Can Dogs Eat Cat Food? Everything You Should Know 

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The question “can dogs eat cat food” is not uncommon among people who have dogs and cats. There’s always that drive in dogs that makes them eat cat foods. However, if you own both these pets when you keep a close watch on them, and you’ll realize that dogs love cat food. 

Dogs eating cat foods have become normalized in many households. Sometimes, you see dogs eating the same meal as cats even when theirs is also served. This is where the question of can dog eat feline food comes in to be sure your dog is safe from consuming cat food. For every pet parent, your dog’s health should be your priority. 

So, in this article, we’ll answer with concise meaning everything you need to know about the question; “can dogs eat cat food” and proffer solutions to stopping it. So, you sit back and read on ahead. 

Dogs And Cats Nutrition: The Differences 

If you are the privileged owner of both a dog and a cat, you may find yourself curious about the differences that exist between dog foods and feline foods. 

Because dogs love eating cat food, sometimes you don’t even mind checking their nutritional needs. You must do it. 

There are specific nutrients that are not present in dog food that is necessary for the survival of cats. Below is a breakdown of the differences between dog and cat food. 

#1. Cats Are Obligate Carnivores

Cats are obligate carnivores. For them to thrive, they require nutrients that can only be found in animal-based foods, such as muscle and organ meat.

Suppose a cat nutriment recipe does not include any components derived from animals. Then, the formulation of the food must be thoroughly reviewed to determine whether or not it may still meet a cat’s dietary requirements.

What sets cats apart from other animals? First, cats lost the metabolic ability to convert these nutrients into a form that they could use over time. 

Because they consume animals that have already eaten and metabolized some essential nutrients, in contrast to semi-carnivores like dogs, cats have a more condensed digestive tract and a changed capacity of their liver to produce enzymes related to protein digestion.

#2. Amino Acids 

Amino acids are the building blocks of dietary protein, and cats have a greater demand for them than dogs do. 

They require taurine in their food, but their enzymatic activity for producing taurine from amino acids like methionine and cysteine is quite low. 

If cats are not given taurine in adequate quantities, they are more likely to suffer from dilated cardiomyopathy, which is a condition that affects the heart, as well as reproductive failure, improper development as kittens, and retinal degeneration.

Ornithine, which binds the ammonia produced by the body when it breaks down protein, can only be made from arginine because cats can only use that particular amino acid to make it. 

Therefore, arginine is an essential component of cats’ diets. Ammonia has a high toxicity level, and ingestion of excessive amounts can lead to death. However, there are different pathways that dogs can take to produce ornithine.

#3. Fatty Acids

Your pet’s body cannot produce essential fatty acids. Hence, they can only be assimilated from the diets they eat. 

For instance, Arachidonic is a fatty acid that dogs produce; however, cats cannot. 

Therefore, it’s clear that the fatty acid requirements of cats and dogs vary completely. Whilst you check the fatty acid contents that your cats eat, for dogs, it’s not entirely necessary because their bodies produce them in significant amounts.

#4. Vitamins

Cats can’t produce sufficient amounts of niacin or the active form of vitamin A. (a B vitamin). 

These vitamins are necessary for a variety of processes, including the maintenance of healthy eyes and skin, as well as the synthesis of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into usable forms of energy. 

Dogs, on the other hand, have metabolic pathways that allow them to change the pre-vitamin forms of these substances into the active forms of those metabolites.

#5. Minerals 

Calcium is essential for both dogs and cats, but animals get it from quite different sources. 

Calcium can be obtained in sufficient quantities from plant-based sources such as kale and broccoli by dogs, while cats need to consume meat to make up for their calcium shortage.

#6. Calories 

Cat nutriment typically has a higher total calorie count than dog food.

This is because cats require additional energy to maintain their high-protein diets. On the other hand, because they do not need too much protein, dogs may get by just fine on a diet that has a lot fewer calories.

It is okay to feed your cat canned food in an emergency if you can not find their regular diet, but you should not do it very often.

What May Happen If A Dog Eats Cat Food?

Is cat food bad for dogs?

There are health issues associated with your dogs consuming a significant amount of cat food regularly or if you feed your pup cat food instead of dog food as part of its diet. 

