Putting A Dog Down: Is It Ethical?

putting a dog down

If you searched this topic, there’s probably one thing on your mind: When to put your beloved pet down? Unfortunately, there are no clear-cut answers to this question, but below, you will find ways to ease the decision for you and your pet.  Before we discuss this decision, let’s consider what to expect when you …

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What Are The Best Food Names For Dogs? Find Out Here!

food names for dogs

How often have you wanted to call your dog over but couldn’t think of his name? Well, we’re here to help you pick the best food names for dogs so that you can always be sure to yell out the correct word when necessary.  Whether it’s breakfast time or playtime, your dog will surely appreciate …

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Dogue de Bordeaux: Temperament, Characteristics & Care

dogue de bordeaux

Finding your new family pet can be exciting and challenging, especially if you are looking for a unique dog you’re not likely to run into on every street corner.  A French Mastiff, also known as a Dogue de Bordeaux, might be the perfect match for you and your family if you are looking for an …

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Why Do Dogs Yawn? Find Out Here!

why do dogs yawn

Have you ever watched TV and witnessed your dog let out one of those wide-mouthed yawns that seem to go on forever? You don’t know why this happens, but we’re going to explore the science behind doggy yawns today. Don’t worry; we won’t get too technical! Just stick with us; you’ll have all the answers …

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The Cutest And Most Adorable English Dog Names

english dog names

Are you overjoyed with your new furry family member? Whether you’re an anglophile, a royal house fan, or one of those dog lovers of British culture and history, the United Kingdom offers many ideas for dog names. While most dog names have become multicultural, some are infused with British culture. As a result, dog owners …

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Dog Peeing In House? Learn Why And How To Stop It!

dog peeing in house

Suddenly, your dog is peeing in the house, and you do not know how to react or do about it. As a dog owner, you trained your dog to do daily activities, and now your canine friend seems to have forgotten everything you taught. This new dog’s behavior makes you nervous and disturbed, so what …

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Best Home Remedies For Ear Mites In Dogs

home remedies for ear mites in dogs

No one wants to see their dog unhappy and in distress, right? These pets are humans’ best friends, and no owner can stand seeing their dog suffer. So, to avoid putting your dog in any life-threatening situation, you must seek veterinary advice to get effective treatment. However, you can look for some home treatments to …

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Nicotine Poisoning In Dogs

nicotine poisoning in dogs

Nicotine poisoning in dogs is not an uncommon event that happens once in a lifetime. However, nicotine poisoning is severe and can occur whenever your canine friend comes close to cigarettes, cigarette butts, electronic cigarettes, or even nicotine gums. Chewing tobacco, nicotine exposure, or any nicotine ingested can lead to nicotine toxicity, so if you …

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Can Dogs Eat Vanilla?

can dogs eat vanilla

Yes, dogs can eat vanilla, but only in its pure form. Still, this offers no health benefits, so you might often reconsider your decision to give your dog vanilla. Although the response to the question ‘Can dogs eat vanilla?’ is yes, you should know that vanilla provides only minimal nutrient content for your dog with …

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What Does it Mean When a Dog’s Ears Are Back

dog's ears are back

Dogs’ facial expressions and body language differ significantly from those of their human friends. So while your dog may not have the same complex expressions as you, it has another communication method. Animal behaviorists and trainers have discovered the various reasons dogs’ ears are pushed back, and studying ear placement is helpful to owners. Dog …

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