Do Dogs Get Bored?

Just like humans, dogs can get bored. In fact, boredom is one of the main reasons why dogs end up in shelters. Boredom can lead to destructive behavior, so it’s important to keep your pup mentally and physically stimulated.

There are a number of ways to keep your canine from getting bored, including providing them with toys and puzzles, taking them on walks and runs, and enrolling them in dog sports or classes.

When it comes to preventing boredom, the key is to find what works for your pup and then make sure to mix things up regularly. This will help keep your furry friend happy and healthy for years.

Bored Canines Become Destructive

Many people believe that when dogs are bored, they become destructive. Unfortunately, this is often the case, especially when they are confined to a small space or left alone for lengthy periods.

Without anything to do, they can become restless and destructive, chewing on furniture, digging through trash cans, or barking incessantly. But, of course, not all dogs will react this way to boredom. Some may simply curl up and sleep, while others may find ways to entertain themselves.

However, it is essential to provide your pup with plenty of toys and activities to keep them mentally and physically stimulated. Like people, dogs need mental and physical stimulation to lead contented lives. Otherwise, you may come home to find your favorite chair in pieces!

With a little effort, pet owners can help ensure that their dogs never become bored – and save their furniture from being destroyed. So don’t forget to keep your canine involved in activities – it’s vital for their health and your peace of mind!

Why Dogs Get Bored?

Preventing dog boredom is essential for a dog’s overall health and well-being. There are a variety of reasons why dogs may start showing signs of lethargy, including a lack of exercise, a lack of mental stimulation, and even a change in routine. To combat your dog’s boredom, you need to understand why they’re bored in the first place and then take steps to address the issue.

A lack of exercise is one of the most common reasons dogs can get bored. But, just like us humans, dogs need to get out and move their bodies to stay physically and mentally healthy.

A dog without enough opportunities to run around and burn off pent-up energy is more likely to become bored and start exhibiting destructive behaviors. Pet parents can combat this by ensuring their dog gets plenty of exercise, whether going on daily walks or runs at dog parks, playing fetch in the backyard, or even just going for a swim at the local dog beach.

In addition to physical activity, dogs also need mental stimulation to stay happy and avoid boredom. Dogs are incredibly smart creatures and need to be challenged with mental and physical stimulation daily. 

One way to do this is with dog toys that encourage problem-solving, such as Kongs filled with treats or puzzles that dispense food as your dog plays with them. You can also sign your dog up for obedience classes or agility training – this will provide mental stimulation and give you and your dog some quality bonding time.

Dogs can become restless, anxious, and even depressed without enough mental stimulation. To help keep your dog’s mind sharp, try incorporating puzzle toys into their playtime or teach them new tricks.

Signs of Boredom in Puppies

Is my puppy dog bored? It’s a common question dog owners ask, especially when they have a younger dog. After all, younger dogs typically need a lot more mental and physical stimulation than older dogs. They’re full of energy and still learning about the world around them.

But sometimes, even the most energetic dog can become bored. So if you’re wondering how to tell if your dog is bored, here are a few signs to look for.

One sign of puppy boredom is excessive chewing. So if your puppy starts chewing on furniture, shoes, or other objects they usually don’t chew on, it could be a sign that they’re bored.

Puppies chew for various reasons, including boredom, anxiety, or teething pain. If your pup is chewing excessively, it’s essential to provide plenty of chew toys and ensure they get enough physical exercise.

Another common sign of boredom is excessive barking. Younger dogs, in particular, have a lot of energy and need an outlet. So if your dog is barking more than usual, it’s likely because they’re bored and looking for something to do.

If you suspect your dog is bored, the best thing to do is talk to a dog trainer or behaviorist. They can help you figure out ways to mentally and physically stimulate your pup. Prevention is key when it comes to boredom in dogs, so take the necessary steps to keep your pup happy and healthy!

Signs That Your Dog Might Be Bored

Dogs are social animals that need mental stimulation and physical activity to stay happy and healthy. A bored dog can become destructive, anxious, or depressed. Look out for these signs if you think your dog might be bored.

If your dog spends more time chewing on furniture, shoes, or other objects around your home, it could signify boredom. Chewing relieves stress and provides mental stimulation for dogs, so if your furry friend seems to be doing it more often than usual, they may be bored.


Like chewing, digging is another way for dogs to relieve stress and burn off energy. If your dog has started digging holes in your yard or trying to escape from your home, they may be bored or frustrated. If you provide them with an appropriate outlet for their digging (like a sandbox), they may be less likely to do it elsewhere. 

Over Excitement 

A dog who becomes overly excited when someone comes to the door or sees another dog on a walk might indicate that they need more excitement in its life. On the other hand, bored dogs often become quickly excited because anything new is better than nothing. If your dog often seems overexcited, try adding new toys or activities to their routine.         

Excessive Licking 

Excessive licking can be a sign of boredom or anxiety in dogs. If your dog is licking their paws excessively or obsessively cleaning themselves, they may need more mental stimulation or physical activity. To help them out, try adding a puzzle toy to their routine or taking them on longer walks/runs. 

Escaping and Running Away 

Dogs that are looking for an adventure may try to escape from their yards or homes. This behavior can be dangerous, so if you think your dog is bored because they’ve been trying to run away, it’s vital to take action immediately. Add some toys or steps to their routine, so they don’t get bored and start looking for ways to break free again.