This is because cat food does not contain the appropriate ratio of protein to fiber, nor does it contain all of the nutrients that are necessary for dogs to maintain good health.

Dogs can make it through a dire situation by eating cat food, but doing so regularly might cause digestive issues, obesity, and pancreatitis due to the nutrient imbalance that results. 

Pancreatitis needs to be treated right away by a veterinarian. Pain in the abdominal region and a hunched back are the two most common symptoms.

Other symptoms include lethargy and weakness, loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea, a distended abdomen, and fever. 

Even if your dog can consume cat food without showing any outward signs of discomfort, the high levels of protein in cat nutriment can be taxing on its liver and kidneys.

Why Can’t Dogs Eat Cat Food?

Because cat foods are typically higher in fat contents, proteins, and calories, it’s not ideal for dogs, so they do not run into health problems, especially for dogs with very sensitive stomachs. 

These symptoms include gastrointestinal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. Feeding cat food to dogs should only be done in cases of emergencies. This is because cat foods are bad for dogs to consume in the long run. 

Try to make sure dogs eat dog food, and cats should eat kitten food.

Can Dogs Eat Cat Food In An Emergency? 

Yes, certain situations can lead to dogs eating cat food. For example, in an emergency, you can introduce cat food to dogs.

No matter how prepared we are for emergencies, they still take us by surprise. In the case of emergencies, you can feed your dog cat nutriment but not regularly. 

Given an emergency, you wouldn’t have time to make both foods for your pets, so you can make your cat’s food and allow your dog to eat with it. However, a dog eating cat food should be as minimal as possible, so they do not run into health issues.

If you ever find yourself in a position where you have no choice but to feed your dog cat food, you should be sure to combine it with some of their usual nutriment. Or wet cat food so that they receive all of the nutrients that they require.

How Should You Respond If Your Dog Ate Cat Food?

Be on the lookout for any strange reactions. For example, it is possible that your dog’s digestive system may become disturbed after eating kitten nutriment. 

Dogs may experience vomiting and diarrhea as side effects, although these symptoms should subside quickly. However, if these symptoms continue, contact your veterinarian.

Tricks To Prevent Your Dog from Eating Cat Food

Dogs are tempted to eat cat foods. There are ways you can train them to stop eating kitten foods. They are listed below: 

Start By Making Their Food Bowls Easily Distinguishable 

It may be difficult for them to distinguish between a bowl full of kibble that they are permitted to consume and another bowl full of kibble that they are not permitted to consume. 

Make things easier for your dog by giving each dish a very distinct appearance. For example, try with various sizes and hues of bowls, and if you put a placemat down for your pet’s bowls, try with a variety of placemats as well. 

You should make a conscious effort to make your cat’s food bowl easily distinguishable from your dog’s food bowl. 

Teach Your Dog The “Leave It” Command

Introduce some cat nutriment to your dog after they have mastered the “Leave It” command, and keep doing so until they can effectively ignore the food. 

It may take several weeks of regular practice, but as long as you remain persistent with your training, you will eventually have it together.

Don’t Let Your Dog Get Access To Cat Food

Separating your pets whenever food is present is the most effective strategy to prevent your dog from eating your cat’s food. 

To begin, you should take your cat’s bowl to a different room, preferably one that is out of your dog’s reach. 

If your dog is never allowed access to the food that your cat eats, then the cat will never have the chance to steal it. 

Here are some options:

  • Install a solid baby gate that only your cat can get through if you have a dog that is on the smaller side.
  • If you have a large dog, you should install a small cat-flap in the door or set up a tall baby gate in the doorway with a small opening for your cat. Both of these options will help keep your cat safe.
  • After your cat has finished eating, put away any food that remains uneaten.
  • Place the bowl that the cat uses to eat on a high surface, such as a counter, cabinet, washing machine, cat tree, or bookshelf. 



By now, I believe the question “can dogs eat cat food” has been answered with a detailed explanation. It’s important to know these things so you can keep your pets safe and know how best to prepare or make their diets. Similarly, with the points above, you’re also equipped with the knowledge of how you can stop dogs from eating kitten foods. 

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*photo by nightlyviolet – depositphotos