Can Cats Eat Tortillas?

cat eat tortillas

Most people love tortillas. They’re flat, thin pancakes made of maize or plain flour, consumed hot or cold, often with a meat-based savory feeling. If you prepare and enjoy tortillas regularly and own a cat, you’re probably wondering if you can share this delicious snack with your furry friend. Can cats eat tortillas? The short …

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Are Daffodils Poisonous to Cats?

daffodils poisonous cats

Many flower enthusiasts love daffodils because they’re low-maintenance plants that emerge during spring. Also known as Narcissus (their botanical name), these showy flowering bulbs belong to the Amaryllidaceae family. Other common names for daffodils include “jonquil” and “paper white.” Unfortunately, you can’t have daffodils at home if you’re a cat owner as they’re toxic to …

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Are Tulips Toxic to Cats?

tulips toxic to cats

You might be wondering, ‘are tulips bad for cats?’ The lovely tulips appear in early spring and last 5-12 days, so if you have cats that walk freely outdoors, you should watch them around your tulips as they’re toxic to cats. Cats sniff and munch on different plants and grass outdoors. They’re curious, so there’s …

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Cat Suddenly Walking Like Drunk: Possible Reasons

cat walking like drunk

Seeing your once graceful cat stumble around like a drunk person, acting all weird, can be a traumatic experience for both the cats and their owners. The reason why my cat is walking weird can be vestibular disease. Loss of balance can happen when injuries or illnesses disrupt the vestibular apparatus in the inner ear, …

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Cat Acts Like Something Stuck in Mouth: Possible Causes & Helpful Tips

something stuck cat mouth

Suddenly your feline drools and acts like there’s something stuck in their mouth? Usually, this behavior occurs because of tooth-related issues, including tooth cavity, tooth abscess, or gum infection. Your vet can solve any dental or oral issues that cause your cat’s weird behavior, so don’t worry. Just call your vet’s office and ask for …

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Do Cats Remember Their Owners and People?

cats remember owners

So, do cats remember people? Cats, unlike other domesticated animals such as dogs, don’t recognize their owners as superiors. In fact, they don’t even recognize their owners by sight. Instead, they recognize their favorite humans by scent and sound. They also remember the person who fed them, played with them, and took care of them …

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Can Cats Eat Salmon?

cats eat salmon

Cats love salmon just as much as they love tuna. It’s a type of fish rich in nutrients, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein, so it’s suitable for your feline. However, salmon shouldn’t be your cat’s primary food source, just like tuna. In fact, cats can get addicted to salmon and may start to refuse regular …

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Can Cats Eat Tuna?

cats eat tuna

It’s well-known fact that cats love eating fish, but does tuna make a good choice for your feline? Can cats have tuna that’s manufactured for human consumption? The short answer is yes, but the long answer is that they should eat fish in moderation as they can be addicted to this treat, whether it’s cat …

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Can Cats Eat Beef: Types of Steak

cats eat steak

Cats can eat many different types of meat including beef, chicken, turkey, and small amounts of lean deli meats, but note that you should cook the meat for your kitten. Cats obtain their protein from meat which helps their heart, vision, and reproductive system, however, they shouldn’t eat raw and/or spoiled meat as they can …

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Can Cats Eat Potatoes?

cat eat potatoes

You can feed your cat plain-cooked potatoes. In small amounts, they’re not harmful to kittens. However, some potato recipes aren’t suitable for kittens. Take mashed potatoes for example. The ingredients in this recipe put kittens at risk of gastroenteritis. Most recipes for potatoes call for milk, butter, and/or cheese. And since most cats become lactose …

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White Poop in Cats: 6 Possible Causes

white cat poop

You can learn a lot about your feline’s overall health from their poop. Experts say that different colors of your cat’s poop can reveal different health conditions. And if any unusual symptoms persist for more than a few days, you should take your cat to the vet for a regular check-up. In this article, I …

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Black Cat Poop: Possible Reasons and Cures

black cat poop

You can learn a lot about cats’ well-being from their poop. When examining your feline’s poop, consider the color, consistency, and contents to help learn more about your cat’s health status. Normal cat poop is brown. Therefore, if you see a black poop in your cat’s litter box, there’s probably bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal …

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9 Home Remedies to Stop Cats From Pooping on Carpet

cat pooping carpet

Cats don’t usually poop outside their litter box, even if they’re not trained to poop in a litter box, as they’re one of the cleanest animals out there. Therefore, if they’re pooping outside of their litter box, there’s something wrong with their litter box or your cat has health problems that must be handled quickly. …

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Why is My Elderly Cat Suddenly Pooping on the Floor: Possible Reasons & Solutions

elderly cat pooping on floor

As cats grow older, their habits and behaviors change. For instance, some cats may avoid their litter box and poop on the floor all of a sudden for different reasons. Typically, changes in behavior in older, potty-trained cats occur because of health issues such as diabetes and urinary tract infections. Below, I will discuss possible …

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Cat Purring While Sleeping: 5 Possible Reasons

cat purring sleeping

Cats usually purr when they’re happy and relaxed, self-healing, dreaming, and even when they’re feeling sick. Therefore, if your cat’s purring while sleeping, don’t worry. It’s a natural and normal thing. Moreover, cats can’t control their purring and I will discuss why below. So, let’s dive right in and learn all about cats and purring. …

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