Pacing back and forth is often a sign of boredom or anxiety in dogs. If you notice your furry friend pacing more than usual, try adding some new toys or activities to their routine to help them stay calm and relaxed. 

Panting Without Physical Explanation  

Dogs pant when they’re hot, after exercise, when they’re excited, or when they’re anxious. If you notice your dog panting when there’s no physical explanation for it (like heat or exercise), they may be experiencing boredom or anxiety. To help them out, try adding some new toys or activities to their routine, so they have something to focus on besides panting.

Pulling the Stuffing from Toys

Dogs that chew and pull the stuffing from their toys may be trying to relieve stress or burn off extra energy. If your dog does this more often than usual, they may be bored and need additional mental stimulation or physical activity. Try adding a new toy to their routine that encourages them to use their brain power instead of just pulling at stuffing.


Dogs bark for many reasons – excitement, fear, anxiety, boredom, hunger, etc. If you notice your dog barking more than usual, pay attention to what else is happening around them – are there other animals nearby? Are there people coming and going? Is there something that’s making them anxious? Once you identify the trigger for the barking, you can work on addressing the root cause of the problem instead of just silencing the barking itself.

Keeping Your Dog Busy Leads to Better Behavior

A bored dog is often a destructive dog. To prevent this, it’s important to keep your dog engaged and mentally stimulated. One way to do this is through physical exercise. For example, a good walk or game of fetch will help to tire your dog out and leave him less likely to engage in destructive behavior.

However, physical exercise is just one part of the equation. Dogs also need cognitive stimulation to stay happy and well-behaved. This can be in the form of obedience training, puzzle toys, or even simple games like hide-and-seek.

By providing both physical and mental stimulation, you can help your dog lead a happier, healthier life – and reduce the chances of him getting into trouble. A tired dog is a good dog, so keep your pup busy, and you’ll both be happy campers.

How to Keep Your Dog Entertained

When dogs are bored, they often act out in ways that are destructive to your home or belongings. That’s why it’s essential to keep them entertained! In this blog post, we’ll give you some tips on how to help your dog entertain himself, so they don’t have to resort to chewing on your shoes or chewing up the couch cushions.

Use Interactive Dog Toys 

One way to keep your dog busy is to use interactive toys. These are toys that require your dog to think in order to figure out how to get the toy to work.

For example, a Kong is a popular type of interactive toy that can be stuffed with food or treats. Your dog will have to figure out how to get the food out of the Kong in order to eat it. This is a great way to keep your dog’s brain engaged and challenged. 

Obedience Training 

Another way to keep your dog engaged is by doing obedience training with them. This can be as simple as teaching them basic commands like sit, stay, come, and down.

Not only will this help them listen and obey better, but it will also give them something to do! Dogs love having a job to do, and obedience training is a great way to provide them with one.

Give Your Dog a Jolly Ball 

Jolly balls are another great way to help your dog stay amused. These are balls that are made specifically for dogs and are often used as fetch toys.

Many dogs love playing fetch, and a jolly ball is the perfect toy for it! They’re also durable enough that they won’t be easily destroyed by your dog’s teeth. 

Hire a Dog Walker 

We all know how important it is to keep our dogs exercised – a bored dog can be a destructive dog. But sometimes work, and other commitments get in the way of us taking them for a walk ourselves. That’s where hiring a person to walk your canine comes in.

They will take your dog for a walk while you’re at work or busy with other things. And not just any old walk – they’ll ensure your dog gets to explore different smells and sights at dog parks or on a nature hike.

This is a great way to make sure your dog gets the exercise they need while also getting some fresh air and stimulating their senses. So if you’re finding it hard to fit in walks for your dog, hiring a dog walker could be the solution.

Take Your Pup to Doggy Daycare

For pet parents, one of the hardest parts of the day is leaving their dog at home alone. One solution is to schedule your dog for doggy daycare a few times a week. Daycare provides a chance for your dog to socialize with other dogs and will keep your dog mentally stimulated.

The staff will ensure your dog gets plenty of exercise, providing him with plenty of opportunities to play and explore. As a result, your dog will come home happy and healthy – and you will have peace of mind knowing that he is being well cared for.

Alternate Toys to Keep Your Dog’s Interest 

One final tip is to alternate between different types of toys so that your dog doesn’t get bored. For example, you could give them a Kong one day and then a jolly ball the next day.

Or you could take them for a walk one day and then play fetch with them the next day. By varying their routine, you’ll keep their interest level up and prevent them from getting bored easily. 

These are just some of the many ways you can keep your dog entertained so they don’t have to resort to destructive behavior when they’re bored. By using interactive toys, doing obedience training, giving them a jolly ball, hiring a dog walker, and alternating between different types of activities, you can ensure that your furry friend always has something fun to do!


Dogs are social animals that need mental stimulation and physical activity to stay happy. Conversely, a bored dog can become destructive, anxious, or depressed, so it’s crucial for you as pet owners (and guardians) to ensure your pup gets enough exercise every day!

Toys like chew treats will help prevent boredom before it starts by giving them an outlet when they’re restless, so there isn’t anything negative coming out in behavior, such as excessive barking at strange things happening around them, etc.

It may take some time, but with patience comes results; give these tips on how best to avoid procrastinating through making meaningful changes today!

Related topic: How to train an aggressive dog?

*photo by Prystai – depositphotos