing at My Door Meaning and What to Do

stray cat meowing door

As a cat lover, I believe kittens can sense who’s a cat person, and that’s how they know whose door to knock on. However, I can’t prove this theory, so I can only assume kitties have a sixth sense. The truth could be that stray kittens meow at your door because they’re hungry, hurt, or …

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How to Attract a Stray Cat: The Ultimate Guide

attract stray cats

Americans adore felines. We have about 85 million pet cats, but we also have the same number of stray cats roaming our streets, dying of hunger. Reports say between 60 and 100 million stray cats live in the US. Therefore, if you’re a cat lover but don’t own one yet, please consider adopting instead of …

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Do Cats Eat Roaches: 4 Reasons Why They Shouldn’t

cats eat roaches

Sometimes, cockroaches enter the wrong household with cats and get eaten, but why in the world would cats eat cockroaches? Well, most felines aren’t scared of cockroaches like some people. On the contrary, their hunting instincts kick in when they spot a cockroach. First, they hunt the cockroach down, then consume the lifeless body. And …

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My Cat Ate a Fly: Can Cats Eat Flies?

cats eat flies

Cats love hunting insects, including flies. When they see flies in their territory, they stalk, chase, and catch the bugs. And sometimes, they eat their prey. If your cat ate a fly, don’t worry; felines can’t die from consuming flies. However, these bugs carry harmful bacteria, pathogens, and fungi that cause infections and diseases. Additionally, …

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